Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1509: Etiquette and moral suffering (second more)

"Based on the relationship between you and me, how could I kill your brother," Song Qingshu reached out and wiped the tears on her face, and said pityingly, "Sorry and change, I will help you find the murderer."

Noting the weird eyes of the two women on the side, Yelu Nanxian, a young girl, couldn't hold it anymore. After stomping his feet, he turned around and ran away. Before disappearing, he left a sentence: "Who wants you to help, I will check again." What you said is true or false!" Although she said so, she actually believed it in her heart.

Seeing Yelu Nanxian's almost escaping posture, Xia Qingqing walked over and said with a smile but not a smile: "Song Gongzi is really a confidante who is all over the world."

Bingxue'er frowned as well. Obviously, she also felt a bit of a headache for this caring man.

Vaguely feeling the murder in the air, Song Qingshu hurriedly turned off the topic: "Ahem, I just searched inside, only found Qingqing's golden snake sword and Bingxue'er's silver bell and golden lock. As for Lengyue Baodao, I don't know. It's gone." While talking, he handed the stolen golden snake sword and soft cord to the two women.

"Nowhere?" Bing Xue'er couldn't help but fade away when she heard that Leng Yue Baodao was missing.

"I was at a loss before, but now it seems that the person who took the Leng Yue Baodao was mostly the mysterious person who killed Yelu Suiya." Song Qingshu analyzed.

"Could it be the Xiao Banhe you mentioned earlier?" Bing Xueer hurriedly asked, after all, Xiao Banhe had also come to Lengyue Baodao before.

"No," Song Qingshu shook his head, "I had been following Xiao Banhe before, and he had no chance to come back to kill someone and take a knife."

"Is that the person from Xixia?" Xia Qingqing also analyzed.

"It's possible," Song Qingshu thought for a while and said with some uncertainty, "but they only need to take the sword. There is no need to kill Yelu Sui. After all, Yelu Sui is also Yelu Yixin's only son, and Yelu Nanxian's brother. , The prince Xixia is about to marry Yelu Nanxian, how could he also attack Yelusui..."

He was analyzing, and suddenly saw the weird eyes of the two women, only to hear Xia Qingqing mumble: "Why do you love to find other people's wives..."

Song Qingshu almost didn't spit out a spit of old blood: "I and her were better earlier, but we were kicked by the marriage."

Although he explained, the two women still know what your habit is, Song Qingshu is also very helpless, and simply doesn't explain it.

"Could it be that there are people in Xixia who are unwilling to see the success of this marriage?" Xia Qingqing put forward another speculation. In recent years, she has been with Ah Jiu and Dongfang Muxue successively, and her vision is no longer comparable to that of the former quack woman.

"It's not impossible. It needs to be investigated again." Song Qingshu said solemnly, but soon there was a clamor of soldiers not far away. It turned out that the fight here just now alarmed the guard over there.

"Let's go back first and discuss the long-term plan." Song Qingshu took a woman in one arm and left the place before the soldiers arrived.

After returning to the secret stronghold of Huanyiyuan, Song Qingshu said to the two women: "It's late today. You must be tired after a day of tossing. Let's rest for a while and then go to find out the news tomorrow morning."

Bing Xueer and Xia Qingqing nodded their heads. They fought several times today and were caught in prison again. They were indeed exhausted. Fortunately, Song Qingshu had already intimately instructed his servants to prepare hot water in advance, and the two women found out their clothes and went to bathe. Song Qingshu began to sort out the next thoughts. In addition to looking for Murong Jingyue, there are now more tasks to find the murderer and the Lengyue Baodao. However, it is estimated that these two things can be combined into one thing. After finding the knife, most of the murderer will be found. , Judging from various sources of information, most of this Lengyue Baodao has a certain relationship with the Mandarin Duck Sword, and you can start from this aspect.

Tomorrow, get up and go to the Xixia mission to check if it was their hand; in addition, you can go to Xiao Banhe and ask to see what secrets he knows about Yuanyang Dao; and Yuan Chengzhi...

After thinking for a while, I felt dizzy, Song Qingshu simply didn't want to go, and planned to take a peek first-ah, ah, scholars, can you tell me about stealing? Let's go to see the two women bathe.

It's a pity that the gods did not fulfill their wishes. The two women had their own concerns. Today, they obviously did not have the mood to take a bath slowly. The bathing was soon finished. Song Qingshu was about to sneak in, and the door of the room had been opened from inside.

"What do you want to do?" Bing Xueer asked suspiciously when he saw his sneaky appearance.

Song Qingshu looked embarrassed, and the hand that was going to open the room door lifted up and touched the back of his head: "That...that's nothing, I just came to see if your hot water is enough, haha~"

Bing Xueer's face was weird, she faintly felt that the other party was a little bit unkind, and Xia Qingqing on the side had already laughed: "Sister Xueer, don't believe his nonsense, he just wants to come in and steal the jade."

Bing Xueer's face became even more weird. After all, when she knew Song Qingshu, he was still an upright and arrogant image, although he was also a little nice---Less...

Song Qingshu's face was also a little unsustainable, Bing Xueer was different from other women, she accompanied him in his most down-to-earth time, so in the bottom of his heart he always wanted to leave a perfect impression on her: "Well, it's not early, you guys rest early. I'm going back to the room first."

Xia Qingqing pushed him onto Bing Xue'er and said with a smile: "You have not seen you for so long, there must be a lot to say, stay with Sister Xue'er." While talking, she winked at Song Qingshu. He blinked, his eyes were very bright and moving, and then ran back to his room with a smile.

Song Qingshu was originally so angry that he wanted to beat her ass, but she did not expect that she actually sent such an assist. The depressed moment before was wiped out. He did have a lot to say to Bing Xueer-of course, he even more. I want to sleep together, but I only dare to think about this idea. He loves and respects Bing Xueer, for fear of offending her accidentally. And Xia Qingqing had said solemnly before that he was only willing to accompany him with Ah Jiu, and other women didn't even think about it, so he could only dispel this idea.

"This Qingqing!" Bing Xueer stomped her feet, and her skin like ice and snow also had a blush on the house. Although she is close to Song Qingshu, she is still far from the point of an old husband and wife, plus she has been away for many days. , The feeling of shame in her heart grew stronger.

"Sister, how is this time?" Song Qingshu asked Bing Xue'er affectionately.

Bing Xueer smiled sweetly: "I'm naturally doing well."

Song Qingshu sighed: "When I met my sister this time, I found that you are all reduced. I must have suffered a lot of wind and frost in the past two years."

Hearing his gentle voice, Bing Xue'er only felt that the hardships he had encountered over the years were nothing. "Seeing your previous sufferings of wind and frost are gone."

Song Qingshu didn't expect Bing Xueer, who had always been self-conscious, to say such a touching love story. For a while, he was overjoyed and hugged her in his arms.

The two of them hugged each other like this, without any desire or thought, only the closeness of the two souls in the world.

After a long time, Bing Xueer pushed him away and said softly: "Qing Shu, go and see Qingqing, she saw today...something emotionally unstable."

Seeing her hesitating to speak, Song Qingshu knew that it was inconvenient for her to tell Xia Qingqing about Yuan Chengzhi, so he could only remind him in this way.

"Okay." Song Qingshu didn't refuse. He was really afraid that Xia Qingqing would take some horns. The few decisions she had made in the Qing Dynasty were so frustrating.

Besides, Xia Qingqing just pushed Song Qingshu into Bing Xue'er's arms, and returned to the room with a smile on her own. After closing the door, her smile disappeared, replaced by a sad face.

Lying on the bed while thinking about Song Qingshu and Yuan Chengzhi while thinking about Yuan Chengzhi, the pressure of secular etiquette was overwhelming, and she was a little breathless, and tears flowed unconsciously.

"Why did the little lady cry?" At this moment, a joking voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

Xia Qingqing turned around in surprise and sat on the side of the bed: "Why are you..."

"I'll come to accompany you." Song Qingshu smiled and scratched her nose, and said with some pity.

Xia Qingqing's expression was a little weird: "Why did you finish so soon this time? It's not someone else's pretending to be." While talking, she pulled up on his face to see if there was a disguise-mask or something.

Song Qingshu heard a black line: "You have been with me for a long time, and you really have learned badly, and your thinking is getting more and more dirty."

"Oh~" Xia Qingqing exclaimed, only then did she know that she just wanted to go wrong.

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "If that's the case, let you try to see if I'm an impersonator." While speaking, she turned to her bed.

Feeling his Lushan claws, Xia Qingqing's face was flushed, and while dodging he said: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

"Go ahead, I'm listening." Song Qingshu didn't mean to stay at all.

"Hey you guy, I really have something serious to tell you," Xia Qingqing said bitterly. Seeing that he still didn't mean to stop, she had to say, "I met Yuan...Big Brother Yuan today." You should stop and listen to me.

Unexpectedly, Song Qingshu seemed indifferent: "So what?"

"I'm talking about Yuan Chengzhi, I... my husband, he is not dead." Xia Qingqing was worried that he did not understand, and explained with a trembling voice.

Song Qingshu really stopped and put his hands on the bed: "I know, I've been waiting for you to take the initiative to tell me."

"You know?" Now Xia Qingqing was stunned.

"Yeah, didn't I pretend to be a jailer? I saw him." Song Qingshu replied.

Xia Qingqing bit her lip: "Qing Shu, what do you think I should do?"

"This is easy," Song Qingshu patted her leg, "open it."

Xia Qingqing was in a daze, and instinctively followed suit. Song Qingshu's waist sank: "Just do it."


Second, thank you gentlemen for downloading the game on the official account!

Public number: Liuru monk

(End of this chapter)

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