Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1521: Chaos in Upper Capital

Song Qingshu suffocated his breath, did not deny it, and smiled embarrassingly: "It seems that nothing can be hidden from you."

Zhao Min snorted: "The wife of the former Golden Snake King and the widow of Hu Yidao, your taste is comparable to that of Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms period."

Song Qingshu didn't get angry at all: "To be able to compare with Wei Wu, the princess really can count on me."

"What's worthy of a Wei Wu in a small area," Zhao Min replied lightly. "The north will be unified throughout his life, and he can't dominate the world."

Song Qingshu was startled, and couldn't help smiling wryly: "The princess has a big pattern."

Instead, Zhao Min tilted his head and looked at him with a non-smiling smile: "Are you willing to be content to be Wei Wu?"

Song Qingshu did not answer. Instead, he said: "Now that Mongolia is so strong in the north, I am afraid I can't do it even if I want to be Weiwu."

Zhao Min looked sad, knowing that the two of them were destined to be enemies in the future, but she would subconsciously ignore it every time she thought of this question.

The two of them had their own concerns, and stopped talking along the way, and unconsciously came to the stronghold of Huanyiyuan. Xia Qingqing and Bing Xueer came out to greet him when they heard the words. When they saw Zhao Min, each one subconsciously stopped.

Song Qingshu introduced: "This is Xia Qingqing, you have seen it before, this is Bing Xueer, this is Princess Shaomin of Ruyang Palace..."

The three women stared with big eyes, not knowing how to deal with this situation, but Zhao Min took the lead to break the calm: "This time I am here to call you to rescue Yuan Chengzhi together."

Hearing her talking about business matters, the embarrassment between the three women was relieved a lot. Hearing her words, Xia Qingqing looked at Song Qingshu with some doubts.

Song Qingshu coughed and explained, "Didn't we tell you a way to save Yuan Chengzhi before, now we have made a plan and we are set to act tonight."

"So in a hurry?" Bing Xueer said in surprise.

"It's so-called soldiers are expensive and fast." Zhao Min briefly explained the reason, and Song Qingshu, who listened to the side, secretly admired that he could explain the ins and outs in such a short period of time. He asked himself that he didn't have this ability.

Hearing Zhao Min's explanation, Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er understood roughly, and at the same time eliminated a lot of alienation.

"Change clothes, let's set off." Song Qingshu ordered. After all, the white skirts fluttering in the evening were a bit too conspicuous.

Xia Qingqing and Bing Xueer didn't have any problems, they quickly went back to the room and changed into night clothes. Instead, Zhao Min stayed there and didn't move. Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing, "I asked them to lend you a set of clothes."

Zhao Min snorted: "No, my clothes are enough to make a facelift."

Song Qingshu took a closer look. She is now disguised as a man. She really has a much smaller goal: "But you are in a white dress with silver rims. You can be recognized in the crowd at a glance."

"So what, this princess has always been such a dazzling existence." Zhao Min raised his chin, unable to conceal his pride.

"It's so stinky," Song Qingshu gave her an angry look. "Today's action is extremely dangerous. If you go like this, isn't it a living target at night?"

Zhao Min was a little disapproving: "Isn't there still you to protect me, the powerful master Song in the world, won't even a weak woman like me be unable to protect it?"

When she spoke, her upper body moved slightly, exhaling like orchids and adding the elegant fragrance of her body, Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing: "The princess is really sultry."

"Bah, who teased you!" Zhao Min is a girl after all, and he can't help but flush with his face when he is teased like this.

"Okay, okay, I have a lot of clothes in my room, so you can change one by yourself." Song Qingshu is wearing a dark dress today, but he doesn't need to change into night clothes.

Zhao Min was just distraught by his words. He didn't realize anything until he entered the room. He turned around and said defensively, "You can't take a peek?"

"Then you want me to watch it?" Song Qingshu looked at her playfully.

"Get out!" The door closed with a slam in response to him.

Although Yi Li Biyuan was heavily guarded, Song Qingshu's trip was all carefully selected masters by Yelvqi, and Song Qingshu took the lead. It can be said that the momentum is broken along the way.

After all, no one could have predicted that anyone in the capital would dare to attack the prison of Yili Biyuan! In addition, Yelvqi made full use of his status as deployed in the palaces and frequently mobilized several troops, which caused the guards of the upper capital and the imperial guards to be on guard, even if they received the help of the Yili Biyuan, they did not dare to come out for assistance. .

So Song Qingshu quickly rushed into the prison, and Yuan Chengzhi and others in the prison were surprised to see them coming. No matter what the others, Xiao Banhe had seen Song Qingshu at the Golden Snake Conference, and he had shot Xia Qingqing and Bing Xue'er not long ago, so that he thought the other party was here to vent his anger for his own woman.

It wasn't until Song Qingshu sent someone to untie the shackles for them while telling them the ins and outs, that he gradually recovered.

Xiao Banhe's eyes flickered when he heard that the other party was about to take her and his party to escape, but after all he was deeper in the city, but Xiao Zhonghui on the side could not hold back and instantly stood up and expressed her opposition. After all, she entered the palace at the expense of her family. Worried about hurting the family as soon as I left.

"Do you think you will be fine if you don't run away from your family?" Zhao Min unceremoniously interrupted her fantasies, and then confided her with Yuan Chengzhi, who was recently concocted by the Biyuan. The birth of King Jin was told, and at the same time it was proposed that Xiao Banhe and Yelvqi colluded with the intention to seek rebellion and usurp the throne and make King Jin the emperor.

Hearing this insidious plan, it is not Xiao Zhonghui, but Xiao Banhe, who has been sitting firmly on the fishing platform, was shocked. After all, this matter has far exceeded his control, plus this black pot. It was too big and heavy, and the chain of evidence was even more interlocking, causing him to have a mouthful of words.

Looking bitterly at Yuan Chengzhi and his daughter Xiao Zhonghui, Xiao Banhe thought he knew that something would happen to them, but he didn't expect it to happen at this critical moment. Even though he knew that his daughter was innocent, other people would do this kind of thing. What do you think? It's fine if you don't know Yuan Chengzhi's existence. If you know it, everyone's gossip psychology is enough to fill up countless detailed details in your mind.

"But if we leave, wouldn't our people..." Different from Xiao Zhonghui's hesitation, Xiao Banhe deserves to be a person who has gone through the big scene. He quickly analyzed the pros and cons, knowing that there is only a dead end to stay here. What worries him are those in the family.

"Don't worry, Yelv Chucai has been in contact with your people before." Song Qingshu replied. This is why Yelvqi and the others are willing to do this to rob prison. When I was fleeing, I also had a reliable combat power around me.

Originally, Xiao Banhe was somewhat worried that all this was deliberately made by the other party, but when he saw a backbone member of the Xiao family in the crowd, he finally dispelled his doubts and agreed to join Song Qingshu.

However, Xiao Zhonghui suddenly yelled: "I won't leave, Xiao Ao is still in the palace, how can he be alive if I leave!"

When the two sides were in a deadlock, Zhao Min said: "Don't worry, I promise to deliver your son to you in peace and safety in the future."

"Why can you guarantee me?" Xiao Zhonghui said angrily.

"Just because I'm the Shaomin princess of Mongolia!" Zhao Min raised his head and said proudly.

Xiao Zhonghui was shocked. She had also heard of Zhao Min's name and knew that she had great energy, but it was related to her son's life. How could she dare to believe it? Just as he was about to say something, Xiao Banhe preemptively held her down: "Since the princess has spoken like this, we are naturally trustworthy."

"Father~" Xiao Zhonghui suddenly became anxious.

Xiao Banhe quickly said in her ear: "Now that Yelu Hongji needs to rely on Mongolian snort to survive, how can he offend the powerful Ruyang Palace?"

Hearing this explanation, Xiao Zhonghui reluctantly agreed, and then the group rushed out of the upper capital from the east gate bought by Yelvqi according to the plan. Yelvqi had already waited in the suburbs with his tribe. After the two sides met, they did not dare. Delay galloped all the way to the east.

On the road, Zhao Min was a little disapproving: "If it were me, it would be better to use these thousands of people to attack the palace. If you do it properly, you may change the dynasty. On the contrary, it is much safer than fleeing like this."

Yelvqi smiled bitterly: "The princess does not know. The reason why we can leave smoothly so far is because I used the status of all the palaces to mobilize several armies of the palace division army, and dragged the upper capital city guard. As well as the imperial palace guards, but this is the effect achieved by the fact that the information is not smooth at night. When the two sides figure out what is going on after dawn, I am afraid they will chase us together. After all, the Gongfen army is loyal to the emperor. , If I ordered them to attack the palace at first, I'm afraid we won't even be able to get out of the city."

Hearing his explanation, Zhao Min couldn't help poking Song Qingshu next to him: "Congratulations on getting a rare talent." She grew up in Mongolia, and doing these movements when riding a horse is really normal.

Song Qingshu laughed and didn't say anything. He looked at Yelu Chucai who couldn't be far away meaningfully. Although Zhao Min was smart, he wasn't a plug-in who knew the future like himself, and didn't understand who he really valued.

Besides, Yelu Hongji's complexion in the palace is gloomy. It won't be great for anyone to be quarreled from his concubine's bed in the middle of the night, not to mention that he is even more upset when he learns that a mutiny has taken place in the capital. The former secretary closely guards the gates of the palace, while sending people out to find out what happened!

It's a pity that it was late at night, and it didn't take long for the spies to be assassinated by Zhao Min's spies as soon as they left the palace, so Yelu Hongji had been waiting in the palace with fear until dawn and didn't understand what had happened.

It was not until dawn, when Xiao Feng, Yelu Yixin and others led their troops to King Qin. Both sides gave confessions. Then they understood what happened last night. Yelu Hongji was furious and immediately ordered Xiao Feng to bring five thousand most elite cavalry. Go after the defected group, life or death!


In the past two days, the family is sick and hospitalized, so they can only spare some free time code words. I hope you will forgive me! The chapters that were previously broken will be added later

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