Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1515: Die again

When Song Qingshu came back and saw the tense situation, he couldn't help but startled: "What's the situation?"

It turns out that the man in black was pretending to be Yuan Chengzhi just now, in order to relieve Yuan Chengzhi. After he took the chasing soldiers for a while, he drew off the people behind with his light work, quietly walked around, and watched as soon as he came back. To the scene in front of you.

"It seems that these guards are going to catch Concubine Wen..." Xia Qingqing frowned and said what had just happened.

Song Qingshu also found it strange that even if there were any cases involving the concubine Wen, she was a distinguished person, and it shouldn't have been taken care of by the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

At this time, the group of guards has been pressing hard. If you take a few steps forward, no matter how high your martial arts is, you will be enemies in all directions, and you will have to be hacked to death. Although Yuan Chengzhi has amnesia, but the instinct of a master It was still there, and soon realized this, and hurriedly said to Xiao Zhonghui behind him: "Xiaohui, this is the end of the matter, I will take you out."

Who knew that Xiao Zhonghui shook her head: "No, I will leave my parents and family." The reason why she married the emperor when she was in love with Yuan Chengzhi was mainly for this reason.

Yuan Chengzhi hurriedly said: "But when we heard that my father was involved in the treason case, we thought it was nothing, but now we have sent people to arrest you directly. It must be a foregone conclusion that your family will be destroyed.

Xiao Zhonghui still shook his head: "I gave birth to a son to the emperor after all. It seems that the emperor would not do anything to me for Xiao Ao's sake. On the contrary, it would be unclear if he escaped."

Not far away, Song Qingshu secretly shook his head. After all, Yuan Chengzhi was once dominant. In this short period of time, he has seen the stakes thoroughly. On the contrary, Xiao Zhonghui still has some kindness of women. At this time, he still dreamed of washing the family with his son. It is a little ridiculous to be wronged.

"Big Brother Yuan, let's go first." Xiao Zhonghui also understood that she might be able to exonerate her son, but Yuan Chengzhi couldn't. If something happened to him, then she would regret it.

Yuan Chengzhi looked struggling. He obviously didn't know whether to take her away or go by himself. After hesitating for a while, the surrounding soldiers had already surrounded him, and the spear in his hand was about to stab him.

He instinctively waved his hand and smashed the spear that was stretched out in front of him. However, he stabbed the hornet's nest in an instant. The guards no longer kept their hands and swarmed at him.

Yuan Chengzhi's expression changed. He stretched out his palm to fend off dozens of spears on the left, then leaped on the right spear and jumped out of the encircling circle.

The people hadn't reacted yet. Yuan Chengzhi kept taking photos of those people going north with the palms of both hands. A dozen guards on the right suddenly fell to the ground and were seriously injured. Although they were not dead, they lost their combat effectiveness.

Song Qingshu secretly nodded. Martial arts masters are most afraid of being surrounded by soldiers and no room for display. When the time comes, no matter how high the swords and spears are, the martial arts will be chopped into fleshy. He is the best choice, and judging from his ability to show his palm, it seems to be a level higher than that of Mount Tai.

The guards yelled, but it was a pity that Yuan Chengzhi had the upper hand and didn't give them a chance to breathe. He snatched a knife and instantly brought down more than a dozen people.

The guard leaders could no longer sit still, and they drew their swords and rushed up. It’s a pity that Yuan Chengzhi learned how to change gods. One of the world’s top light skills. The whole person is like a mud loach in the water. Instead, he was rushed to live, and in a flash, another ten or twenty were poured, and even the heads of several guards were injured one after another.

"Big Brother Yuan's martial arts is so diligent!" Not far away, Xia Qingqing looked surprised and delighted. He didn't expect that he could easily overcome the hundred people team.

"Nine-turn Hunyuan Gong is really interesting." Song Qingshu nodded secretly. Yuan Chengzhi, who used to martial arts of the Huashan School, Variety of Gods, and Golden Snake Swordsmanship, was indeed regarded as the top master in the world, but compared with the master level, It's still so bad, and now he is totally uncomfortable with the grandmaster, even in terms of internal strength, he is still above many master-level masters, but in this world, it is not that the higher the internal strength, the more powerful it is, and many other skills must be integrated.

Of course, the reason why the guards of the Liao State team suffered such a terrible defeat was because they were not prepared at the beginning. They were only here to catch a concubine. The dozens of people who came here have been very troublesome, and it is not expected that Yuan Chengzhi was hidden. , Is actually a master of masters, if they bring bows, arrows, shields and the like, they will never be so embarrassed like this.

Seeing that Yuan Chengzhi was about to get rid of these guards, a roar suddenly came, and a tall and burly figure rushed out towards Yuan Chengzhi and attacked him. Before the people arrived, the engulfing wind blew the faces of many guards nearby. pain.

Feeling the momentum of the other party, Yuan Chengzhi was also secretly shocked, did not dare to neglect, let go of the small guards, and dealt with them intensively.

The two of them fought together, and the guards who were shunned around met for a while. They were either knocked out or broken. Soon the group of guards hurriedly rushed to the back ten feet away, and even some of the people who fell to the ground were struggling. You must climb out of the circle as you climb, for fear of being hit by the pond fish.

"Huh, it's him?" Song Qingshu couldn't help being a little surprised. The expert who suddenly joined was not someone else, but Xiao Yuanshan, who had seen him before.

"Why is he in the palace?" Song Qingshu was puzzled. He probably understood what the guards had said. It turned out that Xiao Yuanshan is now the chief inspector of the palace guards in the Liao Kingdom and the head of the entire palace guards.

Have disappeared for decades, and take up such important positions as soon as they come back? Song Qingshu couldn't understand the official arrangement of Liao, but he thought that before the accident, Xiao Yuanshan was the chief instructor of the Shan army of Liao, and now he was promoted to the front of the palace for inspection, but it barely made sense.

"Maybe it's better to win over Xiao Feng, the Great King of the Southern Court." Song Qingshu guessed that now the emperor of the Liao Kingdom Yelu Hongji's favor for Xiao Feng is indeed unparalleled. The Great King of the Southern Court was not ranked in the top five in the power of the Liao Kingdom, but it is precisely because With this holy family, ordinary people abruptly made Xiao Feng the second person in Liao.

At this moment, the two of Kung Fu had fought for dozens of rounds, and the strong wind fisted with each other could even be felt by Song Qingshu so far away.

"Big Brother Song, who will win and whom will they lose in the end?" I saw two figures coming and going, and I couldn't even see who was who in the end. Xia Qingqing on the side couldn't help asking.

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice: "After Yuan Chengzhi's ninth turn of Hunyuan Gong Nirvana, he is already a rare opponent in his internal power, but he has lost his memory after all. Before, many martial arts can only be used by instinct, coupled with his highest attacking power of the Golden Snake Sword. If he can't use his fist, he is probably not Xiao Yuanshan's opponent, and now he is only equally divided by his incomparable internal strength. After another two or three hundred moves, if his internal respiration fails, he will probably lose."

"Ah~" Xia Qingqing exclaimed. Even though she had said that she had completely broken off with Yuan Chengzhi, the other party was once her husband after all. Seeing him in danger, she couldn't help but worry about him.

Song Qingshu continued: "In fact, even if he has the Golden Snake Sword in his hand, it won't help. Now that Xiao Yuanshan is dragging him, and there is a steady stream of guards coming here, he probably won't be able to leave today."

As soon as the voice fell, a large group of guards rushed in, and the head of the guard was the Xiao Shilang who had seen it before! With a wave of his hand, his guards spread out to faintly surround the two people in the field, ready to step forward and help at any time.

"Is there such a master in the palace guard?" Seeing Yuan Chengzhi's move, Xiao Shiyilang couldn't help being a little bit happy, as if there was an urge to draw a sword. As the deputy inspector of the palace, Naturally, I have seen Yuan Chengzhi before, but I didn't expect the other party to keep hiding.

"Yuan, you don't stop to blame us for being rude." A vicious voice sounded, mixed with a woman's exclamation.

Yuan Chengzhi looked back and saw that a little commander was putting a knife on Xiao Zhonghui's neck, and Xiao Zhonghui would die with just a little effort.

"Xiaohui!" Yuan Chengzhi couldn't help being surprised and angry.

After experiencing the initial panic, Xiao Zhonghui gradually calmed down, and said coldly: "You are so courageous, even if a close servant dare to hold the palace?"

"Saba? What a broken name." Song Qing Shu in the dark is slanderous, but judging from the other party's clothing, he should be an intermediate officer in the palace guard. As for this weird name... After all, the Liao country is a country established by the Khitan people, and many Qidan people The naming rules of people are quite different from those of Han people.

Hearing Xiao Zhonghui's words, Sa smirked and said: "Why do you continue to put on airs here? After today, you may still be a damn."

Xiao Zhonghui's heart sank, and she couldn't help being frightened. What did he mean by what he said? Did he get any inside information that his father's case had developed in an unfavorable direction?

But despite this, she still didn't panic. After all, she had the card of King Jin. As long as she saw the emperor, he would always think of the old kindness at that time.

Sa Ba stopped paying attention to her, but looked at Yuan Chengzhi not far away: "The surname is Yuan, if you don't want to catch it, I won't recognize anyone with this sword."

Yuan Chengzhi looked this way and clearly saw that Xiao Zhonghui’s white neck had shallow blood stains. He couldn't help being frightened. He didn't understand why Sa Ba dared to be so presumptuous, and he saw whether it was Xiao Shishilang or Xiao Yuanshan. They didn't mean to stop the other party, and I didn't know what to do for a while.

He hesitated in his heart, and his movements naturally slowed down. The masters competed only on the front line. Xiao Yuanshan found an opportunity, hit his chest with a palm, and then instantly pointed a number of big acupuncture points on his body with Wuxiangjie. Rao is Yuan. Chengzhi had true qi to protect his body, and was beaten with blood spurting wildly.

At this time, the waiting guards swarmed up and swung a knife at him, and he would be chopped into flesh in a flash!

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