Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1516: Who knows the string break

"Ah!" Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhonghui exclaimed, Xia Qingqing on the other side also grabbed Song Qingshu's hand tightly, too nervous to speak.

Song Qingshu frowned, thinking that if she was allowed to witness Yuan Chengzhi being hacked to death, she would have a psychological shadow in her life, and Yi Yang was about to secretly rescue her.

At this moment, another voice sounded: "Stop!"

The owner of that voice seemed to have the prestige, the guards stopped one after another and looked at each other suspiciously.

Saba said in a deep voice, "He appeared in the harem late at night. This matter is not trivial. It is better to check all the wrongs carefully."

Both Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Shilang nodded secretly. If he were to die like this, the concubine Wen's meeting with a man in the middle of the night would go viral, and even if there was nothing wrong, he would be caused by gossip and gossip.

Seeing that Yuan Chengzhi could not die for the time being, Song Qingshu gave up his plan to take action. Watching a group of guards take Yuan Chengzhi and Xiao Zhonghui into custody, Xia Qingqing beside him couldn't help asking: "Qingshu, what shall we do now?"

"If you want to save him, you can't do it in this palace. The movement is too loud." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice. Now the guards of the palace have been fully activated, and there are prince guards everywhere. The royal guards of the palace confronted each other head-on, and even if they were rescued by chance, the escape mode would be activated next.

Song Qingshu came to Beijing quietly this time, but now that things are not done, naturally he doesn't want to lose too much because of small mistakes.

Xia Qingqing obviously also understands the stakes, knowing that taking a shot at this time is tantamount to hitting a rock with an egg. Although she wants to save Yuan Chengzhi, she doesn't want to see Song Qingshu in danger as a result.

"Don't worry, it will be much easier to save them after they are thrown into the prison of the Yili Hospital." Seeing the other side's worry, Song Qingshu comforted.

"Thank you, Brother Song..." Xia Qingqing stopped talking. She knew that Song Qingshu didn't need to save Yuan Chengzhi at all. She helped out only for her sake. If she was grateful, she didn't know how to speak.

"There are more and more guards, let's leave here first." Song Qingshu rubbed Xia Qingqing's hair and pulled her away quietly.

After leaving the palace, Song Qingshu said to Xia Qingqing: "Qingqing, you go back and meet Bing Xueer first. I'll find out the relevant news. After all, the dignified concubine Wen was arrested by the people who left the courtyard. We will discuss how to save people after the information received."

"Okay." Xia Qingqing nodded thoughtfully.

After taking two steps, Song Qingshu turned around and called her a little worried: "Qingqing, you go back and wait for my news. Don't act recklessly."

Seeing his solemn look, Xia Qingqing sneered: "Don't worry, I am not the woman who ran to be the prince and concubine at every turn. Now you are the most important."

Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly: "So you know what I want to say."

Xia Qingqing gave him a white look: "I have been with you for so long, how can I not know what you think. Don't worry, I will wait for you in the small courtyard and will not act without authorization."

"That's good." Song Qingshu was relieved, "I will come back to find you as soon as possible."

After the two separated, Song Qingshu went straight to the secret stronghold of the Ruyang Prince's Mansion. Now it is better to find Zhao Min to ask for intelligence if you are alone in the middle of the night. Although the Huanyi Academy also has certain intelligence capabilities, it lacks a powerful one. The speed and accuracy of obtaining information is much worse than that of Mongolia.

"Hey, why did you come back so soon?" Zhao Min was sorting out various clues in the study. He was a little surprised to see Song Qingshu's arrival. After all, I told her before that she might not be back tonight.

"Don't you want me to come back?" Song Qingshu teased.

A blush flashed across Zhao Min's white jade cheeks, and he took a sip: "You are always so indifferent. No wonder the reputation of you in the rivers and lakes is always bad."

"That's all a misunderstanding of me." Song Qingshu said sternly, but thinking that his reputation in the arena is to say it is romantic and suave, to say that it is awkward is to be greedy and lustful, and it is also a bit stressful for a while.

Zhao Min was too lazy to quarrel with him, and snorted directly: "Let's say, you come back so early, you must be looking for me for something."

"It will be difficult for a woman who is too smart to marry." Song Qingshu didn't know how many times he complained.

"You don't bother to worry about this." Zhao Minyun replied lightly.

Song Qingshu had no choice but to recount the things in the imperial palace, specifically mentioning Yuan Chengzhi's affairs.

Zhao Min snorted softly, "No wonder he ran out anxiously. It turned out to be a smile for Bo Hongyan."

Song Qingshu smiled, he knew that with Zhao Min's IQ, it was not difficult to guess the existence of Xia Qingqing.

"I'm very curious why the dignified concubine Wen was arrested by the people who left the Biyuan." Song Qingshu was worried that she would get to the bottom, and hurriedly asked.

Zhao Min faintly replied: "It is not surprising. According to the latest information, Yili Biyuan has obtained the latest clues. The case of Yelvqi and Xiao Banhe's treason is all nailed down."

"What clue?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking, after all, he didn't believe that Yelüqi's character would be rebellious.

"This is unclear for the time being," Zhao Min replied, "it will take time to confirm." No matter how she is, she won't get all the information so quickly. It's hard to know the latest progress of the treason case.

Song Qingshu frowned: "After all, the concubine Wen Jinzhiyuye, even if the case is involved, it should be managed by Tiyin, how can it be managed by a place like Yili Biyuan?" This is his most doubtful place, a well-loved concubine. How could it be reviewed by Yili Biyuan like ordinary prisoners.

Zhao Min glanced at him in surprise: "So you didn't know that now, the leader of Tiyinsi, Xiao Pidi and Xiao Banhe are cousins. To avoid suspicion, the emperor naturally did not allow Tiyinsi to participate. From this point of view, The fate of Concubine Wen and his daughter may not be optimistic."

Song Qingshu vaguely remembered that Su Yin seemed to be the leader of Ti Yinsi before, but how come he has become Xiao Pidi now? I don't know where Su Quan is now.

"Apart from asking about concubine Wen, you are not determined to save you when you come to me." Zhao Min suddenly said again.

Song Qingshu was startled, and finally sighed: "It seems that I can't hide anything from you."

Zhao Min got up and chuckled: "Yuan Chengzhi and you are not only friends, but also enemies, let alone Xia Qingqing's husband. Rather than risk saving him, it is better to let him die and let him die in the hands of the Liao people. Qingqing can't blame you for anything."

Song Qingshu's face changed, and finally said: "I am not a saint, I am really not willing to take a big risk to save an irrelevant person, and..." Although he didn't finish his words, the meaning was already obvious.

"So you are here to ask for my opinion?" Zhao Min said with a smile.

Song Qingshu nodded: "I'm in a situation, and it's really difficult to make a rational judgment. The princess is so wise, I must be able to give the most appropriate advice."

"You are cunning, you push everything on others," Zhao Min smiled, but the expression on his face obviously didn't mind it, "Of course my advice is to save him."

"Oh?" Song Qingshu glanced at her unexpectedly, her answer was unexpected.

Zhao Min paced with his hands in the study and slowly analyzed: "Yuan Chengzhi is not only Xia Qingqing's ex-husband, but he also has another tricky identity, that is, the former Golden Snake King. If this identity is found by the Liao State, At that time, if you use him as a bargaining chip to coerce the Golden Snake Camp, even if you control the Golden Snake Camp now, it is inevitable that the Golden Snake Camp will have great turmoil, so you need to save him and not let him be controlled by the Liao people."

Song Qingshu nodded slowly, having to admit that her analysis was very reasonable. Zhao Min continued: "Of course the risk of saving him is too great. In comparison, the best option is to save him on the surface, but in fact you are in prison. To get rid of him in this way will not only solve the worries of the future, but also get Xia Qingqing's gratitude. It is really the best policy to kill two birds with one stone."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "Although I am a little hesitant, I am not going to do such a vicious thing, so I won't mention it again."

"Women’s benevolence." Zhao Min looked angry and indisputable, but there was a hint of comfort in his heart. Although he lacked the non-trivial spirit of becoming a major event, it was precisely because of the generosity in his bones. I can get along with peace of mind. If he is really that kind of cruel hero, I don't think I will...

Zhao Min's face flushed, and then he continued: "It is not a bad thing not to kill him. That way, there is another gain. As a result, Yuan Chengzhi has a loyal personality. If you have a life-saving grace for him, he must not He will make irresponsible remarks about Jinsheying's affairs, even if he recovers his memory, because there is a new confidante Wenfei, he will probably not hate your hatred of taking his wife."

Song Qingshu has a black line: "What about the hatred of taking away his wife, don't say it so badly, okay? At that time we all thought he was dead, not to mention that Qingqing and I have also gone through all kinds of hardships."

Zhao Min didn't care: "Cut, you can't change the fact that you have robbed his wife even if you explain it too much."

Song Qingshu opened his mouth, and his explanation turned into a helpless wry smile.

Zhao Min continued: "On the other hand, what's the advantage? We have now cut off Murong Jingyue's clues. After all, Concubine Wen and his son are in high positions. Maybe there will be some clues." She paused and continued, "Retreat. Wan Bu said that even if they didn't have the slightest clue, at least they knew about the mandarin duck knife. We were always curious about the secret of the mandarin duck knife.

After listening to her, Song Qingshu stood up: "Since you say so, then I will save him."

Zhao Min stood beside him with a smile and said, "Actually, you have already made a decision in your heart. I just gave you a reason."

Song Qingshu was startled, and a smile appeared on his face immediately: "If you want to pay attention to the piano, you have few friends, and no one knows the strings. I didn't expect to find a friend like the princess in the world."

Two bright red peach blossoms appeared on Zhao Min's fair face: "Bah, who is your soulmate!"

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