Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1529: The fairy robe flutters, smelling the fragrance of musk orchid

"But as the eldest of the Shen family, Shen Bijun, born in a scholarly family, is also a candidate for the princess, he must be very proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, why would he need a piano master to teach?" Song Qingshu suddenly felt a little strange.

"I'm not very clear," Zhao Minxiu frowned, "Maybe Shen Bijun needs some accompaniment when he enters the palace."

Song Qingshu nodded secretly. There is indeed a dowry in this world, that not only are maids, but also some talents with other talents.

"Is the princess planning to apply for this Han piano player?" Song Qingshu joked. After all, with Zhao Min's piano skills, it is more than enough to apply for a piano player.

The corners of Zhao Min's lips rose slightly, and said lightly: "It's not I who apply for the job, but you."

"I'm going?" Song Qingshu was dumbfounded, "I don't even know who is Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu, how can I become a piano master?"

"What does it have to do with it," Zhao Min was very surprised, "I will teach you how to do it?"

"Uh, forget it, I think it's better for you to do it yourself." In the previous life, he was a music idiot, and Song Qingshu's head became big when he thought of playing the piano.

"Wei Palace is perilous, maybe Murong Jingyue is lurking in it, let me be a weak woman in danger, are you so cruel?" Zhao Min looked at him pitifully, and even deliberately tried to increase his persuasive power. It made tears.

Song Qingshu had to admire Zhao Min's acting skills. Compared with later generations who needed eye drops to cry for some florets, Zhao Min's tears were almost arbitrary, and the acting skills did not know how many times those people burst.

However, although he knew that there was an acting element, Song Qingshu did not worry about Zhao Min entering the Wei Palace. She was known as the first beauty in Mongolia. He knew how bright and charming she was. If anything went wrong in the Wei Palace, then he would regret it. For a lifetime.

"But since the Wei Palace is recruiting, the time shouldn't last long. How can I learn it so easily." Song Qingshu estimated that the Wei Palace recruited piano masters, even if it was not at the level of Qu Yang Liu Zhengfeng's master, how could it be a piano? Be proficient, how can a beginner be able to get in.

"Master Song is not known as a martial arts wizard, can he learn martial arts as soon as he learns it?" Zhao Min snorted, "not to mention my famous teacher, who is guaranteed to be a teacher within three days."

"Three days?" Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, he was not as confident as Zhao Min.

But now that things have come, I can only bite the bullet, and then Zhao Min led Song Qingshu to his room, took out a Jiaowei Tongqin, and said softly: "The twelve rhythms of music are for Huang Zhong, Da Lu, Taicu, Jiazhong, Guxi, Zhonglu, Yubin, Lin Zhong, Yize, Nanlu, Wushe, Yingzhong. This has been there since ancient times. It is said that the Huangdi ordered Linglun as the law and heard the sound of the phoenix. System of twelve rhythms. Yaoqin seven strings, with five tones of Gong, Shang, Jiao, Wei, and Yu, one string is yellow bell, and three strings are palace tunes. The five tunes are slow angle, Qing shang, palace tune, slow palace, and protactinium. ." Now explain in detail in turn.

Although Song Qingshu didn't know anything about music, he was talented and smart, and he knew everything. Zhao Min liked it very much, and immediately gave him fingerings and taught him to try a very short "Bi Xiao Yin". Song Qingshu has learned it several times and played it. Although the number is inaccurate and the **** is jerky, it has a blue sky and a cloudless atmosphere.

At the end of the song, Zhao Min couldn’t help but admire: “One way of the piano, **** is a trail after all, and the more important thing is that the person playing the piano is in the chest. You are open-minded and ambitious, so even though the technique is jerky, you still can Restore the meaning of the piano."

"It's better for the princess." Song Qingshu said with a smile. When they were learning the piano, the two of them weren't too far apart. Smelling the elegant scent from Zhao Min's body, they only felt relaxed and happy.

"Daddy Song's mouth is quite sweet." Zhao Min pursed his lips, "but it's useless to flatter, I'm very strict in teaching people." As he spoke, he waved the bamboo whip in his hand, as if once he had learned it. If it's not good, it will pass.

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, and could only continue to memorize the rhythm seriously and try to figure out the fingering. Fortunately, his memory is very good, and coupled with the extremely powerful mental power, he can learn how many times faster than ordinary people don't know.

"I seem to be able to play the "Youth Thought" you just taught me." Song Qingshu turned around with some excitement, but was surprised to find that Zhao Min had fallen asleep on the table.

Song Qingshu then remembered Zhao Min's arrangement after staying up all night last night after planning. He started teaching him to play the piano again early this morning. Listening to his messy piano sounds, it is estimated that he finally couldn't help but fell asleep.

Although she can see a tired face, her skin that can be broken by the blows still makes her bright and moving. She always looks like a flying look. Now the slightly frowning eyebrows after falling asleep make her feel pity.

Song Qingshu knew that it was uncomfortable to sleep on her stomach, so she got up and gently picked her up and put her on the bed. His movements had never been so gentle, for fear that she would wake her up inadvertently.

After covering her with the quilt, Song Qingshu went back to the bed again to try his **** slightly, because he was worried that he would wake up the sleeping person, there was no real sound, but the ten fingers were talking in mid-air.

While he was groping for fingering, Zhao Min on the bed suddenly opened his big eyes and stared at his back in a daze. Although Song Qingshu's movements were gentle enough before, the woman's natural instinct still made her wake up all at once, but For some reason, she didn't show it.

Song Qingshu, who has always been mouth-watering, didn’t do anything else. The gentle and considerate movements made Zhao Min’s heart gradually softened, so looking at his back at this time, a faint smile appeared, and the whole person relaxed completely. Feeling asleep again.

In the next two days, one spent sleepless nights studying and the other tried his best to teach. Soon Song Qingshu reached the level of being able to become a teacher.

"Although it is far behind the famous artists, it should be barely enough to apply for a musician." Zhao Min commented.

"At that time, in what capacity should I apply for the job?" Song Qingshu asked. Although there is no TV newspaper in this world, his photos are not spread all over the world, but there are many people who have met him, not to mention that there may be a Murong hidden. Jingyue, naturally, it is impossible to go to the Palace of Wei with his original appearance.

"I forged an identity for you a long time ago," Zhao Min took out a document and handed it to him. "You are a down-and-out luthier outside Guan, because of the San Francisco Rebellion, you had to leave your hometown to ask for a living, and you came not long ago. Arriving in Shangjing..."

Song Qingshu knew that only by setting the background to a remote gate would he not be able to find any identity problems by Yelu Yixin, but staring at the name on the file, he couldn't help but uttered, "Zhao Weiyi? Why is there such a strange name? , And also have the same surname as you."

"There are many stranger names in the world," Zhao Min didn't know why his face turned red, and quickly replied, "What's more, this person is a real person. A few days ago, he heard that the Wei Palace recruited the dormitory and hurried to Beijing. Come, we were intercepted by our people halfway through, so that you can replace him."

"So that's it." Song Qingshu nodded and stood up and said, "It shouldn't be too late. I'll pretend to be a little bit, and I'll go to the Wei Palace to apply for a job later. I hope the hard work of these two days is not in vain."

Zhao Min also stretched his waist, revealing an alluring arc of her chest: "I won't give you away, it's exhausting me these few days, I have to make up for it." After saying that, he fell uncharacteristically. Woke up in bed.

Song Qingshu smiled and went back to her room. While disguising herself, she talked about the next arrangements to Bing Xue'er who had come after hearing the news. Bing Xue'er was very worried after hearing the news: "Wei Palace is in danger, not to mention there is a Murong Jing. Yue doesn't know where to hide, you must be more careful."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I don't even know how many times I have entered and exited the palace. What a mere imperial palace is nothing." He is not afraid to stand up FLAG. After all, in the face of absolute strength, he has to face all difficulties. Self-confidence.

An hour later, Song Qingshu appeared in front of the Wei Wang's Mansion. At this time, he already looked like a down-and-out piano player. Even the most familiar person could not recognize him as the king of Qi, who was the most powerful person in the world.

"Is the one who came to apply for the luthier? Where did it come from?" Naturally, the front door of the palace would not be opened for ordinary people, and a man who looked like an official standing at the side door asked domineeringly.

"Sure enough, it is the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's door." Song Qingshu secretly sighed, but he wouldn't be angry about this little thing. After all, in order for Yi Rongshu to reach its peak, in addition to similar appearance, personality and tone must also be the same.

"Zhao Weiyi..." Song Qingshu answered each other's questions one by one, suddenly his heart moved, Zhao Weiyi, Zhao Weiyi, is it the only thing that Zhao Minyi meant?

This kind of speculation made him surprised and happy. After all, although Zhao Min has always had an ambiguous relationship with him, she has never formally expressed her opinion. Is she trying to express her mind in this way?

However, Song Qingshu soon thought that with Zhao Min's temperament, most of them would not do such twitchy things, not to mention that she also mentioned that Zhao Weiyi was a real person, but that she had replaced his identity.

"It should be a coincidence..." Although he kept telling himself this way, Song Qingshu's heart was suddenly filled with an inexplicable expectation.

After interrogating the information, Song Qingshu was led to a remote courtyard. He secretly recalled what Zhao Min had taught him in the past two days, for fear of forgetting what he had learned by holding the Buddha's feet temporarily.

Then he saw more than one person in the courtyard, presumably all luthiers from all over the place who had heard the news. Although Song Qingshu had no idea, after all the big wind and waves were coming, this little scene would not make him stage fright.

"It's a big deal, you will be able to cheat by using the soul-moving great-method against the examiner." Song Qingshu secretly thought, and if it is impossible, he might as well use some extraordinary methods.

Soon someone came to interview them for some melody issues, and many people were eliminated, but Song Qingshu passed the first pass without any risk.

Then a man with the appearance of a housekeeper came out and said: "On the paper, everyone is good at the soldier. In the end, it depends on how well you play the piano. After a while, there will be a noble person to judge. Please remember not to make a loud noise, and don't be rude and abrupt."

A group of people around only said yes. After all, this is the Palace of the Wei Dynasty. If you don’t pay attention, you may lose your life. Song Qingshu is really careless, just secretly thinking: "I don’t know who the noble person in his mouth is, it can’t be Yelu. Yixin comes here in person."

Suddenly his ears moved, and he heard a string of soft footsteps, accompanied by a shallow ringing and singing. As the footsteps get closer, there seems to be a wave of orchids and musk in the air. Non-musk elegant fragrance.


Today I updated the geographical situation map of Liao, and the escape route of the protagonist in the previous chapters, combined with the topographic map to make it more intuitive, and interested readers can check it out in the latest article of the official account: Liuru

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