Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1519: Right arm

"Dare to ask who surrendered?" Xiao Feng frowned and asked.

"Xiao Xiamo, Du Ma, Xiao Xiamo, Xiao Banhe and Yelvqi, the two chaotic courtiers and thieves, because I trust them so much, they are so embarrassing to hold the closest person around me!" Yelu Hongji slapped the noble man! His teacup smashed and was very angry.

Hearing Yelu Hongji’s words, Xiao Feng and Xiao Bienei had nothing to say. Both of them knew his personality very well. Hearing the stern tone of his tone at this time, they understood that if they continued to persuade them, they would probably burn their bodies and draw big thoughts. disaster.

Song Qingshu also knew from Zhao Min that the development of the situation was completely beyond control at this time, and couldn't help frowning: "At this point, it's really troublesome."

Zhao Min chuckled, "In fact, this matter is troublesome on the surface, but it is actually an opportunity for you."

"What do you say?" Song Qingshu asked in doubt.

Zhao Min stood with his hand in hand, and said indifferently: "The dynasties that emerged on the grasslands of ours are different from your Han dynasties. We don’t believe in the nonsense that the kings and ministers have to die. The power of your Han dynasties comes from the emperor, naturally. We don’t have the ability to resist, but the power in our countries often comes from our own tribes. In a large tribe, there are often many fighters loyal to the leader. As the palaces of Liao, Yelvqi is deployed at a young age and in high positions. No matter how there are thousands of private soldiers under his command, how can he watch him be killed unjustly?"

Song Qingshu was startled: "Then why do you say this is an opportunity for me?"

Zhao Min explained: "Now the Golden Snake Camp is in full swing, but it's a pity that most of the leaders of the Golden Snake Camp started from the King of the Mountain. Under him, Yeluqi is a rare talent of the younger generation. Not only is he both civil and military, but the key is the rare gentleman. If he can subdue him, it can be said that he has an extra right hand."

"Yelüqi is indeed a rare talent," Song Qingshu and Zhao Min did not subconsciously mention Song Qingshu, Zhang Wuji and others when chatting. They boiled down with the younger generation, "But he has always been loyal, so how could he go to the Golden Snake Camp?"

"Of course it's impossible under normal circumstances, but this event is a great opportunity," Zhao Min replied. "If their charges of rebellion are confirmed, not only Yelvqi will not escape death, but also his family will not escape bad luck. These emperors did not have any mercy to kill people. Considering that the surrounding Manchus and the Kingdom of Jin are the old enemies of the Khitan people, our main force in Mongolia is now on the westward expedition. We may not be willing to offend the ally of the Liao State for him. Xixia is too far away. At this time If you extend an olive branch to them, they will agree to it eight or nine out of ten."

Zhao Min paused and laughed: "After all, the Golden Snake Camp is their best choice now. What's more, the territory and strength controlled by the Golden Snake Camp is not only not weaker than that of the Liao State, but even hidden above it. They have no reason not to. Pick you."

Song Qingshu's eyebrows moved: "I originally thought that the Golden Snake Camp was a bit uncomfortable. I didn't expect that the princess was so optimistic, which made me a little flattered."

"You don't have to belittle yourself," Zhao Min looked back at him. "The most powerful in the world in the past two years is the Golden Snake Camp. It can compete with the countries below the sky. Who would dare to treat you as bandits and bandits in the world?"

Hearing what she said, Song Qingshu couldn't help being proud: "Then I will try to see if I can subdue Yelvqi!"

However, Song Qingshu quickly realized a problem: "I have met Yelvqi several times before. Although they are not close friends, they are also equal. Now that he becomes my subordinate, he may not be able to get used to this. change."

"Don't worry, I have left the matter of persuading Yelvqi to be handed over to me." Zhao Min's cheek flashed with confidence.

Appreciating the incomparable demeanor of the woman in front of him, Song Qingshu suddenly said with a smile but not a smile: "From the interests of Mongolia, shouldn't the princess persuade Yelvqi to go to Mongolia? Why would he be persuaded to lead someone to surrender to the Golden Snake Camp?"

Zhao Min snorted: "Mongolia and Liao are now in the honeymoon period of the alliance. If you accept him, you will openly embarrass Yelu Hongji, but at that time you will lose a lot of money."

"Is that so?" Song Qingshu laughed meaningfully.

Zhao Min frowned and said, "Otherwise? How come you laugh so strangely?"

Song Qingshu chuckled, "I thought it was the princess who was preparing a dowry for myself." After speaking, he carried light work and ran outside.

Zhao Min's jade-white face instantly turned red: "You bastard!"

But looking at his gradually disappearing figure, his anger finally disappeared unknowingly. Instead, he laughed out loud with a chuckle, his eyes softened, and he stood there more and more charming.

Let’s say that after Song Qingshu came out from Zhao Min, he happened to ran into Xia Qingqing who had come back from the Nanyuan Grand Prince's Mansion: "Little lady, what is it so depressed?"

Xia Qingqing was taken aback. After seeing that he was relieved, she stroked her chest and replied: "Scare me, I thought I had encountered another dude who didn't have eyesight."

"Looking at your face full of frost, which dude dare to molest you, and not be thrown into the river to feed the fish?" Song Qingshu teased.

Xia Qingqing's face flushed: "Am I that scary~"

Song Qingshu smiled. Although Xia Qingqing was gentle and lovely in front of her, she was also a murderous demon in her bones. In the past, Governor Ma's son had molested her, and ended up in vain.

"Big Brother Song, I just met with King Xiao. King Xiao knew about my relationship with you. He welcomed me warmly and understood my intention. He said that this time he returned to Beijing was also here for this matter, and he immediately set off to face the saint. It’s a pity that Yelu Hongji is determined to kill them. What should I do now.” Xia Qingqing said with a worried look. In her opinion, the majestic Nanyuan King will not work, unless there is a miracle, Yuan Yuan Chengzhi and the others are dead.

"I already know the latest progress of the case, don't worry, I have other ways to save people." Song Qingshu comforted her.

Xia Qingqing's eyes lit up: "What way?"

"It's not time to say it yet, you will naturally know when the time comes." Because Zhao Min's persuasion to surrender Yelvqi has not yet succeeded, Song Qingshu did not dare to pack the votes, lest Xia Qingqing hopes the greater the disappointment.

After the two returned to the stronghold of Huanyiyuan, Song Qingshu ordered the agents of Huanyiyuan to find topographic maps near the capital, because these were military secrets and there was no complete map. He could only look at the map while asking about the lurking For the information related to the secret agents who have been in Beijing for many years, I sketched a rough sketch in my mind.

Xia Qingqing and Bing Xueer also helped him organize information about the pass city on the way east to Jinsheying, and several hours passed without knowing it.

Suddenly someone sent a letter from outside. After reading the note, Song Qingshu's eyes flashed with a strange color, and he got up and said to the two women: "You are waiting for me here, I'll go out."

Then I changed my clothes and inquired all the way to a very lively courtyard. I looked at the three words "leaning against the red building" on the plaque, Yingying Yanyan standing at the door, and the strong powdery smell in the air. I don't know where this is.

He walked in with a weird look and found the box indicated in the note. Song Qingshu opened the door and saw Zhao Min, who was disguised as a man, was drinking there while leisurely listening to an oiran playing the piano.

Song Qingshu coughed to show that he was coming: "You have a leisurely time in this small day." Although he is a famous and beautiful man in martial arts, he was also known as a jade face in his early years, but he has to admit that Zhao Min's appearance in men's clothing is pretty handsome. Above himself, he can only use vain things like manhood to masturbate.

Zhao Min waved his hand to signal the oiran to retreat, and then sighed: "The dignified and reddest oiran in the largest brothel in the capital, but his piano skills are only so-so. It shows that the Liao Kingdom is already at sunset."

"Wandering around a brothel also shows a sentiment of worrying about the country and the people," Song Qing wrote in a strange expression, "but this girl's piano skills are indeed far inferior to the princess."

After a pause, he said playfully: "If the princess goes to the sea, he is guaranteed to be the number one oiran in the world."

Zhao Min gave him a white look, but did not get angry: "Unfortunately you will never see this day."

Song Qingshu also realized that the joke was a bit cold, so he changed the subject: "By the way, how did you know I was there." This couldn't help but he wasn't alert. After all, he was in the secret stronghold of the clothing courtyard, and he was found by Zhao Min. !

Zhao Min said indifferently: "With your power in the Kingdom of Jin, most of you stayed at the Cocoon Yard, and Cocoon Yard is a secret stronghold in the capital. I also know what it is about. It's a big deal to send someone to deliver the letter. , There is always one who can find you."

Song Qingshu's brows were frowned, and one spy agency was actually known by another spy agency. How terrible it is. It seems that the political turmoil this year has caused the military affairs of the clothing courtyard to be a little lax. Wan Yanping's main energy is still in the country. Helping sister Gobi is really negligent in managing these bases in other countries.

"The reason why I came to you this time is because Yelvqi needs to see you to be relieved." As soon as Zhao Min's voice fell, there was already a knock on the door outside.

"Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here." Zhao Min chuckled and motioned to open the door. Two people wrapped in cloaks soon walked in. After closing the door, they opened the cloak to reveal the truth. One of them was Yuxuanang. Naturally it is Yelvqi, and the other is an old man with white beard and hair. The most striking thing is the heavy bags under the eyes, but Song Qingshu would not regard him as an ordinary old man, because based on previous information, he can roughly guess his identity. Qi's father-Yelv Chucai!

When he saw Song Qingshu, Yelvqi couldn't help laughing bitterly: “I didn’t believe the princess who said that King Qi was in the capital before. Your Excellency really hid the entire capital from the people.”

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