Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1504: Meet and don't know each other

Song Qingshu has no plans to take action now. Although the cavalry of the Liao State is a bit troublesome, it is only a bit troublesome for him. The reason why he does not take action now is because there is too much movement, unless he kills all the people present. Otherwise, his identity would definitely not be able to hide, and thereafter a series of chain reactions he did not want to see.

He sighed secretly. Sometimes he had to envy his previous life to read online novels. Which of the heroes did not show the world with a sword, broke the situation with violence, and didn't care about any conspiracy and tricks. He was in this world with his hands and feet, and he was really a bit lost on the transgressors. face.

But Song Qingshu also understood that his goal was to dominate the world, not to defeat the world's masters with a sharp sword in his hand. In many cases, he always had to make choices and weigh the pros and cons.

Now that everyone ran out to save Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er in full view, it was by no means a wise choice in his opinion. Instead, he waited for them to be taken back to the prison, and the people in the dead of night would go to save the gods unconsciously.

Anyway, the leader of this group of cavalry was Yelvqi, and there was a friendship between the two sides, and he would probably not embarrass the two women during this period.

After everyone was captured by the Liao State cavalry, Song Qingshu quietly followed, all the way to the official residence where all the palaces were deployed. Relevant officials reviewed everyone in turn. Li Qinglu and others naturally claimed to be the Xixia mission, Xia Qingqing and Bing Xueer said they came here to play, and the man in black never said anything.

The most suspicious one is the man in black, but when his mask was removed, only an ordinary public face was revealed. The relevant officials deployed in the palaces could not see who it was, and finally discussed it. Fan, decided to put these people in jail first, and investigate the relevant background. Especially the group of people who claim to be Xixia Mission, they dare not neglect.

Song Qingshu took advantage of his time to get into the prison, and casually knocked out a jailer who pretended to be him. Not long after, the group of people were brought in one after another.

The group of people in Xixia are treated best, they are all neat and clean quiet rooms. After all, the people deployed in the palaces are also worried that they are really Xixia envoys; the rooms of Xia Qingqing and Bing Xueer are second, and many of them are taken care of by Yelvqi; As for the man in black, he was thrown into a normal cell, but he obviously didn't care, and he was very calm.

Song Qingshu, who was watching from the side, was secretly surprised: "This person is really strange, and I don't know what his trump card is." Song Qingshu is now wearing an ordinary jailer's clothes, and his face is deliberately touched. These are all These big people, how can their attention be on such a jailer.

In addition to the unexpected calmness of the people in black, Li Qinglu and his party were also calm and relaxed. After all, they were envoys of Xixia, and the only trouble was to explain why they slipped out of Xuanhuiyuan quietly.

On the contrary, Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er were the most disturbed. Although Yelvqi secretly told them to release them when the wind passed, they stayed in this prison, always worried about what would happen in the middle.

Song Qingshu was secretly funny, thinking about saving them as soon as possible after nightfall, so as not to worry them.

Before long, an official from all the palaces led the people to release Li Qinglu and others respectfully. Apparently they had verified Li Qinglu’s message: "We are extremely sorry for offending the princess this time, and we hope the princess will read it. This time it was an accident, please Haihan Duoduo."

"Where is Yelvqi, why doesn't he come in person?" Li Qinglu snorted coldly. She was a princess who was detained here naturally with anger.

The official said embarrassingly: "Master Yelu has gone to the palace face saint, and he is really lacking in skills, so he asked the official to bring him a sincere apology to the princess."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Song Qingshu in the dark almost laughed out loud. Unexpectedly, a gentleman like Yelvqi also learned how to steal and rape. Li Qinglu obviously knew this, but unfortunately she had no choice but to leave with a sullen face.

At this time, various voices came from the prison where the man in black was. Song Qingshu followed his reputation and saw that several officials began to interrogate the man in black. After all, he was the most suspicious from every aspect.

It's a pity that no matter what the officials asked, the people in black closed their eyes and kept their mouths silent, making the officials angry: "If you are stubborn, give me torture, depending on whether your mouth is hard or your bones are hard."

At this time the man in black finally opened his eyes and looked at the man coldly: "I advise you not to do this in the end, I am someone you can't afford to offend."

The official laughed in anger and said, "It's just a prisoner, and he still utters wild words here and beats me severely!"

A cold light flashed in the black-clothed man's eyes, as if he couldn't help his anger. Song Qingshu in the dark was suddenly startled. From the beginning to the end, the black-clothed man didn't have any fluctuations in his expression. At first, he thought he was this kind of face with a paralyzed face. , But now, when you look closely, he probably has changed.

Disguise is actually very common in the arena, but if you want to dissolve into whoever you want to look like, I am afraid that only Azhu and Song Qingshu are the only ones in the world. Because Song Qingshu's internal skills are supernatural, he can also change his body shape with luck. Physical characteristics, smell, etc., so he can be said to be blue out of blue and better than blue. As for the disguise of other people in the arena, they are very rough, often they can only change their own appearance, so that the enemy can't recognize him, but they can't easily become the person they want to become.

"This person won't be Murong Jingyue?" Looking at the man in black, Song Qingshu felt that this was even more possible. It just so happened that the jailer was about to execute him, so he could take the opportunity to test it.

"Stop it!" At this moment, the door of the cell opened, and a group of people walked in from the outside. The head of the man was wrapped in a cloak, but from his graceful and slender body, he could still tell that she was a woman, even though she was cloaked. She covered most of her face, but her exposed chin was smooth and round, her fair skin and delicate red lips, she was obviously an extremely beautiful woman.

But Song Qingshu's attention was not on her at all at this time, but on the person who looked like a guard behind her. This person has broad eyes and piercing eyes. It is obvious that his internal strength has reached a very high level.

"What the hell, how could it be him!" Song Qing's book thought that he had gone through the storm and had already cultivated to the state where Taishan collapsed and his expression remained unchanged, but now his face changed wildly.

But this is no wonder he, after all, whoever sees a long dead person standing in front of him alive again will be shocked beyond words.

This guard dressed up is Yuan Chengzhi who was killed by Dongfang Muxue on the top of Mount Tai!

"What Dongfang Muxue said last time is true?" Song Qing's book thought that Dongfang Muxue's words were just to dissolve Xia Qingqing's heart of revenge, and let him search for it with a vague possibility. Who knew it was actually resurrected.

And judging from his steps and breathing, Yuan Chengzhi's martial arts at this time not only did not weaken at all, but also went to the next level. Presumably this is the effect of Hunyuan Gong Nirvana mentioned by Dongfang Muxue before.

"It's really difficult now." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly. He clearly remembered how much Xia Qingqing loved Yuan Chengzhi back then. He tried all kinds of ways to avenge him, even feeding a tiger with his body.

If Qingqing knew that Yuan Chengzhi was still alive, how would she choose?

Although the relationship between him and Xia Qingqing has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past two years, reaching the point where the soul and the body are united, Song Qingshu still has no idea about Xia Qingqing's unswerving circumstances.

"What if she chooses Yuan Chengzhi?" Song Qingshu was secretly ruthless. If he didn't quietly solve Yuan Chengzhi, he would be treated as if he had never been resurrected, so Xia Qingqing would not have to struggle. Although Yuan Chengzhi's martial arts is not what it used to be, Song Qingshu is confident that it is not difficult to take his life.

However, this thought only passed in a flash. Song Qingshu quickly dispelled this thought. After all, this is different now, and his own pride does not allow such behavior.

"Let Qingqing choose one more time. Am I still inferior to Yuan Chengzhi?" Song Qingshu snorted coldly. "If Yuan Chengzhi was chosen, it would prove that she never belonged to me. What's so sad about her."

However, thinking of that possibility, he was still a little bit sour in his heart, and secretly made up his mind. If the situation really happened, it would be a big deal to force her to stay by his side. Although it was a bit unkind, he at least gave her the right to know...

"Hey," Song Qingshu suddenly thought of a very important thing. "The name of the Golden Snake King has become so popular these years. It is impossible that Yuan Chengzhi has never heard of it. Why hasn't he shown up? I watched I get his wife and Foundation?"

Of course, it’s useless now even if Yuan Chengzhi comes back. Today’s Golden Snake Camp is more than ten times stronger than the previous Golden Snake Camp. The ups and downs of the Golden Snake Camp have been beaten into pieces. Only a small part of it, who still recognizes him as the former leader?

Song Qingshu was stunned at this moment. The mysterious woman and Yuan Chengzhi had already turned and walked out. The man in black was also released and followed them leisurely.

"Hey, what is this woman's identity, so easy to take away the heavily suspected man in black?" Seeing the respectful attitude of those officials, Song Qingshu became more confused.

"Big Brother Yuan?" At this moment, Xia Qingqing's trembling voice suddenly sounded. When Yuan Chengzhi came in, he was on the other side of the road. Now when he goes back, he will just pass the room where she is. When he sees Yuan Chengzhi's appearance At first, Xia Qingqing couldn't believe it. After rubbing her eyes, she found that she was not dazzled, and finally couldn't help but shout out.

Her voice was particularly abrupt in the silent cell, and the group couldn't help but stop. Yuan Chengzhi turned around suspiciously, "Is the girl calling me?"

"Girl?" Xia Qingqing was startled, "you don't recognize me?"

Yuan Chengzhi took a close look at her, and wondered: "Should we know each other?"

Xia Qingqing opened her mouth and couldn't say anything for a while. The joy of the previous reunion was instantly shrouded in ice: Why did he pretend not to know himself? Is it because of the woman next to him, or because he knew me and Qing Shu? So I don’t want to recognize me? ...

At this time, the woman wrapped in a cloak said, "Guannan, we should go."

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