Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1530: Thoughtful

Unlike the others around who looked down at their toes in fear and fear, for fear of seeing what might be the cause of death, Song Qingshu carefully looked in and saw a faintly graceful figure slowly coming in behind the curtain.

"Huh, it's actually Shen Bijun?" Although she can't be seen through the curtain, Song Qingshu can judge whether she is the same person from her body shape and footsteps, especially her unique fragrance that looks like orchids, orchids, musk and musk. , It is even more memorable.

"Go forward and play what you do best one by one, and wait outside for the results after you finish." The housekeeper said aloud.

Actually Shen Bijun is the judge? Song Qingshu was a little surprised, but when I thought about it, it was also expected. After all, Qinqi, calligraphy and painting are things that the Han people are good at. I am afraid that there is no one in Shangjing City that can match Shen Bijun. Naturally, there is no better than her. A more suitable candidate.

The next one came forward to play. Song Qingshu was a bit high-spirited before, but now his heart is gradually sinking. After all, he is embracing the Buddha's feet temporarily, and the applicants are all famous artists from all over the world, all of whom have been immersed in the piano for decades. Yes, how can he catch up with Qin Yi in a short time?

Although he was a layman before, after two days of tutoring, Song Qingshu can easily judge whether the violin skill is good or bad. He roughly calculated it. At least eight people present were better than him, and this time only one recruit was recruited. , I'm afraid it's nothing to play at a super level.

Can we only rely on the Great Soul-Transfer-Dharma? Song Qingshu hesitated a little. Now Shen Bijun is sitting behind the heavy veil, and he can't even see his eyes. How can he move his soul? What's more, there are so many famous artists from all over the place, and everyone is not deaf. If they can't convince the crowd, it is not a small trouble to win them by cheating.

When I was struggling, I suddenly heard the housekeeper calling the name "Zhao Weiyi". It turned out that it was his turn.

I was a little nervous before, but when things came, he calmed down. How many winds and waves he has gone through, what a mere interview with a luthier is nothing, even if he fails, he will think of another way.

I sat down calmly and was about to play the piece I had prepared before. I suddenly thought of what Zhao Min had mentioned before when I learned the piano. The piano is the voice of my heart, and the mind of the piano player will reflect the imagery in the sound of the piano.

Now it is not an objective comparison of their own piano skills, but to see who plays the best in Shen Bijun's mind. The other interviewers don't even know who she is. Knowing her identity, she has already taken a huge advantage.

Shen Bijun was kidnapped to a foreign country, living a precarious life alone, full of fear and fear for the future, most likely to miss his hometown and worry about it...

After roughly trying to figure out Shen Bijun's mood at this time, Song Qingshu has a plan. Of course, he can't directly play songs like homesickness. After all, ancient cultures are all about euphemism, and you can't express it straightforwardly. So he began to play "You Si", "You Si" is an ancient tune of the Han Dynasty, with a tactful rhythm. The best thing about this piece is that it has different effects depending on the audience.

If you listen to those who live happily and carelessly, they will only feel dull and tasteless, but if the listener happens to be sad, that’s terrific. It is easy to arouse the other person’s thoughts, and when you lose love, you will think of the past and the past. The lover’s bit by bit, if there is a funeral at home, you will think of the love of the deceased. As for Shen Bijun at this time, it can be described as a basket of thoughts...

Sure enough, after the piano sounded, Shen Bijun, who was still sitting there, suddenly trembled. Following the gentle tune, she even took out a handkerchief and gently wiped her tears.

We must know that a daughter like Shen Bijun has been extremely strict with her manners since she was a child, and this has proved that she is extremely emotional at this time.

When Song Qingshu saw a play, he unknowingly incorporated internal force into the sound of the piano, making the sound of the piano more penetrating and touching the soul of people, not to mention Shen Bijun, even many other luthiers in the field showed up The confused and complicated look was obviously aroused by the sound of the piano.

The song was not over yet, but Shen Bijun behind the veil suddenly got up and hurriedly left under the service of the maid. The luthiers outside were stunned for a moment.

"What's the situation?"

"Why are you leaving? We haven't played yet?"

While a group of people were whispering, the previous butler had already come out and announced: "The interview is over, everyone, go back."

"What's the situation, this is over?"

"But we haven't played yet?"

A group of people were in an uproar, but seeing the butler's cold expression, everyone realized that this was the Palace of the Wei Dynasty, one by one did not dare to be presumptuous, and had to go away dejected.

Although Song Qingshu had some confidence, he was not sure yet. He didn't know whether to leave. Fortunately, the butler came over and called him: "Zhao Weiyi, right? Come with me."

"It seems that the bet is right." A big rock in Song Qingshu's heart finally fell.

The butler went around and took him to a very remote house, and then threatened: "Boy, the noble inside wants to see you, so anxious to remember his identity, if he is offended, he will be thrown away at night. Go to the mass graves outside the city."

"Yes, yes~" Song Qingshu pretended to be a solemn expression, while pondering: Shen Bijun has been transferred to the Palace of the Wei Dynasty. It seems that Yelu Yixin is indeed ready to send her into the palace, and on the one hand An Xiaoxia wipes her heart. , On the one hand, you can penetrate the power into the harem. After all, the power ministers have needed the help of a favored concubine in the palace.

It's just that Shen Bijun was arrested by them, how could he follow the instructions of Yelu Yixin and others so obediently? Are you afraid that she will tell the emperor everything after entering the palace?

Contemplating this moment, Song Qingshu has already walked in. Shen Bijun is sitting half-leaning and half sitting in a pavilion, looking towards the south in a daze. Next to him, there are two pretty maids standing by to serve, but next to Shen Bijun, no People's attention will be on them.

Although Song Qingshu had met Shen Bijun once before, and only saw a profiled face this time, she still felt amazing. She was not wearing any particularly gorgeous clothes, but no matter what kind of clothes she wears, it will Become exceptionally good.

She didn't wear any jewellery, and she didn't put on cosmetics on her face, because for her, jewelry and cosmetics were unnecessary. No matter how precious jewels are, she can't divide her own brilliance, no matter how noble powders are, they can't add to her beauty.

Song Qingshu has seen many stunning beauties, but most of them are chivalrous women in the arena. This is the first time that you have seen a lady who is gentle, beautiful and temperament like Shen Bijun.

In fact, Nanlan and Cheng Yaojia can be regarded as beautiful ladies, and Yaojia is not considered stunning without the process. After all, Nanlan is a married woman. The temperament of the whole person is still very different from that of Shen Bijun, perhaps only before. The Xue Baochai I saw in Lin'an was comparable, but when I saw Xue Baochai on the other side of the Imperial City Division, the imprint of the ladies on her body was not so obvious.

After the maid reminded him, Shen Bijun turned his head, looked at him curiously with beautiful eyes, and asked softly: "Are you from the Song Dynasty?"

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