Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1508: Fire in the harem (first more)

I saw a tall woman suddenly rushed out of the dark, her beautiful cheeks now flashed with hatred.

"Yelü Nanxian?" Xia Qingqing exclaimed. Although the two did not have much friendship, they had met each other at the Golden Snake Conference before, but they could recognize each other.

Fairy Yelunan ignored her, with a cold sword in her hand, and went straight to the two women. It turned out that she received the news of the death of her brother and ran into the cell to investigate. Hearing the description of what happened before, she knew the best. The suspects were Xia Qingqing and Bingxueer, who had previously escaped from prison. She was a little uncomfortable watching her brother's tragic situation in prison, so she came out to breathe, who knew she happened to ran into the two women.

Bing Xueer's expression changed, and she pushed Xia Qingqing away, who was stunned, and the cord in her sleeve shot out and greeted Yelu Nanxian.

Yelu Nanxian snorted coldly, and the swordsmanship changed easily to pick up the oncoming ribbon, and instantly came three feet before Bing Xueer. Yelu Nanxian's martial arts was originally outstanding among the younger generation, and this time she suddenly took the lead, so that Bingxueer hurried to meet the enemy, and naturally fell into a disadvantage instantly.

Fortunately, Xia Qingqing had already reacted at this moment. She raised a golden snake cone and shot at Yelu Nanxian. Her golden snake sword was also found while in prison, but there were still a few golden snake cones left on her body. .

Yelu Nanxian's eyes condensed. In fact, when it comes to martial arts alone, neither Bing Xueer nor Xia Qingqing is much inferior to her. Faced with the golden snake cone that came from the lasing shot, she did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly twisted her waist in midair. Avoided the strange blow of the Golden Snake Cone.

Bing Xueer took the opportunity to distance herself from her again, admiring the flexibility of the opponent's waist, while using a cord to perform the white python whip technique, so that Yelu Nanxian could not get close again.

Xia Qingqing said at this time: "Miss Nanxian, why did you suddenly shoot at us? Is there any misunderstanding in this?" Although the two are not close friends, they are barely friends because of the Golden Snake Conference. I don't understand why I will fight when I meet.

Yelu Nanxian coldly snorted: "You know what you are doing yourself." After speaking, he took a very mysterious footwork and approached the two women step by step.

Noticing the hatred in her eyes, Xia Qingqing's face changed and she didn't dare to be careless. She hurriedly picked up the Golden Snake Cone and fired one from time to time to force her back, but secretly worried in her heart that both her and Bing Xueer's weapons had been confiscated before. With the weapon, Bingxue'er could use ribbons instead of silver bells and golden locks to perform the white python whip technique. Most of her martial arts would not be able to perform without the gold snake sword. If she continued to fight, it would be really dangerous.

With this stunned skill, Yelu Nanxian suddenly took out a hand-crossbow from his waist, and shot Bing Xue'er with an arrow. At the same time, he leaped slightly and stabbed his sword towards Xia Qingqing.

Bing Xueer's face changed, her attention had been on Yelu Nanxian, how did she know that she suddenly took out a crossbow? You must know that the crossbow is the official weapon against the people in the arena. It is fast and powerful. Ordinary masters of the rivers and lakes can't hide. Even a team of hundreds of crossbow arrows fired at close range, and even the five-level masters would hate if they didn't pay attention.

It is precisely because of the existence of crossbows and armies, coupled with some secret masters that are officially enshrined, that the countries of this world have enough deterrence to various martial arts masters, otherwise, whoever has the highest martial arts will become the emperor.

The arrow that Yelu Nanxian fired suddenly was three points faster than an ordinary crossbow arrow. What's more, there was no sign at all, and the distance between the two women was less than ten feet apart, how could Bing Xue'er escape?

Even seeing the cold light of the arrow, Bing Xue'er sighed in her heart: That's it, I didn't expect that the yin and yang will be separated just after reuniting with Qingshu...

Seeing that she was about to vanish from the jade, she suddenly shot a wisp of wind from the slanting ground, forcibly knocking the crossbow arrow aside, Bingxue'er, for the rest of her life, looked aside rejoicingly, before she had time to be happy, she found out Yelu Nanxian's long sword has almost pierced Xia Qingqing's chest.

"Ah!" Bing Xueer exclaimed, but it was too late to rescue. At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out, grabbed Xia Qingqing, and raised his hand to clamp the long sword that was close at hand. Yelu Nanxian quickly Ruo Lightning's sword stopped instantly.

Yelu Nanxian was shocked and angry. There are only a handful of people in the world who can hold her sword with two fingers. He looked up and found that it was the person he had guessed. He bit his lip and said angrily: "The name is Song," You leave me."

This person is indeed Song Qingshu. He just found something out of the cell, but he did not know that he encountered the scene of three women fighting together: "Why are you fighting?"

He even secretly guessed, wouldn't it be jealous because of competition? However, he immediately denied this speculation. After all, the Yelu Nanxian he knew was calm and breezy on weekdays, but he was extremely proud in his bones, and absolutely couldn't do such a thing.

"Ask yourself what they did?" Yelu Nanxian looked at the two women with a lingering anger.

Song Qingshu was startled, then turned to Xia Qingqing: "What did you do?"

Xia Qingqing was not a good-tempered person at first. In addition, she was attacked by others without her head and thought, and almost killed her. She was even more angry in her heart and snorted coldly: "We are here to chat, she He drew his sword and wounded people as soon as he came, and the ghost knew what was going on."

"You!" Yelunan's apricot eyes widened, but it was a pity that the sword was clamped by Song Qingshu, and she couldn't pull it out no matter how hard she tried.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said: "Everyone puts down the fire, and speak slowly, I believe there must be some misunderstanding."

"What's the misunderstanding?" Yelu Nanxian's eyes were red, and the teardrops rolled down like broken pearls. "My brother went to jail to interrogate them. Who knew that they both took the opportunity to kill my brother and get out of prison. I escaped from the middle school, it’s nothing more, and beat my brother so miserably. He must have suffered a lot before he died..." Although she was a little bit uncomfortable with her brother’s behavior of bullying men and women all day, After all, their siblings are compatriots, and they have taken great care of her from childhood to their elder brother. Therefore, the siblings have always been in a good relationship. Now that Yelvsui also died tragically, it was naturally extremely sad and angry.

"That person is dead?" Xia Qingqing was startled. Although she didn't know Yelu Suiya's identity, she knew from the other side's description that it was the same person who had molested them in the prison before.

"You pretend to be like." Yelu Nanxian sneered.

Knowing that her elder brother was dead, Xia Qingqing couldn't fight with her anymore, so her voice slowed down: "That man came to the prison and wanted to take my sister Bing Xueer and me. I did give him a severe lesson, but he was beaten. He left after a meal. Could it be that he was injured internally? Not so, I know that the force I used is just some skin trauma."

Yelu Nanxian trembled all over: "What kind of internal injury, my brother died of being cut in his throat!" Thinking of her brother's tragedy, her whole body was extremely cold.

"It's impossible, it's not us." Xia Qingqing said hurriedly.

"The prison is heavily guarded, only you escaped from the prison, but who are you?" Yelu Nanxian said angrily.

Song Qingshu finally understood the whole thing. He didn't expect Yelusui to also die. No wonder the guard was so heavily guarded in the prison, because it was because of the escape: "Nanxian, they didn't tell lies."

Yelu Nanxian didn't believe his words: "Hmph, they are your women, so naturally you will speak for them." Although not sure, she noticed the eyes of the two women looking at Song Qingshu. Wouldn't she, who are both women, see What is the relationship between them? Thinking of this, she felt more bored in her heart.

As soon as this statement came out, Xia Qingqing and Bing Xueer's cheeks blushed. After all, they are both widows and survivors. They have a nominal husband. Now they are said to be broken by outsiders, and it is inevitable that they will be embarrassed.

"I didn't speak for them, but I was there at the time." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice.

"Are you also at the scene?" Yelu Nanxian was startled.

"Yes," Song Qingshu nodded, "I rescued them from prison."

Yelu Nanxian's face suddenly paled: "It turns out that you cut the knife..." For a moment, she couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

Song Qingshu knew that she was thinking about things at a glance, and said angrily: "What are you thinking about, your brother was not killed by them, nor by me."

Yelu Nanxian bit her lip: "I know my brother's virtues. He must have been ignited and wanted to bully your two lovers. When you run into it, how can the Megatron Golden Snake King tolerate other men offending him? Forbidden, kill it easily, anyway, how can you put a dude in your eyes." She knows his brother’s usual habits, and roughly guessed what he did when he went to jail, although he was not ashamed of his behavior. But it is not guilty of death.

Hearing her mouthful, one lover, and one mouthful, both Xia Qingqing and Bing Xueer felt ashamed and embarrassed, but there was a strange feeling in her heart. She was indeed regarded as Song Qingshu’s lover...

"Your brain replenishment ability is really strong," Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, "I know Yelv Suiya, how can I kill him?"

"Although my brother is the son of King Wei, he shouldn't be put in your eyes." Yelu Nanxian still didn't believe it.

Song Qingshu looked at the glittering tears on her face and said softly: "I don't care about the son of King Wei, but he is your brother. How can I kill my brother-in-law?"

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of Xia Qingqing and Bing Xueer next to him became extremely weird. Bing Xueer's faces seemed to be smiling but Xia Qingqing secretly sipped: I knew that none of the stunning beauties around this **** could escape. It’s out of the palm of his hand. Last time, I thought they were a little frowning. Next time I go back to Shandong, I have to remind Ah Jiu to let her take care of her husband, so as not to be outside all day.

Xia Qingqing couldn't talk about Song Qingshu because of her identity, but the jealous gene in her bones inevitably broke out, so she subconsciously wanted to find out Ah Jiu.

At this moment, Yelu Nanxian's pale cheeks instantly became blush, and she was ashamed and angry: "What brother-in-law!"—

Unexpectedly, the hand-crossbow was not only a big killer in ancient times, but also a prohibited word in modern times.

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