Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1517: One and a half claws

After leaving Zhao Min, Song Qingshu returned to the location of Huanyiyuan's stronghold. Xia Qingqing had already been waiting there. Song Qingshu was worried about what happened over time and had no time to rest, so he directly waved to her and said, "Let’s save Yuan Chengzhi. Right."

Bing Xueer on the side knew what had happened from Xia Qingqing before. Knowing that Song Qingshu was going to save Yuan Chengzhi regardless of previous complaints, she became more admired and felt that she had finally seen the wrong person. Seeing that they were leaving, she hurriedly reminded: "All the way. be careful."

Song Qingshu laughed loudly: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I can't be troubled by the trivial elders.

Seeing the disappearance of the two, Bing Xueer's face was still blushing, thinking of the word "sister-in-law" in the other party's mouth, she was a little bit stunned, and secretly sipped: "Let this kid stop calling me sister-in-law. ......" There were bursts of redness flashing on the snow-like skin, which became more and more exciting.

Let’s say that Song Qingshu and Xia Qingqing arrived at Yili Biyuan, and found that although it was well guarded, it was the second half of the night and obviously there was no additional guards due to the arrival of Concubine Wen and others. They quickly stunned. The two guards then changed into their clothes and mixed in.

After all, it was the sleepiest time in the second half of the night. Many of the guards inside were dozing off. Song Qingshu and the two mingled in all the way without any risk. Except for unavoidable stunned a few guards, they didn't even stun. How to shoot.

When he came to the room where Yuan Chengzhi was detained, he found that he was seriously injured and was lying on the bed languidly. Xia Qingqing hurriedly lowered his voice and shouted, "Big Brother Yuan, Brother Yuan?"

After all, Yuan Chengzhi has a deep foundation in internal skills. Although he was seriously injured, he did not pass out of a coma. He raised his head in a daze when he heard someone calling him. After seeing Xia Qingqing, he couldn't help but stunned: "It's you?" He remembered this. It was the woman who had been deployed to see him in the palaces. At that time, the woman behaved strangely when she saw him.

Hearing his words, Xia Qingqing was overjoyed and thought he had recovered his memory, but when he saw the blankness in his eyes, he reflected that he was mostly just remembering the things in the cell before, and she was so sad that she replied: "Big Brother Yuan , We are your former friends, this time we are here to save you."

"The original friend?" Yuan Chengzhi was startled, a dazed expression flashed across his face. The previous things were blank for him, but now he has no time to ask about these, and hurriedly said, "Since you are my friends, Can you help me save Xiaohui... well, that's the woman in the cell over there."

Hearing his words, Xia Qingqing felt sour, but suddenly realized that since she had decided to go with Song Qingshu, it would be better for Yuan Chengzhi and Xiao Zhonghui to have an end. She was a little happy when she thought about it this way: "Okay, let's help you save her! "

"Thank you two Gaoyi!" Yuan Chengzhi said excitedly, arching his hands.

"Gao Yi? I'm still Bai Jie." Song Qing slandered, stretched out his hand, and a ray of sword air cut the shackles on his hand, "Let's go, come with us to rescue her."

Looking at the smooth fracture of the stainless steel shackles in his hand, Yuan Chengzhi was shocked, and admired as he came out: "Your martial arts are so high that I really admire them."

"Brother Yuan passed the award." Song Qingshu smiled faintly, thinking that if you knew about the various poses I put your wife in, you would be even more shocked, but he soon realized that these thoughts were a bit unbearable, and hurriedly put them together. Thoughts swept out of my mind.

The group of three came to the cell where Xiao Zhonghui was. After all, she was a dignified concubine. Naturally, she was not in a messy cell like ordinary prisoners. Instead, she was regarded as a five-star hotel in the cell. The windows were bright and clean, and she was even on the bed. Still silk quilt.

Xiao Zhonghui was sitting at the window in a daze, when she suddenly turned around when she heard the movement, and saw the three people outside, she couldn't help being surprised and happy: "Big Brother Yuan?"

"Xiaohui!" Yuan Chengzhi was also a little excited. If it weren't for being blocked by iron bars, he might have rushed in. "They didn't trouble you."

Xiao Zhonghui had already ran over at this time and held Yuan Chengzhi's hand across the fence: "No, they are quite polite to me."

Seeing a young couple complaining to each other there, Song Qingshu couldn't help coughing and interrupted: "This is not a place to talk. Let's talk about it if you have anything to say."

"Big Brother Yuan, who are they?" Xiao Zhonghui asked suspiciously.

"They are my former friends," Yuan Chengzhi was about to introduce her to the two, but he suddenly showed embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I haven't had time to ask you Gao's name just now."

"My last name is Song." Song Qingshu's identity is sensitive at this time, and he does not reveal his real name.

"I am..." Xia Qingqing opened her mouth, and finally introduced briefly, "My last name is Xia." She was worried that saying her name would remind Yuan Chengzhi of something, that would be a bit bad.

"Big Brother Song, Miss Xia, the two are really talented and beautiful, and a pair of beautiful people." Yuan Chengzhi could see that the relationship between the two was extraordinary and close, and he subconsciously complimented.

I don't know that this sentence fell in the ears of the two of them, but they made their expressions extremely strange, Song Qingshu smiled: "I really agree with her."

When he said such things in front of her husband, even if he knew that his husband had lost his memory and the friendship between the two was exhausted, Xia Qingqing was still so ashamed that he wanted to sew in.

At this moment, Kung Fu Xiao Zhonghui also understood the two people’s intentions, but shook his head and said: "I understand your kindness, but I can't go. If I go, I can't cleanse myself by jumping into the Yellow River. At that time, my father, mother, brothers and sisters, and even my entire family would be implicated by the emperor because of me, and I could not harm so many people because of myself."

Song Qingshu's eyes moved, and he didn't expect Xiao Zhonghui to be a Virgin-like figure, but he thought about it again. People in this era have a very strong concept of family, especially when the emperor came to the Jiu Clan if he didn't agree with him, she was also thinking about it. reason.

"But..." Yuan Chengzhi still wanted to dissuade her, Xiao Zhonghui continued: "Don't worry, Big Brother Yuan, although the emperor is temporarily deceived by the villain, but I gave birth to the emperor Jin Wang, and he will not react to this kindness. What our family does, when the case is cleared, will naturally return justice to our family."

Song Qingshu frowned. Many forces were involved in this case, and it was by no means simply involved in a treason case. However, he did not have any strong evidence. It is estimated that Xiao Zhonghui would not believe it.

"What should we do now?" Xia Qingqing looked at him worriedly.

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile: "It's up to them to decide. We can't tie them away when we come to save people."

Xiao Zhonghui said at this time: "I won't leave for the time being, but Big Brother Yuan is different, you should go with them first."

Yuan Chengzhi shook his head: "No, I am here to accompany you."

Xiao Zhonghui was anxious: "My identity is special, they won't embarrass me, but your words..." She didn't finish her words, but the meaning was already obvious.

Yuan Chengzhi remained resolute: "As long as I recover from my injury in another two days, the cell in this district will not trap me at all, and I can leave whenever I want to."

Seeing the two men lovingly making a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate, Song Qingshu couldn't help but look at Xia Qingqing on the side playfully, who knew she was also looking at herself.

"Since they have decided, let's go." Xia Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the deep relationship between the two.

"I still have something to ask about them," Song Qingshu stepped forward, keeping in mind the purpose of coming this time, "Miss Xiao, do you know someone named Murong Jingyue?"

"Murong Jingyue?" Xiao Zhonghui looked blank, "I haven't heard of it."

This answer was not unexpected. Song Qingshu continued to ask: "Then have you noticed who has been abnormal in the palace over the past two years?" He and Zhao Min analyzed that if Murong Jingyue had not been hidden in the court, then it was very likely. Hidden in the palace.

"Abnormal?" Xiao Zhonghui frowned and thought, suddenly remembering something, "Speaking of it, there really is such a person."

"Who is it?" Song Qingshu was overjoyed and hurriedly asked.

Xiao Zhonghui opened her mouth and was about to answer. An alarm sounded not far away: "I found the body of the jailer. Someone has sneaked in. Hurry up, go in and see what's inside." The voice just fell, and there was a mess. The sound of footsteps rushed in.

"Big Brother Song, let's go quickly, otherwise it's too late." Xia Qingqing hurriedly took Song Qingshu's arm.

Song Qingshu still wanted to ask again, Xia Qingqing said hurriedly: "They are still here, and there will be opportunities to ask again in the future. Leave here before talking."

Song Qingshu also thought that if the delay continues, he will meet with the soldiers of the Liao Kingdom. A battle will inevitably occur at that time. Although he is not afraid, the chain reaction will lead to martial law in the capital city. If it disturbs Murong in the dark. Jing Yue would be terrible. After all, this guy was as cunning as a fox, and finally caught his tail. If he was taken away by surprise, the ghost knew where to look for him next time.

After analyzing the serious relationship, Song Qingshu and the two hurriedly bid farewell, and took Xia Qingqing to break through a wooden railing window and ran out. Yuan Chengzhi took the opportunity to also return to his cell, pretending to bring his shackles back, because Song Qingshu attracted most of the attention, but no one noticed that he had ever gone out.

Bing Xue'er had been waiting at the secret stronghold in the coat-in-the-clothing courtyard. Seeing only two people came back, she couldn't help but startled: "Isn't it rescued?"

"Yes, nor is it." Xia Qingqing shook her head and said roughly what happened just now. Bing Xueer said with some envy, "The two are willing to live and die together. This relationship is really stronger than Jin Jian. "

Song Qingshu snorted dissatisfiedly: "If your sister-in-law is arrested, I can do it too."

Bing Xueer slowly shook her head: "I understand your feelings for me, but do you live and die together..." She paused and continued, "If you really live and die with me, what should you do with so many confidantes? Do? I'm afraid that even Qingqing won't let me go."

"Sister Xueer~" Xia Qingqing stomped embarrassedly when she was teasing her.

Song Qingshu was also a little embarrassed. Now that he shoulders too many responsibilities, it is indeed difficult to live and die with a woman.

But seeing the faint smile on Bing Xue'er's face, he became a little angry, and walked forward and hugged her horizontally: "We have been separated for too long and our love has faded. It seems that we need to do a good job. Let’s add something."


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, readers! Have a good time with your little girlfriends... to warm up your relationship

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