Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1505: Enormous size

The woman's voice was clear and sweet, but Song Qingshu had no time to admire at this time, but secretly pondered: "Guannan? This name is so familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere." It's a pity that he didn't have any clues after thinking about it for half a day.

Xia Qingqing was also dumbfounded, muttering to the word Guannan, wondering if she really recognized the wrong person? But she quickly rejected this idea. She was a husband and wife with Yuan Chengzhi, so how could she admit her husband wrong?

It's a pity that the other party didn't mean to stay at all. Hearing what the woman next to him said, he nodded and followed her, but he obviously also had suspicions in his heart. When he walked out the door, he subconsciously looked back and looked back at Xia Qingqing. , I always feel that this woman seems a bit familiar.

Song Qingshu secretly frowned and followed out quietly. There were too many doubts in his mind, whether it was Yuan Chengzhi or whether the man in black was Murong Jingyue or not, even the identity of the woman in the cloak was a mystery.

"Does he really know me?" Xia Qingqing stood there desperately, perceiving the blankness in his eyes.

Bing Xueer walked up to support her and asked softly, "Is that man Yuan Chengzhi?"

"Yes," Xia Qingqing nodded, "but why doesn't he recognize me."

"Perhaps he has his own problems." Although Bing Xueer thought of Song Qingshu in the first reaction, she was kind-hearted, and she had some pity for the same illness with Xia Qingqing, so she didn't say anything else, just quietly comforted.

Let’s say that Song Qingshu followed the group of people all the way, and when they saw them walking towards the palace, he could not help secretly wondering: “What are these people? Is Yuan Chengzhi really amnesia or pretending not to know Xia Qingqing?”

"Why don't you just send someone to pick me up? Why do you come in person!" Seeing leaving the prison area, the black-clothed old man reprimanded the woman with some irritation, "You are noble, how can you set foot in the prison!"

"Huh?" Song Qingshu became more puzzled. To know from the reaction of those in prison just now, this woman is obviously distinguished. I didn't expect that the black-clothed old man who was just a prisoner would dare to reprimand her like this. Isn't his true identity a quagmire? Middleman, but a man in the court?

Song Qingshu was originally a little surprised if Yelvqi and other officials hadn't recognized him if he was a member of the court. Later, he realized that he was changed, and soon he was relieved.

"This incident is not trivial. The Southern Song Dynasty mission was killed and the emperor was extremely angry. He even went directly past Dati Yinsi and Yili Biyuan. He ordered all palaces to deploy and strictly investigate the matter. If I send anyone here, I am afraid I can't do anything. Rescue you." The woman explained crisply.

On the surface, Datiyin Division was the institution in charge of royal clan affairs in the Liao Kingdom, but in fact it was similar to the Imperial City Division of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Huayiyuan of the Jin Kingdom, the Blood Drops and the Sticky Rods of the Qing Dynasty, and was a secret spy agency.

Yili Biyuan is similar to the criminal department of the Han dynasty. After all, the Liao Kingdom is a country established by the Khitans, and the names of some institutions are quite different from those of the Han dynasty.

The old man in black also understood the stakes and sighed, "But it is always wrong to fall into the eyes of other people."

The woman chuckled softly: "Don't worry, with my current position, no one dares to say anything to protect myself."

"Don't take it lightly. I don't know how many people in the palace want to wait for you to make a mistake," the black-clothed old man persuaded, "This time I was too careless, plus I was dragged by the Xixia people before I fell into it. Surrounded by Yelvqi."

Song Qingshu's heart moved in the dark. Hearing their conversation, the woman was indeed in the palace, but was she a palace maid, a princess, or... a concubine?

After the two parties talked for a while, they suddenly parted ways. The woman and Yuan Chengzhi walked towards the palace together, while the man in black turned and left on another road.

There have been people patrolling the vicinity of the palace, and seeing someone approaching a group of soldiers rushing over to question, the woman's hand raised a gold medal-like thing, and then the soldiers respectfully saluted and let them both into the palace.

Song Qingshu took a deep look at their backs, and finally chased them in the direction where the man in black disappeared. After all, the most important thing in his mind now is the whereabouts of Murong Jingyue. As for the mysterious identity of the woman, even the news of Yuan Chengzhi is far behind this matter.

"Who is your Excellency, it's time to show up after you have been with me for so long." When he reached a place, the black-clothed old man suddenly stopped and snorted coldly.

Song Qingshu walked out of the darkness, but his identity was inconveniently exposed, with a silver mask on his face.

The black-clothed old man changed darkly. In fact, he didn't feel anyone's breath at all. It was just that decades of cultivation made him faintly whim, so he stopped and shouted deliberately, but he didn't expect someone to come out.

"This man's martial arts is so high, I can't feel his breath at all." Looking at the other party not far in front, the black-clothed old man was surprised to find that there seemed to be no one in that place.

Song Qingshu didn't know that the black-clothed old man was cheating him, but even if he knew it, it didn't matter, he was planning to show up.

"Who the **** is your excellency!" The black-clothed old man's hairs all over his body almost exploded, and he was on guard for twelve minutes, defending and preparing to escape.

Song Qingshu didn't answer, but with a flash of figure, he grabbed his face directly. As long as he took off the disguise attire on his face, he would know if he was Murong Jingyue.

The black-clothed old man saw a flower in front of him, and the opponent's hand was less than three inches in front of him. He couldn't help but feel unhappy in his heart, but after all he has decades of pure skill, and he hurriedly lifted his palms in the critical moment, and he didn't ask for help Repulse the opponent, only to move the opponent's hand three feet away, and then make up his mind to take the opportunity to escape.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu casually brushed away the opponent's hands, but he was secretly startled in his heart. The opponent's internal strength seemed to be familiar, as if it was a mixed energy.

The black-clothed old man did not expect that the blow he had gathered for decades was easily resolved by the opponent. Seeing the opponent's hand fell, he was desperate: "It's nothing more~"

Who knew that the opponent's hand did not penetrate his head, but just tore off the person on his face-the leather mask.

He noticed that the other party was staring at him in a daze. How could the black-clothed old man dared to hesitate when he was dead and bald. , I can't escape at all.

But what made him ecstatic was that the other party stood in a daze without any intention of chasing him. How could he dare to stay, a few longitudinal jumps, had disappeared into the night.

Song Qingshu didn't chase the other person, because he knew that it wasn't Murong Jingyue, but another acquaintance-Jinyang hero Xiao Banhe. At the time, the two sides had dealt with each other at the Golden Snake Conference, and Xiao Banhe had also come to participate in the Golden Snake King competition, but the two sides did not match up.

However, because the blood knife ancestor took Shui Sheng abducted, Song Qingshu fought against Xiao Banhe on the road when he went to save her, knowing that he had some friendship with the Shui family.

"Look at Sheng'er's face." Song Qingshu said silently, but he became more and more curious. This Xiao Banhe's identity became more and more mysterious. Everyone thought he was the famous Jinyang University. Xia, but now that I think about it, his various behaviors are a little abnormal, it seems that the picture is not small.

"Forget it, save Bing Xueer and Qingqing first." Song Qingshu realized that he had been out of prison for a long time, and was worried about what happened over there, so he dispelled the thought of further investigation.

When he changed back to the jailer's clothing and wanted to return to the cell again, he was suddenly stopped from the outside: "Man, the inside is cleared, we are waiting outside."

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, thinking that now the Xixia mission is gone, Xiao Banhe has also been rescued, now except for some prisoners who were already there, only Bing Xueer and Xia Qingqing are left. He always feels Some are not at ease.

"Is there any big man here?" Song Qingshu asked in a deep voice.

"The prince of the Northern Privy Council came to interrogate the prisoner." The jailer replied casually.

Song Qingshu's color changed slightly, because now the decent Northern Envoy Yelvren was in the northwest. Instead, Yeluyixin had the responsibility of acting as the Northern Envoy. Of course, the Northern Envoy of these populations would not refer to Yelvrenxian, but the king of Wei. Yelu Yixin!

Yeluyixin's son Yelusui is also a virtue. He has seen it this morning, and then thinks that he was beaten when he wanted to molest Bing Xueer before, but now with his toes, he knew that he had come back for revenge.

Song Qingshu couldn't hold back anymore, the jailers were about to change their faces, and the acupoints were quickly sealed.

"Beauty, I didn't expect that you would still be unable to escape from my palm in the end." Yelusui also looked at Bing Xueer with pride, and at the same time greedily looked at Xia Qingqing who was aside, "Han's words It’s a good thing to say, why don’t you know that you’re a big beauty, but now there’s an extraordinarily beautiful woman. Tsk tsk tsk, God treats me so well."

Xia Qingqing was in a bad mood at first, and she was even more angry when she heard what he said, but when she heard that she knew Bing Xueer, she took her hand and asked, "Who is this bastard?"

Bing Xueer's voice was like ice: "It's just a dude who molested the Liang family's women."

Xia Qingqing's eyes suddenly rolled, changing her anger before, and her voice softly said: "I think this young man is handsome and can come and go here at will. He is obviously noble, and it would be easy to save us."

When she used to wander through the arena, she was originally a demon who played cards out of the usual routine, but now she has a little bit of sub-plans at her fingertips.

Bing Xueer glanced at her strangely, wondering why she made such a coquettish voice, could it be because of Yuan Chengzhi's incident that led to self-defeating and abandoning herself?

However, she was also a smart person, and quickly realized that it was mostly Xia Qingqing who wanted to trick this dude into the cell, and then took advantage of the mechanism to stop him and escape.

"Of course, as long as you are from this son, this son will not only save you, but from then on, it is not a problem." Yelusui also patted his chest triumphantly. Although he is not good, he can't hold on to his family. In order to curry favor with his father, a small family sent beautiful women from the clan to give him a hug. Seeing Xia Qingqing's appearance, he subconsciously remembered the appearance of those beautiful women who flattered him before, and he couldn't help being extremely helpful for a while.

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