Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1520: Kanaya Zangjiao

Song Qingshu got up to greet him: "It's really a sensitive identity, so I have to be careful."

"That's true," Yeluqi smiled, and let the old man beside him start to introduce him, "This is my father."

"Mr. Jiuwen's name, disrespect and disrespect!" Song Qingshu's words are not polite. You must know that Yelv Chucai is the top minister in history. He established many systems in the Yuan Dynasty. The Mongols immediately beat the world. Sit down and sit down peacefully, Yelv Chucai took a lot of credit.

Although Yelvqi is also a rare talent, if you really want to be more real, ten Yelvqis are not as good as one Yelvchucai.

Feeling the eagerness in his eyes, Yelv Chucai was a little flattered: "The king of Qi is really stunned. I have waited. Over the years, the name of the king of Qi has been like thunder."

In this world, the Liao Kingdom has not perished, and Yelv Chucai and others have not yet arrived in Mongolia. Naturally, there is no plot in "The Legend of Condor Heroes" that the queen was persecuted and had to go south to the Song Dynasty. Relatively speaking, Yelv Chucai even still Without his dazzling light on the stage of history, he is indeed far inferior to Song Qingshu, who is simply more famous than today.

However, Song Qingshu is a traveler. Knowing Yelv Chucai's ability is like playing the Three Kingdoms series. At the beginning, Xun Yu, Zhuge Liang and others logged in before their reputations. Of course, this feeling of winning the lottery is beyond description.

Because of Song Qingshu’s enthusiasm, the atmosphere of the conversation between the two parties has always been very good. After a period of greetings, Yelv Chucai finally opened his mouth to explain the purpose of this visit: “The princess has already told us about the related matters. Confirm with King Qi on one of the conditions. As long as King Qi can agree to this condition, we will immediately bring the family members back to the Golden Snake Camp."

"What conditions?" Song Qingshu glanced at Zhao Min suspiciously, why she hadn't ventilated at all beforehand.

Zhao Min took a sip from the wine glass. He didn't mean to answer at all. Instead, he looked good at the show.

Yelu Chucai said slowly: "Qi'er also has a younger sister, the name Yan. Although she is not an overwhelming country, she is still very good-looking. As long as King Qi agrees to marry her, our family will completely take refuge in the Golden Snake Camp from then on. "

He has been in Liao for so many years, and he naturally has his own eyeliner. He already knows that Yelv Hongji has been murdered this time. If it is for other crimes, the family can't bear to abandon Yelvqi, but Yelvqi is framed this time. It also involved concubine Wen’s conspiracy with a man. One might be the crime of robbing the family and exterminating the family. They were really helpless. At this time, Zhao Min showed up again. He was shocked to find that it was also a matter of taking refuge in Song Qingshu pretty good idea.

However, concerning the fate of a family, Yelv Chucai did not dare to sloppy, and did not dare to casually press the future on a vague promise. In case Song Qingshu would not treat them politely in the future or cross the river to tear down the bridge afterwards, it would be too late to regret at that time.

But if the other party married his daughter, it would be different. The two sides have completely become a community of interests, and there is no need to worry about being refrigerated or being calculated. At the same time, he is more confident to convince some hesitating people in the family-after all, they must be completely rebellious Not everyone has so much determination to leave Liao.

"Marriage?" Song Qingshu gave Zhao Min an angry look, thinking that she would be sold by her unknowingly.

Zhao Min smiled at him triumphantly, but did not show any guilt. Instead, he urged him to the side: "Old Mr. Yelu is humble. Yeluyan is a well-known beauty."

"Okay!" Song Qingshu agreed without hesitation. After all, for people like them, the actual interests are more important. On the contrary, the appearance of the other party is not important. After all, there is no shortage of beautiful women around him—— Of course, with his status, it is impossible for the other party to marry him with an ugly girl.

Obviously Zhao Min is the same person, so he made this agreement for him without asking Song Qingshu, and it didn't even cause any mood swings. She was born in the royal family, she was too accustomed to marriages, and she knew Song Qingshu, knowing that he would not refuse.

As for Ye Luyan, Song Qingshu only remembers that there is a very low-existence supporting female in the original book, and he doesn't even remember whether he finally married Dawu or Xiaowu. Unlike Huang Rong and Xiaolongnu, which made him full of longing and fantasy at the beginning. , He can say that he has no feelings for Ye Luyan at all.

If it was just for a Yelvqi, Song Qingshu might not agree to this marriage. Although he didn't mind the marriage, he still valued the objects and forces of the marriage. In the previous few marriages, one was to marry the nine princesses to win the old ministry of the Ming Dynasty, and the other was to marry Ren Yingying, and to join forces with the Sun Moon God Sect, which was spread all over the world. There was originally another marriage. Li Yuanzhi wooed Li Kexiu's Jiangnan Green Camp, but it was a pity that Li Kexiu was too greedy, and finally lost her daughter and broke down.

Today's Yeluyan obviously cannot be compared with the nine princesses and Ren Yingying. Although Yelvqi is a rare talent and cannot be compared with the forces behind A Jiuyingying, there is now a Yelv Chucai, but Wang Zuozhi of this age Cai, Zhuge, Xun Yu and the like, he alone is enough!

"But there is one thing I need to explain in advance. I already have a wife at home, my daughter..." Song Qingshu worried that the other party didn't know beforehand.

"Don't worry about this," Yelu Chucai replied with a smile. "The Khan on the grassland has always married several wives. It is normal for a hero like a nephew to move the world, three wives and four concubines."

Zhao Min also pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Our great Genghis Khan has four queens at the same time. As for the other concubines, there are countless others."

Song Qingshu was still a little bit lost at first, but Zhao Min didn't seem jealous at all, but now he fully understands that when he grew up in such an environment, his concepts in this respect are indeed different from those of ordinary Han women.

In fact, in the original work, Zhao Min didn't mind Zhang Wuji's three wives and four concubines. For example, she liked Xiao Zhao very much, and even acquiesced in Zhang Wuji's acceptance of Xiao Zhao. But the attitude towards Zhou Zhiruo was completely different. After all, Zhou Zhiruo's martial arts talents and the advantages of childhood sweethearts were enough to threaten her status.

Obviously, Ye Luyan and Zhao Min are not the same level opponents at all, and she naturally doesn't mind.

After the marriage contract was concluded, the relationship between the two parties was completely closed, and then they began to discuss the next return to the east. After all, it was not one or two to leave, but a family member.

After all, Yelvqi was deployed in all the palaces and held the military power. In addition, Yelvhongji did not take the rumors of treason seriously at the beginning, so he was not thrown into the prison of the Biyuan. At the same time, because the time was too short. , His official position has not even stopped, which provides the possibility for their family to escape.

Of course, this official position only provided convenience for Yelvqi to escape from the upper capital. The Gongfen army deployed by the palaces was the most elite force in Liao and also directly loyal to the emperor. It can be controlled by Yelvqi on weekdays, but knows him. Treason, how can you follow him?

Yelvqi can only use the trilogy of the family. In total, there are about two to three thousand people. Thanks to the Khitan nomads’ voices, even women and children can ride horses and can be transformed into fighters at any time. Otherwise, if it is the big families of the Southern Dynasties To drag the family and want to defect successfully, it can be said to be wishful thinking.

A group of people discussed in the room for several hours, and finally finalized the next course of action and the details of each place.

After Yeluchu and his son left, Zhao Min also beckoned to Song Qingshu: "Let's go too, is it possible that you are still not willing to be the girl here?"

Song Qingshu said angrily: "I don't even see these vulgar fans."

Zhao Min chuckled and said, "The bride I found for you is not a vulgar fan, right? Don't worry, I will pass the test for you. Ye Luyan is indeed a beauty. How can you thank me?"

Song Qingshu rolled his eyes and said, "Speaking of which, I haven't asked you to settle the account yet. For no reason, there will be more marriages. Be careful that next time you see Zhiruo, she will give you two nine-yin bone claws."

"Now that I have learned your Treading Sha Wuhen, I am not afraid of her anymore," Zhao Min raised his chin triumphantly. "The reason for the agreement to marry with the Yelu family this time is not only to give their family a reassurance, but also more important. What I want to see is that Zhou's surname is bored but can't get angry..." She even laughed happily afterwards.

Song Qingshu thought that it was really possible. With Zhiruo's personality, most of them would not say anything about it. After all, it would help her great cause, but in the bottom of her heart, she would probably be depressed to internal injuries. You must know that she was the only one of her own back then. Wife, it's only been two years, and the wives that Ming Media is marrying have increased one by one.

"Do you know that in our hometown, many good deeds on the Internet put you and Zhiruo into a pair of cps to see the plot of you two falling in love and killing each other." Seeing Zhao Min's triumphant appearance, Song Qingshu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Min was stunned. She said she was smart, but she could understand the other party's words, but when they were put together, she couldn't understand what was going on. It really made her a little bit be surprised.

"It's nothing," Song Qingshu obviously didn't plan to share her journey with her. "Let's go now. Let's find Xia Qingqing and the others first, and then we will save people together."

The time to make an appointment with Yelvqi and others is just before dawn. This is the time when people sleep best, and naturally it is also a good time to escape. Although the time is extremely rushed, if it is delayed until tomorrow, maybe Yeluhongji’s imperial decree will come down. At that time, Yelvqi will lose the convenience of deploying official positions in the palaces, and the success of the escape may be greatly reduced, not to mention that he is likely to be directly. Was caught Yili Biyuan.

Only by unexpectedly making a time difference, will it be possible to escape.

"Finally, are you willing to take me to see you Jinwu Zang Jiao?" Zhao Min said jokingly.

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