Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1511: Fox tail (fourth more)

"Yes, the murder happened on the site where all the palaces were deployed. If Yelvqi didn't know who would believe it." A group of people agreed.

Bing Xueer couldn't help but asked in a low voice, "Is it really Yelvqi's hand?"

"Probably not." Xia Qingqing frowned. She recognized Yelvqi and knew that he was a modest gentleman. She couldn't believe that he was the kind of ambitious and unscrupulous person.

Song Qingshu also nodded: "It shouldn't be him." He thought of overheard the conversation between Yelv Yixin and Xiao Xiamo before. It seemed that Yelv Yixin was planning to make Xiao Xia smear herself to destroy Yelvqi at that time. Thinking that he had learned the news of his son's death so quickly used it to make use of the topic, it was really ruthless, and he deserved to be a traitorous official of the Liao State for thousands of years.

"By the way, who is that country leader Xiao Banhe?" someone asked curiously.

"Doesn't even know the Guozhang?" Many people around him gave him popular science. "Xiao Banhe seemed to be a famous Jinyang hero in the past, but then he seemed to say that he was from the Xiao family in the five rooms of the uncle. , Just after the emperor was elected, his daughter was well-known as a flower-like jade, and she also entered the palace to run for the election. Although she was not selected as a queen in the end, she was also named a concubine by the emperor and was extremely favored by the emperor. Was named the head of the state."

"Uncle Wufang?" Song Qingshu was secretly shocked, knowing that the power of the Liao Kingdom was controlled by the royal family Yelv clan and the descendant Xiao family, and all the concubines came from the uncle Wufang.

"I didn't expect Xiao Banhe to become the head of the Liao Kingdom." Xia Qingqing secretly smacked his tongue. The last time I saw him, he was still a member of the rivers and lakes. I didn't expect that after so long, the other party was above the temple.

"Yelüqi and Xiao Ban are the emperor's confidant and the emperor's son-in-law. Will the emperor believe that they are rebelling?" someone asked.

The person who broke the news before replied: "The emperor is wise and martial, of course, it is not so easy to believe. He has sent people from Yili Biyuan to trial this case. He heard that there are people from Datiyishi to participate, and even recruited Xixia. The enquiry from the mission depends on the outcome of the final trial."

Hearing this, Song Qing's book stall spread his hands: "Okay, it seems that we don't need to go to the Xixia mission this time, and we don't need to go to Xiao Banhe."

Bing Xueer frowned slightly. Although she wanted to retrieve the Leng Yue Baodao, several key figures were being censored, and they couldn't reach each other at all.

Seeing that group of diners, people glanced at her from time to time, Bing Xueer lowered her voice and said, "Let's go, I don't like this place."

"Okay, let's go." Song Qingshu thought that it seemed that the descendants of the Tomb Sect were all kind of quiet temperaments. I don't know if it was a coincidence or inevitable. Maybe they noticed this character when selecting descendants.

Seeing the two big beauties leaving, the person who was talking about before lost most of their interest in an instant. Faced with the enquiries of the people around, he also replied one after another.

"Qing Shu, I think..." After returning to the residence, Xia Qingqing stopped talking.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Do you want to see Yuan Chengzhi again?"

"You...how do you know?" Xia Qingqing's face became pale and hurriedly explained, "I have no other meanings, I just want to find out what is going on with him now, and I want to make a complete judgment with him, otherwise I will think about it in the future. I'll always worry about this, and it won't be fair to you then."

Song Qingshu reached out and held her shoulders and looked at her eyes quietly: "You don't have to be so eager to explain, I understand what you mean. I saw him yesterday. He probably didn't know you deliberately, most of the time. I lost my memory."

"Lost memory?" Xia Qingqing blinked.

"Yes," Song Qingshu had also heard Dongfang Muxue mention the possibility of Yuan Chengzhi's survival before. "Since he is still alive, it proves that the "Nine Turns Hunyuan Gong" that Dongfang Muxue speculated at the time really existed, but no matter how powerful the magic is, he did it at the beginning. It is a blessing to be hit in the head by a fatal blow, and now it is a blessing to be able to come back from the dead, and it is reasonable that the memory has been severely damaged and disappeared."

"That's it..." Xia Qingqing muttered to herself, but she also felt that this kind of speculation was reasonable in her heart.

"But I still want to meet him and tell him face to face." Xia Qingqing raised her head, looking at him beggingly.

Song Qingshu frowned, but after another thought, she was a loyal and unyielding woman when she first met Xia Qingqing. She admired her persistence. She is so benevolent and righteous to Yuan Chengzhi now, which proves that if something happens to me in the future, she will treat me like this...


"Qing Shu, forget it, I won't see him anymore." Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, and his face was still uncertain, Xia Qingqing was suddenly shocked. Since he had already chosen him, he was still thinking about Big Brother Yuan's affairs. Men should be taboos.

Song Qingshu laughed: "Silly girl, I'm not such a stingy person, so let me take you to the palace to find him, but it's safer to wait until the night is over."

"Thank you Brother Song!" Feeling his pampering, Xia Qingqing felt warm in his heart, threw into his arms and kissed him on the cheek, but immediately realized that Bing Xueer was still aside, and hurriedly pushed him away. Zhang blushed very cutely.

"You sisters, let's rest here first. I'll go outside to check for relevant news, and I'll take you to the palace in the evening." Song Qingshu said softly.

"Okay." Xia Qingqing is still immersed in incomparable happiness, and Song Qingshu will follow whatever Song Qingshu says.

"Nowadays, in a very period of time in Beijing, be careful all the way." Bing Xueer entrusted.

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Don't worry, no one in the world can keep me with my martial arts, but if you can't go out, don't go out for the time being, so you won't be recognized."

"We got it~"

After coming out of the house, Song Qingshu hurried to the direction of Zhao Min's house. After all, there was no news after she left yesterday. She might have been waiting in a hurry.

He sighed secretly along the way, and later he felt that the clone was lacking. If he could shadow the clone and leave one with every confidant, wouldn't it be a pleasure?

"Wait, does this count as a green one?" Song Qingshu suddenly looked very strange.

Time passed through such random thoughts. He soon came to the house where Zhao Min was. He was worried that she would go out, but when he entered the yard, he found that she was burning incense and playing the piano in the pavilion.

Song Qingshu clapped his hands in admiration and said, "The princess is really amazing, like a fairy music, and the lingering sound is endless for three months."

Zhao Min ignored him and continued to play the piano. Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, knowing that she was angry and didn't dare to disturb her, so he listened quietly.

The distant sound of the piano gradually calmed his anxious heart all the way, and it was not a difficult thing to admire her white jade-like slender hands.

At the end of the song, Zhao Min just put the piano away and stood up, and gave him a blank look: "Use some idioms in a mess, do you know the rhythm?"

Song Qingshu chuckled: "I don't understand." He is really a layman in this respect.

"Why, are you willing to come back from Wenrou Township?" Zhao Min raised his heart again with another sentence.

Song Qingshu was startled, and hurriedly sniffed her own clothes. Could it be that she smelled the scent of Xia Qingqing and Bing Xueer because she didn't change her clothes? But she can smell it so far apart. Is she a dog?

"I don't need to smell it," Zhao Min snorted, as if guessing what he was thinking. "Yesterday all the palaces deployed to catch two beautiful women who are as beautiful as gods. It is easy to tell from one person's strange weapons that she is the Golden Snake Camp. Xia Qingqing, the other woman doesn't know who it is, but it's mostly your confidante."

Song Qingshu smirked, not knowing how to respond.

Zhao Min walked past him and continued: "Our eldest son Song learned that his little lover had been killed, so he rushed to save him in a hurry. He happened to meet Yelusui's two little lovers who were also in the cell. Sen Qiyi, you killed him with a stab in furious anger, and then you took your two little lovers to fly away, but you pity Yelvqi and Xiao Banhe as your scapegoats."

Although Xia Qingqing is Mrs. Yuan in name, how can her relationship with Song Qingshu conceal Zhao Min's golden eyes? As for Yelusuiye’s virtue, no one in the entire upper capital knows that no one knows. He appeared in the cell where two stunning beauties are locked in the big night, thinking with his toes and knowing what he wants to do, the following reasoning It makes sense.

A trace of astonishment flashed across Song Qingshu's face, and then he smiled: "The princess is indeed the female middle school Zhuge. With just a little information, he can restore the whole thing to eight - nine inseparable, but unfortunately the most crucial point is wrong. "

"Oh?" Zhao Min showed a different color, obviously also curious about where he was wrong.

Song Qingshu said: "I didn't kill Yelusui. Although I did have the intention to kill him, he was a bit special. In addition, he had been beaten so badly that he let him go. I didn't expect that he would still be It's hard to escape death."

"Special status? A King Wei of the Liao Kingdom shouldn't be able to scare our Song Duke, right?" Zhao Min was puzzled, but she responded quickly, "Oh, because he is Yelu Nanxian's brother, Song Duke really Be merciful everywhere."

Listening to her mouthful of Song Datong, she was obviously angry to the extreme. Song Qingshu hurriedly explained, "Actually, the reason why I came back so late yesterday was because I found someone who is suspected to be Murong Jingyue."

"Oh?" Zhao Min was attracted by Murong Jingyue's news.

Song Qingshu only then told him about chasing Xiao Banhe, and of course he tried to dilute the existence of Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er.

"Xiao Banhe?" Zhao Min groaned, "I guess he mostly went for the secret of Yuanyang Dao, but now he and Yelvqi are in a rebellion, I am afraid they are already in danger."

"Unfortunately, Murong Jingyue's whereabouts were still not found." Song Qingshu said apologetically.

Seeing that he still remembered his own affairs, Zhao Min's expression eased a little: "Don't worry, the more perfect he hides, the more his fox tail will be exposed."——

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