Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1422: Escape from the jedi

Song Qingshu and Yelvqi rushed east with people along the way. There were many checkpoint cities on the road. However, Yelvqi's rebellion was sudden, and even the people who went to the capital did not expect it, let alone other cities farther away?

In addition, the news didn't spread so quickly. The guards were still deployed in the halls of Yelvqi, and they were flattered and warmly received one by one when they saw his arrival.

Yelvqi just lied that there was a secret mission assigned by the emperor, and he did not stop at all. Most guards did not ask too much. After all, the rules are one thing, and the actual operation is another. Yelvqi is in charge of the palace division. It was the celebrity in front of the emperor, who would offend him for a little suspicion?

However, despite this, there were several guards who had a streak on the road. Yelvqi had to go through the related procedures before letting go. Yelvqi was not merciful to this kind of person, so he slashed it when he lent it to the other party to read the paper. , And put the charge of obstructing emergency military affairs on his head, and successfully bluffed other soldiers.

Seeing all this in his eyes, Zhao Min couldn't help but admire: "I have heard that Yeluqi has the style of a modest gentleman. I am also worried that his indecision has delayed the opportunity. Now it seems that it is really unfounded."

Song Qingshu said with emotion: "This is about the lives of thousands of people in his family, no matter how humble a gentleman is, he will become iron and blood."

The group of people passed through all the way like this. After dawn, they ran for about one hundred and sixty miles to the east. Thanks to all the cavalry this time, they were also the good horses deployed by Yelvqi from all the palaces. Such are these few. The hour is also running so sleepy and exhausted.

While the troops were resting, Song Qingshu said in a deep voice: "It won't work like this. This place is still at least four hundred miles away from the Golden Snake Camp's sphere of influence. Taking into account the necessary rest time in the middle, it will take two days no matter how fast it is. At this time, the people in the capital must have already reacted, sending elite cavalry to chase after us. Sooner or later it will be a matter of catching up with us."

In fact, Song Qingshu had never been very familiar with the speed of the ancient marching. According to the historical data, he traveled hundreds of miles a day, which seemed to be beyond the physical limit. However, when he came to this world, he led soldiers to experience the baptism of the battlefield. Understand the problem.

The most important thing is that the length standard of ancient li is different from that of modern li. The distance of one li in ancient times is more than 300 meters, and three li is almost equivalent to one kilometer in modern times.

In ancient times, infantrymen who can travel 20 kilometers a day are considered top-level troops. Cavalry is faster. However, the local tyrants with one soldier and three horses like Mongolia can only march about 95 kilometers a day. Of course, if you completely discard your luggage, ignore it. All rush marches, whether they are infantry or cavalry, can be faster, but this cannot be sustained, and once they are frustrated in the middle, plus no supplies, they can easily be wiped out.

It took about two hours to get out of the capital city and ran more than 50 kilometers. In the eyes of Yelvqi and Zhao Min, it was already extremely fast, but Song Qingshu had to complain about the world before crossing the world, the world record of the marathon. It was only two hours and twenty seconds, and it was possible to run about 21 kilometers per hour. Now, after riding a good horse for four hours, he ran more than 50 kilometers, which is not as fast as those in the previous life.

Of course, Song Qingshu also understands that there is no such simple analogy. After all, the marathon has no load, and there are supplies along the way, and the cavalry has to cross mountains and ridges, and it takes time to pass through various city gates in the middle. More importantly, the troops drag their homes this time. There are more than 3,000 people in the mouth, many of whom are women, children and children. The marching troops need to maintain their formation at any time, and there is no one who can move easily and quickly.

After all, the marathon only needs to run for a total of about 42 kilometers, and it is enough to run, but the cavalry unit must reserve horsepower to a certain extent. Otherwise, it is estimated that the horses will be exhausted soon after running like a marathon.

"We are mentally prepared for this problem. We will escape as much as we can finally escape this time. It's up to fate." Yelv Qi is in the army and is naturally very familiar with the speed of marching. He has already considered this before. problem.

Song Qingshu frowned and glanced at Zhao Min who was on the side. Seeing that she didn't seem to be surprised at all, knowing that she thought that way, she couldn't help sighing that these people are so used to being superiors, and they really don't take human lives seriously. .

Of course, he is not so bad that the Virgin wants to save everyone, but these men and horses are about to take refuge in him, and each of them is an excellent rider. You can use this as a seed to train a large number of excellent knights, if you die in this barren mountain. On the way to escape in the wild, it was a bit wasteful.

"Well, let's divide our troops into two groups, leaving one army as a suspicious soldier to cover the retreat of the large army." Song Qingshu suggested.

Zhao Minxiu frowned slightly, and Yelvqi smiled bitterly, "Wiseness must die. How can the people who remain will do their best? Most of them will collapse at the touch of a touch. Maybe it will reveal our information."

Zhao Min also agreed: "Yes, although there may be people who voluntarily leave the post, after all, there are few people. If others are forced, it is difficult to guarantee the effect." The army often chooses death squads and seduces people with treasure officials, but it is dangerous. , But after all there is vitality, how can it be like now, leaving behind a deadly death.

Faced with the doubts of the two, Song Qingshu smiled and said, "What if we take the lead?"

Zhao Min and Yelu Qi were shocked: "What do you mean?"

"We will take the lead to stay and break, and cover the large forces to leave," Song Qingshu explained, "In this way, those who stay with us will not think that they will die."

Zhao Min and Yelu nodded secretly. If they took the lead, it would be a solution, but this has the biggest problem: "Then, don't we also fall into death?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "Do you think I'm like the kind of person who seeks his own death?" He remembers the classic Sidu Chishui of the previous life Taizu, who had survived and escaped under the chase and interception of hundreds of thousands of enemies. The situation is worse than it is now. There is such a genius-like battle before, combined with the complex terrain of the Taihang Mountains, it may not be impossible to get rid of the chasing troops in the end.

Hearing his general explanation, Zhao Min and Yelvqi were keenly aware of the possibility of success, and Yelv Chucai on the side also said with emotion: "The world says that King Qi is an immortal famous general. Before the old man, he still felt that the world was a bit exaggerated. Today, when I saw the king of Qi, Guo was a **** and man."

A young girl in the crowd also looked at him curiously. Although the girl was tall, her face was still childish. She said she was beautiful, she was not stunning, but she suddenly pursed her lips, and she was shy and charming.

Song Qingshu knew that she was his cheap wife, Yeluyan, the daughter of Yeluchucai, politely nodded and smiled at her. Who knew that Yeluyan turned all red and turned away in an instant.

Song Qingshu couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that although she was born in the grassland, she was too young after all, so it's normal to be so shy.

Noting the eyebrows between the two, Zhao Min put his hand on his mouth and coughed lightly, and said faintly: "If this is the case, then divide into teams."

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