Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1534: Two identities

Song Qingshu outside the window had to sigh with emotion that he was already black enough, but compared with these real politicians, it was really insignificant. These people are guilty and don't care about the life or death of a person.

"Are you going to die?" At this moment, Shen Bijun's eyes flashed a little dazed. Even if she was calm, she was only a teenage girl. She had always been a flower in a greenhouse before, and she was still a little dazed and unwilling to face death suddenly. Thinking that she died before she had time to avenge her parents, she had a strong desire to survive, but it was a pity that although she didn't understand martial arts, she could see how good the martial arts of the man in front of her was, and she couldn't fight it at all. .

"Who can help me..." She wanted to cry out for help, but she opened her mouth without making any sound. The intense tension made her mute.

When Xue Yiren was about to take out the sword, there was a knock on the door: "Miss Shen, Miss Shen?" He couldn't help frowning, and the sword in his hand stopped subconsciously.

Shen Bijun heard that it was Zhao Weiyi's voice. Although he had always hated him because he was Yelv Yixin's confidant, his voice at this time could be described as natural.

"Who is outside?" Xue Yiren asked in a low voice. After all, in the Palace of the Wei Dynasty, he didn't dare to entrust him.

"It's Yelv Yixin's subordinate." Shen Bijun was shocked, and there was a tremor in his voice.

"Miss Shen, your lord asked me to ask you some questions, did I come in?" The outside voice rang again.

Xue Yiren frowned, and according to his temperament, he killed clean with a sword, but this time he came with a mission, wondering if this person would come to inquire about the whereabouts of the deer cutter, then lowered his voice and said to Shen Bijun: "Let me act on the occasion, don't expose me here, otherwise..." He didn't say anything behind him, but he held the sword against her in the back. Even though the clothes were separated, the chill on it had already made Shen Bijun's skin rise. A thin layer of lumps.

Xue Yiren threatened, and his figure suddenly flashed behind the screen. At this time, Song Qingshu had already opened the door.

If he pushed the door into his boudoir without permission like this on weekdays, Shen Bijun would have cursed him a long time ago, but today she was so excited that she wanted to cry. She moved and wanted to take the opportunity to get out, who knows A horrible aura locked her in, although she didn't understand martial arts, she also knew that as long as she moved, she would be killed on the spot.

In desperation, she had no choice but to continue sitting on the chair in front of the screen, winking at Zhao Weiyi who came in and replied, "What can you do with me?"

Seeing Miss Shen who pays great attention to manners on weekdays, her eyes are almost blinking. Song Qingshu secretly smiles and pretends to be blank: "Are your eyes cramping? Why do you keep blinking?"

Shen Bijun, who has always been well-bred on weekdays, can’t wait to scold him, what’s the matter, the pig teammate, this person in front of her perfectly explained everything, she was about to say something, but she felt that the murderous spirit behind her was a bit richer, which was obviously a warning. she was.

Therefore, Shen Bijun could only curse Zhao Weiyi half to death in his heart, but he did not dare to show anything.

"It's mainly because I forgot what Miss taught me two days ago, so I came here to ask Miss specially." Song Qingshu knew that the teasing was almost done, and was worried that he would get angry if he continued to play.

Shen Bijun was startled, thinking that even if he had any questions, how could there be a reason to come to my room in the middle of the night to ask? However, she was also considered smart. Seeing Zhao Weiyi blinking quietly, she quickly reacted. The other party mostly used this as an excuse to rescue her.

"What have you forgotten?" Shen Bijun asked calmly, suppressing the joy in his heart.

Song Qingshu smiled, and quickly said in Shanyin's words: "Miss Shen, I have notified the guards at the mansion, let's temporarily stabilize the person behind you." The south is different from the north, and the words in the south are separated by a mountain. He can be different, not to mention that Shanyin dialect is notoriously difficult to understand. Although Xue Yiren is also a southerner, it is very likely that he will not understand it.

Sure enough, Xue Yiren didn't change anything when he heard what he said. Obviously he was right.

Shen Bijun was startled first, and then surprised. He also replied in Shanyin dialect: "How did you know that something happened here?" At the same time, he knew that he had misunderstood him before. He could communicate with himself in Shanyin dialect smoothly. Obviously, his previous difficulties did not affect him. He claimed that he had learned most of the knowledge taught him, and he was not showing off.

"I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, and I saw him by chance when I was sitting by the window. I was worried that he would be unfavorable to you, so I followed him secretly." Song Qingshu's answer was reasonable and did not arouse any suspicion from the other party.

"Thanks to you today." Shen Bijun was so touched that he wanted to cry, especially when he treated him the way he did before, he didn't even care about helping himself. You must know that she has seen too many wicked people during this period, even Xue Yiren. She should have been killed by her own people, which made her feel a little desperate about the world. Suddenly encountering a "good person" like Zhao Weiyi made her very moved.

Song Qingshu was about to say something. Suddenly his expression changed. He stepped forward and took Shen Bijun’s hand and ran out. At the same moment, the screen burst open and a white light lit up in the room. Xue Yiren had one sword per person. It has been stabbed out, and if Song Qingshu hadn't taken Shen Bijun away, this sword would have killed both of them.

It turned out that although Xue Yiren could not understand Shanyin's words, he was not stupid. Seeing the two quickly communicated, most of them were talking about himself, so he stabbed a hundred with a single sword, and killed Shen Bijun first, so as not to embarrass the royal family. The matter of cutting the deer knife should be verified by Yelu Yixin again. As for the man who came in, he was not interested in understanding at all, he killed him if he killed it.

Suddenly he was grabbed by a strange man. Shen Bijun's face blushed. She was extremely annoyed by the reservedness she had cultivated for more than ten years. When she was about to yell at her, she suddenly realized something. After looking back, she just happened to see Xue Yiren. The sword stabbed out, and the chair she was sitting on was instantly torn into pieces by the sword aura. It was obvious what would happen if she was there, and when she was shocked, there was no time to blame the other party.

Xue Yiren was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect the other party to react so quickly. He pulled Shen Bijun away in advance, causing his ambition to win a sword to no avail, but he was not in a hurry, because he would not give them any chance for the next sword.

It's a pity that the day did not fulfill the wishes. At this moment, a dozen guards from the Wei Palace rushed in. It turned out that Song Qingshu used the method of sound transmission for thousands of miles to inform the nearest guards. At first, the people over there thought it was. Hearing hallucinations, but it was about Shen Bijun. They didn't dare to neglect, they sent some people over.

Just to see the scene of Xue Yiren throwing a sword toward Shen Bijun, a group of people dared not hesitate, pulling out their knives and rushing up as they scolded.

Shen Bijun recognized that several of them were the ones who kidnapped her in the south of the Yangtze River. These people have a high level of martial arts. The guards accompanying the Shen family are also selected elites. In addition to the **** army sent by the government, it is a pity that they are not their opponents at all. She was killed by cutting melons and vegetables in a few rounds, and even the maid accompanying her was killed with a single knife. At the time, she hated these people so much, but now she has to count on these people to save her life, hoping that their martial arts will get better and better. it is good.

"They should be able to hold the person behind." Shen Bijun hadn't awakened from this absurdity, and suddenly felt a snow-like light flashed in front of her eyes. At this moment, it seemed that the moon in the sky was a little eclipsed, and she couldn't bear it. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, the dozen or so masters who had lived before suddenly seemed to stand still and stopped moving.

Shen Bijun was startled, but the next scene made her feel a little soft. It turned out that a blood stain appeared on the necks of the dozen masters at the same time, and then all the blood spurted out, forming a rain of blood, which stained Xue Yiren's whole body. Very bright red. Song Qingshu has always disagreed with such violent aesthetics. Do you want to kill people when you kill? Isn't it a pervert?

"Blood...clothes...people!" The highest guard in martial arts barely breathed a sigh of relief, but died out of breath after barely shouting out a name.

"Blood-clothed man?" Shen Bijun’s hands and feet were cold. Although she was a deep boudoir, Xue Yiren's status in the Southern Song Dynasty was extraordinary. She was a myth in the army. Even she had heard of the other's name, and the elders in the family were Xue Yi. People are invincible in the world.

In addition, she and Lu Wushuang, the seventh lady of the Lu family, are best friends. When she learned that she was a member of the rivers and lakes, out of curiosity at a party, she asked how Xue Yiren compares to those masters in the rivers and lakes. Lu Wushuang replied to her. Yiren is also the top master in the arena. It is estimated that there will be no more than five people who can beat him. Immediately after Lu Wushuang proudly boasted that Song Qingshu was one of them.

Seeing her face dancing with joy, Shen Bijun only regarded it as a girl's admiration for the person she liked, and she didn't take it to heart, but the strength of Xue Yiren was deeply imprinted in her mind. He didn't expect that one day she would actually want to face each other. The sword of this invincible swordsman.

"Thinking that you can't stop the surname Xue, it's not so useless." When Shen Bijun was shocked, Song Qingshu was also depressed. He didn't expect these guards to defeat Xue Yiren, but he was thinking about blocking them. He could do it all at once, and with that time he took Shen Bijun to escape into other places in the Wei Palace, waiting for the defense forces of the Wei Palace to come out to deal with Xue Yiren.

But I don’t know that Xue Yiren’s human sword unity is so powerful. These dozens of good guards were killed by him. Now that the defense forces of the Wei Palace have not reacted, Xue Yiren will be out of his place again. Sanjian, do you want to expose your martial arts? Wasn't it a waste of all previous efforts to lurch in by yourself like that?

When Song Qingshu was struggling, he suddenly moved in his heart. He looked at a courtyard wall next to him. Xue Yiren obviously noticed something. He raised his head and looked at the same place. Under the moonlight, he saw a white-robed boy standing like a banished fairy. There, the silver mask on his face added a bit of mystery.

"Song Qingshu?" Xue Yiren frowned and said in a deep voice.

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