Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1424: The secret of the mandarin duck knife

However, if she is stumped by this, she won’t be called Zhao Min anymore. When she understands that she has missed that point, she quickly thinks of a new remedy: "Miss Xiao, have you ever thought about another problem? If Linglang follows You live in seclusion overseas, growing up in the wilderness, how can he grow up like a normal child? You can’t even find a doctor even when you are sick, and finally grow up peacefully, even. And if you continue to stay in the capital, I It can be guaranteed that he will still be his prince, enjoy everything about the royal family since childhood, and receive royal education. It is better than following you to wander overseas, right?"

"This..." Xiao Zhonghui was really moved by her, especially when she thought of her son's health, education and future prospects, and even shaken her previous thoughts, "But... can you really guarantee that Xiao Ao can stay in the palace? "Even though she knows that she was wronged, but this time the incident is so big, coupled with the escape of her family, how can Yeluhongji tolerate her son?

Zhao Min proudly said: "The Liao Kingdom is no longer the northern hegemony of the world. It is my Mongolian side that can barely preserve the country. As long as I explain it, Yelu Hongji will naturally not fail to give me face. "

Xiao Zhonghui nodded secretly. She knew that the other party was telling the truth. In recent years, Yelu Hongji often sighed and sighed in the harem, obviously also feeling powerless about the status quo of Liao.

Seeing Zhao Min's move to tell Xiao Zhonghui to change his mind, Song Qingshu walked over and gave her a thumbs up: "The princess is really amazing. I think there is nothing better in the world in terms of mastering the minds of people."

"Huh~" Zhao Min raised his head proudly, obviously extremely proud.

Song Qingshu went on to change the conversation: "But you are a girl, saying that Yuan Chengzhi will think of her in the future underneath another man. The picture...cough cough, it's really poisonous."

Zhao Min had a pale red face, and said grimly: "Anyone who is close to Zhu is red and who is close to Mo is black. If you have been with you for so long, Xiao Baihua will learn badly."

Song Qingshu didn't expect to lift a rock and hit him in the foot. Fortunately, Xia Qingqing was about to lead the team to say goodbye to him, only to resolve his embarrassment.

The two talked to each other for a while, and Song Qingshu finally asked, "Qingqing, do you really not recognize Yuan Chengzhi?"

Xia Qingqing smiled and shook his head: "He has his own happiness now, why bother with the past? As the saying goes, it's better to forget each other than in the rivers and lakes. It's good for everyone."

Seeing that she had decided, Song Qingshu didn't say anything anymore. After watching her leave with a large group of troops, Song Qingshu summoned Yelvqi and others to discuss what to do next?

"This time I am thankful for saving my life. We will stay and do our best." Yuan Chengzhi arched his hands.

Song Qingshu knew that with Yuan Chengzhi’s current martial arts, it was easier to take Xiao Zhonghui on the road alone than to get out of the big army. He persuaded him a few words to see his resolute attitude, but did not persuade him anymore. After all, one more martial arts master around is better than one less. it is good.

Next, their team cleaned up the horseshoe prints and other traces of the large unit led by Xia Qingqing, and then Song Qingshu was about to lead the death squad to the other direction to lead the chasers away, but Yelvqi stopped him at this time.

"Now we are facing a big problem," Yelvqi's words caught everyone's attention. "We Khitan people are born in the grassland. Experienced hunters can use horseshoe prints to analyze the number of enemies and where they are going, and we will chase them later. Ours must be the elite of the elite, and there must be similar talents. The group of people we have left is too few. I am afraid it is difficult to hide from the other party. If they don't follow the big army, it will be troublesome."

"This is a bit troublesome." Song Qingshu frowned. After all, he was not an aboriginal of this world, let alone grew up on the grasslands. Naturally, he never thought of the details of these battlefields.

Fortunately, Zhao Min who was on the side had an idea immediately: "If I remember correctly, there is a military horse ranch nearby. Let's grab some horses and we should be able to get through."

Yelvqi was taken aback: "Yes, there is indeed a horse farm nearby. I didn't even think of it without mentioning it."

Song Qingshu glanced at Zhao Min with some trepidation. You must know that although a country’s horse farm is not a top secret thing, it can be regarded as a military secret. I don't know how deep she knows me?

Now that the goal was agreed, the group rushed to the nearby pasture without stopping. Song Qingshu suddenly remembered something on the way, and rode his horse to Xiao Banhe's side: "Xiao Daxia, that's not right, you should call you the head of the country."

Xiao Banhe smiled bitterly: "He has become a bereaved dog, and King Qi should stop making fun of the old."

Song Qingshu smiled. This is how things are unpredictable. He was aloof a while ago, but now he fled in a hurry: "I have always wanted to ask you something."

Xiao Banhe sighed: "I've been waiting for King Qi to come and start the teacher to inquire about the crime." The reason why he dared to attack Xia Qingqing and Bing Xueer before was using Song Qingshu's ideas beyond reach, but now that Song Qingshu is in Beijing, he must Also know about the previous attack.

"Master Xing will be spared if he asks for the crime," Song Qingshu replied faintly, "but should Daxia Xiao tell me why I attacked her?" Bing Xueer on the side looked at him equally curiously. After all, the two have no grudges or hatred, and they don't know him. Why would you attack yourself.

Xiao Banhe hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed: "No matter, now that he has fled from Beijing, his destined effort for decades is to draw water from a bamboo basket. It's okay to tell King Qi."

Xiao Banhe paused before saying, "The reason for attacking her was mainly because of the mandarin duck knife in her hand."

"Mandarin Duck Sword?" Mo said Song Qingshu, even Bing Xueer was confused and said blankly, "I don't have a Mandarin Duck Sword, it is the Lengyue Treasure Sword left by the husband."

Xiao Banhe's tone was very plain, but what he said was really shocking: "The Lengyue Sword is a Mandarin Duck Sword. Few people in the world have seen the true face of a Mandarin Duck Sword, but I know that the Mandarin Duck Sword is not a sword, but a male and female sword. The sword, Leng Yue Baodao is the male sword among them."

Song Qingshu and Bing Xue'er looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes. Although they had previously guessed that it was related to the Mandarin Duck Sword, they did not expect that the Leng Yue Bao Sword was one of the Mandarin Duck Swords.

"What the **** is going on?" Even Zhao Min was aroused. After arriving in Shangjing, the information about Mandarin Duck Sword came in. It was a pity that it was too messy, and the Mandarin Duck Sword was so mysterious that she couldn't even analyze it. what.

Xiao Banhe raised his head and looked into the distance, and saw Yuan Chengzhi and Xiao Zhonghui chatting intimately behind the team. This brought Song Qingshu aside and slowly recounted a past event: "Hundreds of years ago, Mingjiao had The Three Treasures, one of the sacred fire orders, is known to be able to command the Mingjiao heroes; the second is the great movement of the universe, which has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, and often only the leader can practice; the third... is the mandarin duck sword.

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