Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1514: Harem of filthy chaos

"Speaking of this world, Yuan Chengzhi is still a bit bitter." Song Qingshu secretly sighed, first "died" at the hands of Dongfang Muxue, and then his wife was accepted by himself. Now he found a new lover, but he could only watch. She was favored by other men in various ways.

However, he changed his mind to think that in this world where imperial power is supreme, Xiao Zhonghui can still maintain his true affection for him, and even risk being Ling Chi to have a tryst with him. I am afraid that few men in this world have the luck to have this friendship.

"Big Brother Yuan~" Xiao Zhonghui raised his head, a trace of firmness suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he untied his belt directly. The clothes on the outside gradually slipped, revealing his round and white shoulders.

Xia Qingqing turned red when she saw it, and hurriedly reached out to cover Song Qingshu's eyes, making Song Qingshu angry and funny: "It's just a bare shoulder. If you see our girls in bikinis, you still have to dig out my eyes. "

Xia Qingqing sipped, and whispered: "I don't care, you can't watch it anyway."

Song Qingshu looked at her with a playful look: "It should be you who shouldn't be looking at you, your husband is underneath with other women?"

Xia Qingqing gave him an angry look, apparently dissatisfied with him deliberately mentioning the word "husband": "Let's go."

"Go?" Song Qingshu was startled, "Aren't you going to see Yuan Chengzhi?"

Xia Qingqing smiled relievedly: "It is better to forget each other in the world. Since Big Brother Yuan has found his true love now, why should I bother them again? Add everyone's troubles?"

Song Qingshu glanced at her unexpectedly: "I didn't expect you to be quite enlightened now?"

"Let's go," Xia Qingqing pulled him and didn't move, and gave him an angry look, "Do you still want to listen here-the corner?"

Song Qingshu sighed: "I really want to hear-the corner, but your Big Brother Yuan is an elm bump, and he may not be that uncomfortable."

Xia Qingqing was taken aback, lowered her head and looked down. Sure enough, seeing Yuan Chengzhi began to shirk again, she couldn't help being angry and funny: "It's really an elm bump!" The girls all took the initiative to this level. It really makes everyone watching it anxious.

"Let's go, it's useless for us to worry about the matter between their little lovers." Song Qingshu took Xia Qingqing's hand and said softly.

"Yeah~" Xia Qingqing nodded, and finally glanced at Yuan Chengzhi. Now that he has found his happiness, he should put it down completely.

The two of them walked all the way to the outside of the palace. At this time, Xia Qingqing felt that the boulder that had been pressing on her heart had been removed, and her body was very relaxed. They talked and laughed with Song Qingshu along the way, and occasionally strayed in his arms. Erjiao, she seemed to be back in her teenage years.

Song Qingshu's expression suddenly changed, pulling Xia Qingqing into the shadow of a rockery, Xia Qingqing's heart jumped, only when he wanted to do something in this place, his face instantly turned red, thinking that Big Brother Song was getting more and more absurd. But at the same time, she was also faintly looking forward to it.

Soon a noisy voice sounded, and Xia Qingqing was taken aback to discover that there was a large group of guards trotting all the way to the inner palace. Then she knew that she was thinking of something wrong, and she couldn't help but spit out her tongue secretly. Fortunately, Song Qingshu didn't know. What I just thought was really embarrassing.

At this time Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "From the direction they ran, most of them were going to Concubine Wen."

"Huh?" Xia Qingqing was still immersed in the embarrassment, and she didn't react much for a while.

Song Qingshu explained: "Xiao Banhe was previously accused of being involved in the rebellion, I am afraid that now his daughter Xiao Zhonghui has been involved."

"Ah, aren't they in danger anymore." Thinking that Xiao Zhonghui and Yuan Chengzhi are meeting in the room now, didn't these guards bump into each other in the past? She intentionally went back to warn, but then thought that she had just said to let it go, and when she heard that her husband was in danger, she hurried back, where did she put Song Qingshu?

Suffering from gains and losses for a while, I couldn't help staying in place. Song Qingshu seemed to know her thoughts, and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go back and have a look."

"Thank you, Brother Song." Xia Qingqing said in a choked voice. She knew that Song Qingshu and Yuan Chengzhi had no friendship, and to some extent they were enemies. Yuan Chengzhi's team in Jinling had set up a round to kill him, Taishan The conference even called for masters from various factions to attack, and now Song Qingshu rescued him entirely for the sake of convening.

Song Qingshu wiped the tears on her cheeks: "Well, I don't want you to cry for other men."

Xia Qingqing pursed her lips: "People cry for you."

Song Qingshu laughed and said, "This sentence is worth it for you." After speaking, he hugged her soft waist and hurried all the way to where the concubine Wen was.

However, when they arrived, they found that it was still a step too late. It turned out that several teams of guards came in advance from other directions, and they were the first to encircle the concubine Wen's palace. Now Yuan Chengzhi is guarding Xiao Zhonghui behind him, and he is confronting the guards. .

Song Qingshu thought with wicked interest: "I don't know where the two of them have been in the room just now. Will they be interrupted by these Ouchi guards when they are overwhelmed? That's really dying. Back then, Zhao The structure is that when he was pampering his concubine, he was so scared that he was so scared by the sudden arrival of Jin Bing..."

However, he took a closer look and found that the two were neatly dressed, not as if they were dressed in a hurry. He admired Yuan Chengzhi a little bit. Although he had lost his memory, he was still a gentleman of noble character.

"Yuan Guannan, you dare to enter the concubine's palace privately, but you know that this is a serious crime of beheading!" The heads of the guards looked at each other. They were ordered to arrest the concubine Wen this time. How can you know that they happened to run into this stall? You must know the palace. The less they know, the safer they are. Nowadays, there is a scandal that seems to be a mess of the court, how can they not be surprised?

If there were not enough people present, they would even worry about being killed by the emperor afterwards.

Xiao Zhonghui's face was extremely pale. At this time, her delicate body trembled slightly in the cold wind, but Yuan Chengzhi was more calm, and replied loudly: "Return to Commander Xiao, his subordinates just accidentally saw a man in black sneaking up. To sneak into the concubine Wen's dormitory like this, I was worried about the dangers of the empress, so I hurried over."

Song Qingshu, who was hiding not far away, gave Xia Qingqing a thumbs-up, and said with a chuckle: "Although the person whose surname is Yuan is an elm bump in terms of feelings, the reaction is really not slow, and this ability to adapt is rare in the world. Up."

"Of course, at any rate, Big Brother Yuan used to have a gang of mobs and the Qing Dynasty for many years," Xia Qingqing's face was faintly proud, but soon became depressed, "but now this situation, I am afraid that it is not a word or two from him. Explained clearly."

Several guard leaders exchanged glances, and said coldly, "Is anyone else seeing the man in black?"

Yuan Chengzhi suffocated his breath, and finally shook his head slowly: "The situation was urgent at the time, and I didn't have time to inform my companions."

Song Qingshu in the distance gave a light hey: "From the dialogue between them, Yuan Chengzhiming's identity is the guard in the palace. That's right. Only in this way can we stay in the palace for a long time and stay with the concubine Wen. Amphibious."

Xia Qingqing anxiously tugged at his sleeve: "Big Brother Song, what should I do now?"

Song Qingshu patted her hand: "Don't panic, let's see how things will develop next."

"It's too late to inform the companions," one of the guard leaders snorted coldly, "This is just your side of the word. Now we don't see the man in black, we only see you in the empress's bedroom!"

Yuan Chengzhi was embarrassed, and he was really careless today. He didn't expect that so many guards would suddenly rush over, making him unable to leave at all and he was blocked up. Looking at the current situation, most of them could only be killed. , It’s just that it hurts Xiaohui, and I don’t know if she wants to go with her.

"I have nothing to say!" The guard leader snorted coldly, and when he was about to order his arrest, a dark shadow flashed not far away, and a man in black suddenly appeared and fled in the other direction.

"Is there really a man in black?" Mo said it was the guards present, even Yuan Chengzhi and Xiao Zhonghui were a little dumbfounded.

"Split a small team to chase the man in black!" The guard leader hurriedly ordered, and soon a team of guards hurriedly chased the man in black in the direction of the escape, but there were still a hundred guards in place.

Yuan Chengzhi frowned: "What do you mean? Why don't you go after the assassin, there are still so many people here."

The guard leader smirked: "Because we were ordered to capture Empress Wen this time!"

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Chengzhi and Xiao Zhonghui changed their expressions. Xiao Zhonghui stepped forward and said: "I don't know what the palace has committed to labor the generals?"

She has been a noble concubine for more than a year, and there is a kind of grace between her gestures, which shocked many guards and bowed their heads.

"We have been ordered by Master Zuo Yi Libi. There is a case that needs to be investigated by the empress." Another small guard replied.

Yuan Chengzhi snorted and stood in front of Xiao Zhonghui: "How unreasonable, how honorable is the status of the concubine Jinzhiyuye? What qualifications do you have to take care of the maiden if you are a lonely leftist? Take ten thousand steps, even if the maiden really committed the crime. What's the matter, there is also a big temptation to hide it, which turn will be the only thing to intervene in the Biyuan?"

Yili Biyuan was the Ministry of Justice of the Liao State, and Dati Yinsi was in charge of the affairs of the royal family and descendants, so of course Yuan Chengzhi felt weird and unusual. How could these people of unknown origin take Xiao Zhonghui away.

The head guard raised a gold medal in Yang's hand: "This is the emperor's personal order, and the Yili Biyuan has the full authority to handle this matter. If anyone dares to stop it, it will be killed! In addition, Yuan Guannan entered and exited the concubine's palace, acting suspiciously, and arrested them together. Go to Yili Biyuan!"


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