Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1507: Revenge for brother

When the jailers outside finally came in, they found that Yelusui was also lying in a pool of blood. He had already died of anger, and everyone couldn't help being horrified. Especially thinking that he was the only son of King Wei, many people were a little frightened. .

However, no one had the ability to conceal such a huge matter, and no one dared to conceal it. Soon they reported it up one after another, shocking the officialdom of Shangjing City instantly, and hearing that even the emperor was very angry.

Song Qingshu and others naturally didn't know what happened here. He took Bing Xueer and Xia Qingqing and left, originally thinking about where to go to Zhao Min, but after thinking about it, let's forget it.

When a few women meet, most of them are sparks hitting the earth. Even if the unknown face erupts, the turbulent waves in the dark are unbearable. Song Qingshu shuddered after a little bit of brainstorming.

It is rare that Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er have a very good relationship. There is no need to add another person to find uncomfortable. Song Qingshu decisively gave up the idea of ​​going to Zhao Min, and then took the two girls to another house in the south of the city.

Mongolia has a secret stronghold in the Upper Capital, and Jin Country naturally has it. This is one of the secret industries of the Huanyiyuan in the Upper Capital. Song Qingshu, with the gold medal with the highest authority of the Huanyiyuan, can easily take this out of the house. .

After they were settled, the three of them sat down around a table. After all, Xia Qingqing was younger and said with joy: "Qing Shu, why are you here."

"It's a long story. I came here to deal with the Liao-Song alliance, and the other thing is to find Murong Jingyue's whereabouts." Song Qingshu replied.

Hearing what he said, Bing Xue'er, who was sitting dignified by the side, trembled her eyelashes, and there was a trace of tenderness in her eyes: "Qing Shu, I didn't expect you to be so busy to find Murong Jingyue for me."

Song Qingshu was startled, but the reaction was quick: "How could I forget about this." Of course he is not so stupid to say that he was looking for Murong Jingyue to detoxify Zhao Min's Three Corpse Brain Pill, not to mention he was originally. Half of it is for Bingxue'er.

Hearing his words, Bing Xue'er's eyes softened, as if she was about to seep out-water was coming, and Song Qingshu was greatly appreciated.

"Then why did you appear in the prison so coincidental?" Xia Qingqing smiled slightly after noticing the affectionate look of the two, but did not arouse the slightest disgust, thinking that Bing Xueer was different from other women.

"I came after the Xixia people," Song Qingshu then described what happened before, "I didn't save you in the woods. You won't blame me, do you?"

"How come, that kind of situation is really not suitable for saving people." Bing Xueer smiled softly, as if the ice and snow were beginning to melt.

Song Qingshu said with emotion: "My sister is really understanding."

Xia Qingqing on the side teased: "What sister, she is obviously your sister-in-law." She talked with Bing Xueer before, and naturally knew the story of her acquaintance with Song Qingshu.

But as soon as this remark came out, Bing Xueer and Song Qingshu looked at each other, but their expressions were a bit embarrassing. After all, both of them had developed to the stage of rolling bed-single, and it was strange to hear the name of sister-in-law again.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Xia Qingqing also realized something was wrong, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Wow, Brother Song, since you have already been among the jailers, you didn't come out to save us when you saw us being molested by the dude. "

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said, "Why don't you use me to make a move? Haven't you already beaten him to death?"

Xia Qingqing stuck out her tongue-head, obviously embarrassed to think of her sturdy side being seen by him.

"Actually, the reason why I didn't shoot at that time was because I went after the man in black who was in the same cell with you." Song Qingshu explained.

Xia Qingqing let out a cry, because she suddenly thought that since Song Qingshu was pretending to be a jailer, she had obviously seen what she was like when she called Yuan Chengzhi before. Would he have any thoughts?

At the thought of this, she began to worry about gains and losses.

Bing Xueer glanced at her, and quietly shook her hand to show her comfort: "Is there anything wrong with the person in black that is worthy of your attention?"

She asked this to a certain extent to resolve Xia Qingqing's embarrassment, and won the latter a grateful glance.

Song Qingshu explained: "Because I previously suspected that he was Murong Jingyue."

This time it was Bing Xue'er's turn to exclaim, but she quickly noticed the meaning of Song Qingshu's words and sighed softly: "It seems that he is not anymore."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Yes, I went to test him, took over his disguised mask, and found that he was actually a Jinyang hero-Xiao Banhe."

"Xiao Banhe?" Xia Qingqing exclaimed. Xiao Banhe had participated in the election of the Golden Snake King before, so she was very impressed, but was completely unable to connect the Jinyang hero with the man in black.

"Yes, I didn't expect it to be him." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, "By the way, Qingqing, are you coming from Yanjing?"

"Yeah," Xia Qingqing knew what he was probably asking, "Snow Maiden is pedantic and decisive. The Eight Banners nobles in Yanjing have been mastered by him one by one. Now the war with Wu Sangui is gradually gaining the upper hand. In the next year, she will be able to solve each other completely, and she should be able to free her hands to help you at that time."

After Xia Qingqing knew Dongfang Muxue's true identity, she hated her to death, but later learned that Yuan Chengzhi was not dead. This hatred had long since vanished. Instead, she deeply admired her. After all, how much she has accomplished as a woman A great cause that even men can't accomplish.

"It's still two years." Feeling the pressure of Mongolia, Song Qingshu felt that time was not enough, but he also understood that Dongfang Muxue only spent such a short time turning things around and finally pacifying Wu Sangui is great enough. You must know the history. The San Francisco Rebellion lasted for eight years, almost overthrowing the Qing Dynasty. If Wu Sangui hadn't passed away in the middle of the year, it would be unclear who would die in the end.

Knowing that there is no result in the Qing country for the time being, Song Qingshu retracted his mind and turned to ask: "Bing Xueer, why did Xiao Banhe attack you?"

Bing Xueer also looked blank: "I am not very clear, but he seems to want to get the knife in my hand."

"Your knife?" Song Qingshu was startled.

"It should be your Brother Hu's Lengyue Baodao," Bing Xueer gave him a bit of bitterness. After all, what happened between the two made her feel a little ashamed of her deceased husband. "After Brother Hu died, this knife was buried with him. When I was passing by Cangzhou not long ago, thinking that I might find Murong Jingyue to avenge Brother Hu, I deliberately took the knife out."

Song Qingshu secretly thought that the Lengyue Baodao was not owned by Nanlan's father back then. The father and daughter were robbed and killed by a group of bandits. Miao Renfeng passed by to save a marriage, and then Miao Renfeng went to the grave of Hu Yidao to worship. Is the knife buried in the tomb to pay homage to a friend?

However, the world is already very chaotic, and there may be some errors.

Song Qingshu was not entangled: "Is there anything special about this Lengyue Baodao? Why does Xiao Banhe want to get it? And the princess of Xixia also heard that you were carrying a treasure before, so he hurried to catch you."

"I don't know," Bing Xueer's beautiful eyes opened wide, "Maybe Leng Yuebao knife cuts iron like mud. Although the reputation is not as loud as the dragon slaying knife on the rivers and lakes, it must actually be not much worse than that. ."

Song Qingshu didn't think so. Although a treasure knife that cuts iron and mud will be robbed by people in the world, for a country, what kind of magic weapon can not be found, unless the dragon knife hides the big secret. Otherwise, how could it be put in the eyes of the state?

"Where is that knife now, let me see." Thinking that whether it was Xiao Banhe or Xixia people came from Lengyue Baodao, Song Qingshu faintly felt that there might be some secret hidden in it.

Who knows that Bing Xueer looked sad: "When he was thrown into prison, the knife was taken away."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows and quickly stood up, "Most of that is still in the evidence room of the prison, we will go back and find it." Of course he can't let such a crucial treasure knife be lost.

"Okay!" Bingxue'er also stood up. This knife is Hu Yidao's relic, and it is more related to her son's future knife skills. She is more anxious than anyone else.

"I'll go with you." Xia Qingqing didn't want to stay here alone, thinking of Yuan Chengzhi before, at this time, only staying next to Song Qingshu can give her a sense of peace of mind.

Song Qingshu nodded, because he experienced Yuan Chengzhi's things before, he didn't worry about Xia Qingqing staying here alone, lest she think about things. As for how to deal with Yuan Chengzhi's affairs, the two will talk slowly when they are free.

Worried about the transfer of Leng Yue’s treasured sword, Song Qingshu took the two women along and returned to the outside of the cell before long. But to their surprise, the three and three floors of the cell were all guards at this time. It could be seen that Highly guarded.

"It is estimated that we escaped, and the young man was beaten, so martial law is on here." Bing Xueer whispered, she didn't know that Yelv Sui was also dead.

"This is difficult." Looking at three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry not far away, Xia Qingqing frowned and said.

"Don't worry, it won't trouble your husband and me." Song Qingshu kissed her cheek, haha ​​smiled, "You are here to wait for me, I will go in and get the treasured sword and come out."

"This person is really..." stroking her face, Xia Qingqing stood still blushing.

Bing Xueer took her hand and smiled: "Sister Qing'er, this proves that Qing Shu likes you very much."

Xia Qingqing bit her lip and stomped her feet and said, "Even my sister made fun of me."

Bing Xueer said softly, "I just want to tell you, if you are so happy now, why bother to be obsessed with the past?"

Xia Qingqing knew that she was reminding herself about Yuan Chengzhi, and sighed quietly: "I actually have a decision in my heart, but Big Brother Yuan used to be me after all... If Big Brother Hu now comes back from the dead, you can do it too. Is it so free and easy?"

Bing Xueer was startled, but she didn't know how to answer, yes, if Hu Yidao came back to life, how would she choose?

Just as the two women were lost there, there was a scream in their ears: "So you two demon girls are here, pay my brother's life!"


Book public number: Liuru monk

Today, a game was promoted in the public account tweet. To thank you readers for downloading, the monk will have a red envelope activity on the weekend. If you download a total of two times, you will send twice the red envelope. It is estimated that there are not as many downloads as 5k, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to break 1k), which is originally a promotion. For all the red envelopes, I prefer to have a smaller number of red envelopes and a little more money for each red envelope, so it is interesting to grab it.

In addition, in order to thank you gentlemen for your help in downloading, the monk will have an update tomorrow. In view of the last lesson, this time it will not be linked to the number of downloads. Let's just go to the four chapters. If there is spare capacity, it will increase.

If you don’t see it, welcome to the monk official account: Liuru monk’s latest tweet to download the game, of course, you can also read the female characters in the book in the monk official account, as well as some welfare-oriented things. .....

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