Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1436: Running around

At this time, Zhao Min also looked towards Song Qingshu, apparently thinking of going with him, and also had doubts about Yelu Yixin. But now they are on the way to escape, even if they have doubts, they can't do much for the time being.

It didn't take long for a group of people to arrive at the racecourse. The guards of the ranch did not have the slightest defense against the people who suddenly appeared. There was no time to organize any resistance, and they were soon occupied by Song Qingshu and others.

After getting the horse, Song Qingshu took the people and the horse back to the place where they had just separated. Fortunately, Yelvqi and his people are good horse trainers. Otherwise, there are so many horses. Song Qingshu really doesn't know how to proceed.

Eliminate the hoof marks of Ma Shaoshi, and then leave the mark of horseshoes all the way north, watching many people in the team look heavy, their eyes full of dazed and panic, Song Qingshu knows that you can't simply flee like this, otherwise It is easy to be chased and driven to the north, and when the military spirit is scattered, it will become a rout.

In the past, Taizu was able to lead the army to chase and intercept the four crossings of Chishui with hundreds of thousands of enemy forces. The army did not collapse because of the implementation of the political commissar system. The army has spiritual beliefs and its cohesion is far superior to that of the ordinary army. But now this improvised team Obviously, that condition is not available.

There were no conditions to create the conditions, just as the scouts behind detected that the vanguard of the chasing troops was approaching, Song Qingshu ordered the troops to lie down in a valley a few miles away.

Hearing that they were about to stop, many people in the team did not understand and felt that they should hurry to escape, but Song Qingshu remained unmoved. Anxious and skeptical emotions gradually spread throughout the team.

Fortunately, the chasers from behind arrived quickly. It was a light cavalry force of five hundred people. After all, the assembly of the large force took time, so first sent a small team to chase all the way. The assigned task was to constantly harass and bite. Come to slow down Yelvqi and his party, and buy time for the big troops behind.

They chased them all the way for fear of delaying a little time. Where could they expect that the hunters would become prey. When the rolling rocks fell from the sky, the whole team suffered heavy losses as soon as they met.

Then Song Qingshu rushed down with the ambush cavalry. The chasing troop was already afraid, thinking that all the three thousand people who had escaped were in ambush here, each one had no sense of resistance, and they fleeed desperately. As a result, the formation became more chaotic as they ran away. , There was no way to organize an effective counterattack, and the five-hundred cavalry team was completely wiped out before half an hour.

Song Qingshu asked Yelvqi to take the horse arrows for the pursuit of troops and set off again on the journey north. The people of Yelvqi and Xiao Banhe had doubts about him before, but after the previous battle, a group of people looked towards him. His eyes became reverent and fearful.

Just now Song Qingshu was hovering with countless steel knives and sharp swords, and the whole figure rushed into the enemy's camp like a meat grinder. There was no enemy wherever he went, and anyone who saw it would be frightened.

Don’t say they were ordinary soldiers, even Yelvqi and Xiao Banhe were shocked, but Yelvqi was nothing. Xiao Banhe once regarded Song Qingshu as an imaginary enemy. He thought that he had achieved great success in the Yuan Yuan, even if he was defeated. He should have been able to escape his life, but after seeing him just shot, he was extremely grateful that now the two sides have turned enemies into friends.

Even Xiao Zhonghui looked dumbfounded, and quietly asked Yuan Chengzhi next to him: "Is he a human or a god?"

Yuan Chengzhi also sighed: "Half man and half immortal." His tone was full of depression, and he was obviously also shocked by the blow.

"You were pretty handsome just now." Zhao Min came to Song Qingshu and poked him with a finger with a smile.

Song Qingshu faintly replied: "I have always been handsome."

"Smelly beautiful!" Zhao Min snorted, but the slightly upward arc of her mouth showed that she was in a good mood at the moment.

When Xiao Feng led the large army to the place where Song Qingshu had divided his troops, he looked at the hoofprints all the way to the north, and couldn't help but wonder: "Hey, they can understand if they go east and south, why do they go north?"

Although Xiao Feng looks like a burly man, he is actually very careful in his mind. For so many years before, the leader of the Beggar Gang was not in vain. He saw the anomaly here at once, and he was about to send someone to the east to continue to follow the situation. , Suddenly a few defeated soldiers fled from the north, their faces full of arrogance.

Recognizing the other party’s clothing, Xiao Feng hurriedly sent someone to capture them. Under questioning, he learned that the striker was in an ambush and that the other party was running to the north. After receiving the exact news, Xiao Feng immediately led his troops to chase them north and was interrupted by this. For a while, he forgot to send troops to investigate the situation in the east.

In the next few days, Xiao Feng continued to chase his troops, and the more he chased, the deeper his doubts became: "Why are they running north?"

The general on the side said: "Is it because I intend to seek refuge in Mongolia, so I go all the way north and prepare to leave the Yanmen Pass?"

Xiao Feng's expression changed: "Yanmen Pass is the barrier to the north of Daliao. If it is breached, foreign enemies will move south to Pingchuan, and there is no danger to the north of Shangjing."

Another general said: "Yanmen Pass is heavily guarded, I'm afraid Yelvqi will not be able to defeat it."

Xiao Feng shook his head: "Of course it can't be broken under normal circumstances, but don't forget that Yelvqi and all the palaces are deployed. Now things happen suddenly, all parts of the country don't know what happened in the capital. It's over if there is a gap."

"We have been flying pigeons to various places, and now we should have received news from all over the place in the calculation of time." Napian said hesitantly.

"Flying pigeons are not 100% available," Xiao Feng frowned. "Moreover, as far as I know, Yelvqi has domesticated a few Haidongqings specifically for hunting and killing enemy homing pigeons."

When the generals heard this, they were awe-inspiring. If the information can't reach the place, it is really possible that Yelvqi will penetrate all the way.

"But I'm even more curious about why we haven't caught it after chasing it for so long?" Xiao Feng did not bring any baggage except for some dry food this time. It was completely supplied by the states and counties along the way. All of them are the most elite cavalry. There is no reason why they have not been able to catch up with Yelvqi and others who have been dragging the family for so long.

"I heard that they looted a racecourse before. I guess it's because the horses can keep changing." A partial general replied.

"Perhaps," Xiao Feng frowned slightly, with some doubts in his heart, "Forget it, when the encirclement is formed, the truth will come to light." On the way, he was not only chasing after him, but he also kept mobilizing troops to gradually form an encirclement, at most The net can be closed in one day.

But as soon as he started thinking about it, there was a quick Malay report, and Yelvqi's troops suddenly turned westward towards Ningwu Pass.

"Ning Wuguan? Are they going to go to Xixia?" Xiao Feng was a little confused, and really couldn't figure out what Yelvqi and the others planned.

The current territory of Liao Kingdom is roughly the later Shanxi Province and some places in eastern Shaanxi. Shanxi is surrounded by Taihang Mountain to the east, Luliang Mountain to the west, Heng Mountain to the north, and the Yellow River to the south. Several small basins are sandwiched between them. They are typically easy to defend and difficult to attack. There is Yanmen Pass in the north and Ningwu Pass in the west, which curbs the traffic arteries in the north and west. After exiting Ningwu Pass, you will enter the Loess Plateau, and you will be able to reach the sphere of influence in Xixia soon.

However, Yelvqi and his party were obviously closer to Yanmen Pass than to Ningwu Pass. Therefore, Xiao Feng's previous arrangements had always been based on the premise that the opponent went to Yanmen Pass. The opponent suddenly turned to the west, and instantly got out of the encirclement he arranged.

In desperation, Xiao Feng could only turn to the northwest to chase, and at the same time sent people to order the previous troops to change to the west, and to prevent the opponent from changing direction again to go north to Yanmen Pass.

Let's say that Song Qingshu and his party are resting at the foot of a mountain. After days of running, everyone is exhausted. Even Zhao Min, who has always been charming and beautiful, looks haggard at this time, no longer the usual beauty.

"Are we really going to detour from Xixia?" Yelvqi asked in a puzzled way. After all, this is not a plain way to Ningwuguan, and we need to climb over Yunzhong Mountain. Although this can also slow down the speed of chasing soldiers, they can People's speed will also slow down, and after arriving at Ningwu Pass, most of the defenders there have been informed that it is not enough for people to stuff their teeth between them.

"Of course not, we next turn around and head east, exit Pingxingguan, and leave by Feihuxing." Song Qingshu replied.

"My God~" Yeluqi exclaimed, "At this time, the chasing soldiers gradually surrounded us, and we turned around and headed east again. Wouldn't we throw ourselves into the trap?"

There is a long and narrow east-west corridor between Hengshan Mountain and Wutai Mountain in northeastern Shanxi. To the east is Pingxingguan, which shined in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and to the east is Feihuxing.

Although Taihang Mountain is a natural moat, there are eight main throat outlets, namely the Taihang Eight Gates. From north to south, they are Jundu Xing, Puyin Xing, Feihu Xing, Jing Xing, Chukou Xing, Bai Xing, Taihang Xing, Zhe Guanxing.

Hearing Yelvqi's exclamation, even Zhao Min felt the same. Although she was clever and witty, she did not have enough resources and information, and she was helpless in this situation.

"Before, the reason why the north, the west, the east, was to mobilize the troops from all parts of the northern part of the Liao State. Otherwise, these troops will strictly guard the throat. We want to pass it not so easily. But now that these garrisons move, they will inevitably come into being. The gap, as long as we can grasp the gap between the troops due to poor coordination, then we can escape and ascend to heaven smoothly.” Song Qingshu explained.

You must know that marching and fighting are not so simple things, that is, a school organizing a spring outing will cause a lot of troubles. With so many troops chasing together, at the speed of information dissemination in ancient times, there is no perfect cooperation. There must be a lot of gaps between the army and the army.

We must know that several armies have attacked the enemy countless times in history, and as a result, other friendly armies have been wiped out, and the remaining armies still don't know what happened.

"It is true that there will be gaps, but the gaps on the battlefield are fleeting. How can it be so easy to pass through the gaps between the troops?" Yelvqi raised objections. Although he is young, he is considered a veteran of the army. All the generals know this, but how easy is it to seize and exploit those gaps? After all, no one can see the whole situation from the perspective of God.

"Others may not work, but I am an exception." Song Qingshu replied lightly, with an incomparable confidence in his tone.

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