Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1425: Ma'am

"Mandarin duck knife actually came from Mingjiao?" Song Qingshu was shocked. It seems that Mingjiao in the world of Jinshu really has a long history. In terms of foundation, even the Wudang school can't compare with it. Only Shaolin can compare with it.

"Yes," Xiao Banhe nodded, "I also knew it by chance. According to legend, the Mandarin Duck Sword is still the head of the Mingjiao Three Treasures, but it is a legend. No one knows where the Mandarin Duck Sword is really powerful."

Song Qingshu is a little moved now. You must know that the holy fire order is a symbol of power, and it is also printed with the profound martial arts of the Persian Mingjiao. The great movement of the universe is the treasure of the town. For hundreds of years, the Mingjiao leader has used this skill to make his name in the world. Hehe, how can Yuanyangdao He De be above the two?

"Since it is a treasure of Mingjiao, wouldn't it be enough to catch a few high-level Mingjiao for interrogation?" Zhao Min on the side asked strangely. Although the people of Mingjiao are fearsome monsters in the world, they still don't put her on her. In my eyes, I don't know how many times she has captured those people.

Xiao Banhe shook his head: "According to the results of my investigation, Mingjiao lost the mandarin duck knife in the mandarin duck knife a hundred years ago. It is said that the mandarin duck knife needs two knives to know the secret. I don’t know the secret anymore."

"No matter how powerful you are, you are no match for a hundred years." Bing Xueer sighed quietly, obviously thinking of her deceased husband.

Song Qingshu shook her hand to show comfort, and continued to listen to Xiao Banhe's sermon: "I learned this secret by chance decades ago, so I have been looking for a mandarin duck knife. Later, the emperor paid off. I finally found the disappearance. The mandarin knife fell."

"Oh?" Even though he now knows that the Leng Yue Bao Dao is a Yuan Dao, Song Qingshu is still curious about what happened that year.

Xiao Banhe explained: "Mandarin knives fell into the hands of Yuan Chonghuan, the governor of Ji Liao..."

"Yuan Chonghuan?" Song Qingshu subconsciously glanced at Yuan Chengzhi in the distance, wondering, "Why did it fall into his hands?"

Xiao Banhe shook his head: "I don't know this. I want to come to Yuan Chonghuan to fight bandits everywhere, coupled with his high position, there are many opportunities to get this knife."

"What happened later?" Song Qingshu thought about it. The mandarin knife might have fallen into the hands of a wealthy family, then it was robbed by robbers and robbers, and finally wiped out by Yuan Chonghuan, and it is not surprising that it fell into his hands.

"Obviously, Yuan Chonghuan didn’t know that it was a Yuandao. I hurried over there. I wanted to try to get it. Unfortunately, when I arrived in Beijing, I happened to encounter Yuan Chonghuan being executed by Ling Chi," said Xiao Banhe. Sighing incomparably, "Although I have no friendship with Yuan Chonghuan, I admire him for being a hero, but unfortunately I can't save him. The only thing I can do is to save his orphan and prevent him from becoming a queen."

"Of course," Xiao Banhe laughed at himself, "I also thought that his son might know where the Yuandao is."

"It's a pity that Yuan Chengzhi was young at the time and didn't know anything about it," Xiao Banhe sighed. "In desperation, I took Yuan Chengzhi to flee. When passing by Huashan, I gave it to the famous man in the rivers and lakes. 'Sword and Fairy Ape' was raised by Mu Renqing. Mu Renqing was grateful for my loyalty and even passed Hunyuan Gong and me on purpose."

Song Qingshu's eyes moved. He had always wondered why Xiao Banhe had the Huashan School's Hunyuan Gong, but now he only knows the cause and effect.

"After leaving Huashan, I went back to Beijing to find out that Yuan Chonghuan was ransacked and the mandarin knife fell into the imperial palace's inner vault. I wanted to enter the palace to steal it, but I ran into a terrifying old eunuch..." In the past, Xiao Banhe still has some lingering fears. "That man's martial arts is really high in my life. Fortunately, he doesn't seem to be interested in staying away from the inner palace, so I barely ran away."

When Song Qingshu heard it, he knew that he might have met the Sunflower Patriarch. That guy hid in the palace all day to cultivate with the help of the emperor's spirit, so he was naturally lazy and moved, and he didn't know how well he had practiced in the Manqing Dragon Vessel of Luding Mountain. , I am afraid that the current cultivation base is even more terrifying.

Thinking of this, Song Qingshu couldn’t help feeling a little more gloomy in his heart. Since his martial arts success, he has even had enough confidence in the upper sweeping monk and Huang Chang. On the contrary, he has little confidence in the sunflower ancestor. After all, he **** the true dragon. The Qi cultivation method is really weird, even a little bit beyond the scope of martial arts.

Fortunately, there is no need to consider his threat for the time being. Song Qingshu continued to listen to Xiao Banhe's words: "After escaping from the palace, I didn't dare to fight the mandarin knife anymore, but it didn't take long for the king to break into Beijing. Ming When the dynasty perished, the Yuandao fell into the hands of King Chuang, and was rewarded by Li Chuang as the head of the four guards under his command—the flying fox."

"Ah~" Bing Xueer exclaimed, knowing that the Flying Fox is her father-in-law, and then she finally understands why the Leng Yue Bao Dao is a Yuan Dao.

"I secretly went to the Flying Fox and tried to seize the knife," Xiao Banhe continued, "It's a pity that the Flying Fox's sword technique is extraordinary and clever, plus he is the head of the King's bodyguard, and there are many helpers around him. , I’m not an opponent, so I have to give up, and plan to wait for Hunyuan Gong to become a master before I go to him.”

"Who knows that after I practiced Hunyuan Gong, I discovered that the powerful King Chuang was destroyed by the Manchus, and the flying fox was also missing. I couldn't find it after a long time, so I had no choice but to give up." Xiao Ban He sighed, apparently still a little bit brooding about it, and pointed to Bing Xue'er, "Until I got news by chance not long ago, I recognized that the knife in her hand was the mandarin knife in the hands of the flying fox back then. It’s a pity that it fell short in the end."

Song Qingshu frowned. He thought it was just the Lengyue Sword before, but he didn't care too much. Now that it was discovered to be a Mandarin Duck Sword, it shouldn't be a coincidence that it disappeared in the cell warehouse out of thin air.

"Where is the other sword?" Zhao Min suddenly said.

Xiao Banhe glanced at Song Qingshu and saw that he didn't avoid suspicion at all. Then he said: "The sword has always been kept in the hands of Mingjiao, but it's a pity that the people of Mingjia don't know the secret. The sword is gradually changing from the sacred thing in the teachings. Into an ordinary sword."

"Nevertheless, Mingjiao masters are like clouds, and I couldn't seize the sword. Later, Fang La rebelled. Song Ting sent Huang Chang to kill him. After Fang La's death, the sword fell into the hands of Zhong Xiang, and Zhong Xiang led the remnants of Mingjiao. After fleeing west to Dongting Lake, he gradually gained a firm foothold. Zhong Xiang was eager to take revenge, practiced the great movement to remove the fire and demons, and was beheaded by Song Kong Yanzhou, while the sword fell into the hands of the next generation of leader Yang Yao. Yang Yao was more powerful than Zhong Xiang. Much, under his management, Mingjiao gradually gained its former momentum, but it was a pity that he soon met a generation of war **** Yue Fei."

Xiao Banhe's tone was full of sorrow, and he obviously admired Yang Yao very much: "I knew Yang Yao was going to lose, so I hurried south to see if I had a chance to take advantage of the chaos to get the sword, but it was a pity that Yue Fei was too powerful, and it collapsed in a short time With the big Mingjiao, when I arrived, I had only time to save Yang Yao's pregnant wife. It's a pity that Madam Yang didn't know the news about the sword, so I guessed it should have fallen into Yue Fei's hands."

"Even though Yue Fei is shaking the world, I can't match the temptation of the mandarin duck knife. I still try to get the knife from him. Who knows that there is a mysterious woman in white clothes next to him," Xiao Banhe said with a lot of emotion, "That woman is simply stunning on earth. She is more beautiful than any woman I have ever seen in my life, but I never expected that such a delicate and weak Allure is a super martial arts master. I am not her opponent and can only escape with injuries, but the woman's light work is too high. , I soon caught up with me. When I thought I was going to die, she saw Mrs. Yang next to me and thought it was my wife. Seeing that she was pregnant, she felt compassion and let us go."

Song Qingshu's heart moved, listening to what he described, and then contacting the information he had obtained before. The woman in white clothes in his mouth is probably the mother of Xiaolongnv, Li Canghai. She is the younger sister of Li Qiushui, who is proficient in Xiaoyao school martial arts, Xiao Banhe and nature are not rivals. .

"Because of Mrs. Yang, I saved my life, and I saw her alone and helpless. I couldn't bear to leave her alone, so I saved her back to Liao." Xiao Banhe continued.

Song Qing's writing is weird. Looking at the other person's expression, most of them later included that Mrs. Yang into the room, not only a personal-wife, but also a pregnant-women, the taste is heavier than mine...

"Where is Yang Yao's posthumous child?" Zhao Min keenly grasped the key.

Xiao Banhe glanced at Xiao Zhonghui subconsciously, and sighed faintly: "Ms. Yang didn't want her to participate in the feud, so she didn't tell her about her life experience. From the moment I was born, I raised her as my own daughter and named Zhonghui. ."

(Note: The Mandarin Duck Sword in the original "Mandarin Duck Sword" was killed by the emperor in the hands of a hero surnamed Yuan and Yang. Yuan Guannan and Xiao Zhonghui are the children of the two heroes. The original work mentions that Xiao Zhonghui’s father was Sanxiang. The hero Yang Bochong, the one surnamed Yuan seems to have no name. The book has been adapted appropriately for the integration of the plots between the books.)

"There is still such a secret." Song Qingshu thought that this ethical drama was even worse than the eight o'clock in the previous life. Yuan Chengzhi and Xiao Zhonghui were also related, and both were saved by Xiao Banhe when they were young.

"Strange, then why didn't he know Yuan Chengzhi?" Song Qingshu was suspicious, but quickly realized that Xiao Banhe only met Yuan Chengzhi when he was a child, and then sent him to the Huashan dispatch. The way he grows up more than ten years later.

"Who did the Yuandao fall into?" Zhao Min didn't have time to care about their love and hatred, and more concerned about the mysterious Yuanyangdao. "Could it be that it fell into the hands of Qin Hui?" After all, Yue Fei died in Fengbo Pavilion, it was Qin Hui. , Wan Tongdao single-handedly managed.

"I don't know," Xiao Banhe shook his head. "Since then, the sword has disappeared for nearly 20 years. It was only not long ago that there was news again. It seems that it was a coincidence that it fell into the hands of Shanyin Shen's house. The family named it the Deer Cutting Knife. I wanted my daughter to bring the Deer Cutting Knife to the Prince. Who knew that he was robbed and killed on the road, and all the guards died. Miss Shen Jia was also missing, and the Deer Cutting Knife was gone again. News."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu immediately reacted. Didn't Shen Bijun be robbed by Xiao Shiyilang, and Xiao Shiyilang was Yelu Yixin's subordinate, and the deer cutting knife was mostly in his hands, and then he thought of the eavesdropping before. When it comes to his conversation with Ma Xiao Xiamo, it seems that he is the source of the turmoil in Beijing. Is there any connection between him and Murong Jingyue?

(End of this chapter)

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