Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1510: Shocking anecdote (third more)

"Ah~" Xia Qingqing finally reacted, exclaiming, looking at him with shame and anger, "You guy!"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "What's the matter?"

Feeling his oppression, Xia Qingqing's face flushed, and she turned her head directly: "You know it yourself!"

Song Qingshu chuckled, "It's just to help you make a choice."

The water in Xia Qingqing's eyes was blurred, her cheeks became more and more blush, and she half bit her lip: "You mean to help me make a choice?"

"Of course!" Song Qingshu raised his head triumphantly.

Xia Qingqing reported with a fan: "People are really struggling~"

"If there is anything to be entangled, of course it is to choose me." Song Qingshu said rudely.

Xia Qingqing was angry and funny: "You are so confident that I will choose you?"

"Of course," Song Qingshu said, "Even if you don't choose me, the big deal is that I will run up to Yuan Chengzhi and tell him the various poses I unlocked on you. I think you two will not be able to be together."

Xia Qingqing said angrily: "Why are you so despicable and shameless?"

"So what?" Song Qingshu moved as he said, "What's the point of being shameless in front of love?"

Xia Qingqinghun was almost knocked out by him, looking at him with watery eyes, and finally sighed faintly: "I know that the reason you said this deliberately, blaming all the guilt on yourself, is to alleviate my guilt. Thank you, Brother Song~"

Song Qingshu was startled, his face changed from the previous domineering look, and instead smiled softly: "Our Qingqing is getting more and more understanding."

Xia Qingqing looked at the man on her body and said with a wry smile: "I don't know what's wrong with me. I actually put someone's first wife improperly, but I am willing to run to be your underground lover."

Song Qingshu's heart trembled when she heard it, and whispered in her ear: "Not only do you become more considerate, but your love words are getting more and more moving."

Xia Qingqing laughed and cursed, and patted him on the chest: "People told you to be serious, but you came to make fun of me."

Song Qingshu smiled: "Since you have made up your mind, you must be obedient, behave, and turn around."

Xia Qingqing gave him a white look, hesitated, and finally leaned over...

Early the next morning, Xia Qingqing got up from the bed, because she thought that there was a Bing Xueer next door, so she was embarrassed to sleep for a long time.

Looking at Song Qingshu who was still asleep, Xia Qingqing stroked her hot cheek, thinking that she was going to die. Yesterday she discussed with him about Big Brother Yuan under that situation...

However, she had to admit that the other party’s extremely domineering way quickly slashed the mess and resolved the entanglement in her heart. She had already realized that she could not go back to the past with Yuan Chengzhi. After all, she could not easily treat the other one. The man opened his legs and went back to Mrs. Yuan.

"That's good..." Xia Qingqing sighed, and suddenly found that his whole body relaxed.

When she went out, she happened to ran into Bing Xue'er, who was practicing in the courtyard. Looking at the graceful figure in the flowers, her soft and graceful figure, Xia Qingqing was both a woman and she was amazed.

Bing Xue'er is already very beautiful, coupled with the ancient tomb school martial arts has always been beautiful, each other is like a fairy dancing in the flowers.

"That **** is really gorgeous-blessing is not shallow." After Xia Qingqing made up his mind to be Song Qingshu's woman, the jealousy started to show up again, but thinking that she was Bingxue'er, she didn't think there was anything.

At this time Bing Xueer also noticed her, and came over with a smile after finishing her work: "My sister's face is ruddy and her face is radiant, she must have gone?"

"Ah, yes... yes~" Xia Qingqing replied with a blushing face, and at the same time he cursed Song Qingshu secretly, thinking that everyone knew what happened last night, which was really shameful.

Bing Xueer couldn't help but startled when she saw her blushing, wondering why she was nervous? But after all, she was also a person who came here, and suddenly she understood something. She thought about her ruddy and radiant complexion, which probably made her think about it.

Bing Xue'er blushed as well, she just said naturally, really not alluding to what happened to the two of them last night.

Seeing Xia Qingqingtao's cheeks dizzy, her eyes flowed, she was really bright and charming, she was more beautiful than Huajiao, and Bing Xueer had to feel that her little uncle was really blessed.

She and Song Qingshu met in misery. At that time, they were dependent on each other. Now seeing him become famous and surrounded by beautiful people, not only did she not feel jealous at all, but became more and more happy for him.

"What are you two talking about?" Song Qingshu's voice came not far away, and it turned out that he also got up.

"I'm talking about you." Bing Xueer smiled softly, and Xia Qingqing couldn't help but feel heartbroken with that graceful demeanor.

"Go, go to the street for breakfast, and stop by the Xixia Mission to check if they are making a ghost in it." Song Qingshu jumped into the middle of the two women, holding their hands and walking directly out.

The faces of the two women turned red all at once, although they could do anything privately with Song Qingshu, but in broad daylight, let him hug them from left to right, the natural reservedness of women still made them a little embarrassed.

The two looked at each other secretly, and found that the other was also looking at themselves, their small faces became more and more red, one by one, like frightened rabbits, tried to withdraw their hands.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but said, firmly grasping their hands and walked directly out. Seeing that they couldn't shake them off, the two women sighed secretly, and finally let him go.

In a restaurant, a group of diners were eating breakfast, but from time to time their eyes secretly glanced at the man at the table by the window, showing envy. Of course, it was not because of his dignity, but because of his two women on the left and the right. The companion is so beautiful.

Seeing the man holding the pastry and lovingly feeding it to the woman in Tsing Yi on the left, the woman's lips lightly opened, not only contained the piece of pastry, but also seemed to lick it intentionally or unintentionally-licking the man's fingers, and a group of men next to him I saw my eyes straight, and my heart wailed: "It's really defamatory, defamatory."

But when the man took another piece of cake and handed it to the woman in white on the right, a group of people were stunned: "I thought this guy is too bold, and he actually hooked up other women in front of his female partner?"

Because each of the two women is beautiful and beautiful, each of them looks like the characters that come out of the painting, and their temperament is very different from those of the maids raised by the high-ranking clans. No one thinks that they are concubines, just as concubines. A man came out with his girlfriend and her close friends.

Sure enough, the white-clothed woman looked at the pastry in front of her with embarrassed expressions, and the surrounding spectators laughed secretly: This man is too clumsy. If he comes out with the white-clothed woman in private, he might really be able to hook-up, but in front of his own daughter. In the face of the companion, the woman in white would not dare to speak even if she was willing in her heart.

But what made the eyes of a group of men stare out is that, although the white-clothed woman turned red, after hesitating for a while, she finally opened her mouth and bit the pastry in.

Seeing that man put his fingers in her mouth, a group of diners around couldn't help swallowing, and then immediately looked at another woman in Tsing Yi, thinking that she might turn her face on the spot.

But what made these diners vomit blood was that the woman in Tsing Yi was not at all angry, but looked at all this with a smile on her hand.

"Is my eyes dazzled or they are crazy, there are such magnanimous women in this world?"

"This man doesn't know what **** luck he has gone, he actually has two fairy-like characters at the same time."

"Someone even hugs two fairies from left to right."


The three people on the table by the window were naturally Song Qingshu and others. When he noticed the murderous eyes of those people, Song Qingshu was secretly refreshed: "It's no wonder that the male protagonists who watched the Internet in previous lives often took a few stunning female companions to abuse dogs, this kind of envy and jealousy. The hate in the eyes is really intoxicating."

"Don't be like this, people are watching~" Bing Xueer's face was thinner, and she was blushing and uneasy sitting there.

"Let them watch it," Song Qingshu smiled, and continued to pick up a piece of pastry and stuff it into her mouth. "Eat more and you will lose weight."

Bing Xueer had no choice but to lower her head to eat, not daring to look at the eyes of the people around her.

"Ahem, do you know how many big things happened last night?" There is never a shortage of people who talk and talk in the inn. In addition, the inn is crowded with people and well-informed. Many times, some rumors and the truth do not go away from the truth. far.

"What's the big deal?" A group of people were immediately attracted. No matter how beautiful women are, they belong to others. It is more interesting to listen to gossip. "The current king of Wei, Yelusui, the son of Yelu Yixin, the Privy Councilor of the Zhibei Yuan, was also killed!"

"What!" a group of people exclaimed again and again, "Who is so bold to kill the only son of King Wei?" Yelv Sui is also a well-known figure in the capital, everyone knows that Yelv Yixin is his only son.

Even Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er also pricked their ears. After all, according to the situation last night, they were the most suspicious.

Seeing that it attracted the attention of the two fairies, the man said more and more coquettishly: "After the news spread, the emperor was extremely angry and sent the barbarian away from the Biyuan to investigate the matter thoroughly. After one night of interrogation, the preliminary results have now been obtained."

"What's the result?" The people around him were very cooperative.

The man looked at the window and saw that Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er were also listening carefully. Then he continued proudly: "I heard that Yelusui also accidentally heard that the palaces deployed Yelvqi and the governor Xiao Banhe. It was conspired to rebel and was killed by others."


"how can that be?"

A group of people suddenly exploded, and even Song Qingshu and the others looked at each other. How did they get involved with Yeluqi? How did Xiao Banhe become the head of the country again?

Someone asked the same doubt: "All the palaces are deployed to take charge of the emperor's army, and he is the emperor's most trusted confidant. Yelvqi is a well-known and upright gentleman, so how can he do something against him?"

"When Duke Zhou was afraid of rumors, when Wang Mang Gongqian did not usurp him, is he a gentleman or is he clear?" The man talked freely, "Furthermore, if you think about it, Yelv Sui also happened in the prison that was deployed in all palaces. How can Yelvqi, the chief official, escape the relationship?" —

The third offer

After listening to the comments and suggestions of many readers, a QQ group will be established at that time, and only friends who helped download and register this time will enter, and then red envelopes will be grabbed there, so that it is fair to those who actually download and register the game.

I was worried that there are too many people and the upper limit of the QQ group is not enough. The current progress is 258 people downloading. I think a group of 500 people is more than enough. I will announce the group number later. Then you will take the screenshots of the game characters to add group verification. Weekend Send red envelopes in the group.

At that time, the number of red envelopes will be as small as possible, so that the money in each one is interesting (for example, 1,000 red envelopes for 20 red envelopes or 10 red envelopes), everyone is lucky!

(End of this chapter) 8)

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