Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1535: Fake phoenix and true phoenix

Hearing what Xue Yiren said, Song Qingshu was stunned. The first reaction was that he had been exposed, but when he saw that the other person’s eyes didn’t look at him but at the person standing on the courtyard wall, he knew that he had put it on. People recognize themselves.

In fact, when the person came to Song Qingshu, he recognized that she was Zhao Min, who was dressed as a man. After all, she had been friends for so long, and she had been learning the piano some time ago. He was familiar with Zhao Min’s posture and even the sound of his footsteps and breathing. Wearing a mask can't hide from Song Qingshu's eyes.

As for Xue Yiren’s confession, it’s mostly because he saw the silver mask on Zhao Min’s face. You must know that Song Qingshu sometimes avoids trouble and walks around the rivers and lakes wearing a mask. Although not many people know about it, but Huang Chengsi As an empire's intelligence agency, it is not surprising to find such things.

On the contrary, Shen Bijun on the side looked curiously at the "man" on the courtyard wall. In these years, Song Qingshu's name can be said to have spread all over the country, and she has long heard of his name in her deep boudoir. In addition, Sang Feihong’s various storytelling and singing plays in Wuhumen have greatly promoted his deeds. Those deep-seated ladies and wealthy daughters in the south of the Yangtze River often talked about him after dinner, so that Shen Bijun, who was not interested in the affairs of the rivers and lakes, also came to him. Got curious.

Especially her best friend Lu Wushuang, every time she mentions Song Qingshu, she looks like a little deer bumping into each other, portraying him as an unparalleled hero, making her more and more interested in this legendary man. Especially at this moment, Shen Bijun thought of the stories of Song Qingshu's devilishness, and suddenly raised a wave of expectation.

Noting the look in Shen Bijun's expectant eyes, Zhao Min smiled at her slightly, and instantly made the other's face reddened, Song Qingshu beside him couldn't help feeling full of emotions. Zhao Min's red lips and white teeth pretended to be brother brother, it was indeed too lethal to women.

However, Xue Yiren was a little puzzled, and his eyes showed a kind of enthusiasm: "I have heard of your name for a long time. The two previous attempts to find you for martial arts competitions were coincidental and unsuccessful. As the saying goes, there are only three things. Let’s see today. Is your sword vigorous or my sword sharp."

Two times before, I was blocked by my sister Xue Baochai on the street in Lin'an, and the other time was the sad breeze of Xixia Yipintang outside Lin'an. Therefore, Xue Yiren has always been worried about not competing with Song Qingshu, and now see you again When he reached him, the stamina in his heart burst out instantly, a cold light flashed, and Xue Yiren had already taken out his sword.

This sword is as flawless as the blue sky and white clouds. This move is from the bottom up, the momentum of a sword is brilliant and rapid, with a sword aura that even the bone marrow is cold, and the sword's edge is terrible to be resisted!

Zhao Min saw a sword light flying obliquely, like a frightening light, like a long rainbow passing through the sky, with the same smile on his face. Shen Bijun underneath saw the feeling of admiration of Dasheng, thinking that he was so far away. The momentum of the sword made his whole body weak, but he didn't even frown his brows. He really was a character who was banished like that in the legend.

Shen Bijun admired him, but Zhao Min secretly groaned. She didn't want to move, but the other party's sword was too horrible. The air around her seemed to freeze. She wanted to move but found that her whole body was as if she had been punctuated. The fear made her unable to move at all.

"Is this going to die?" Zhao Min's mind was at a loss, with only one thought left.

Song Qingshu, who was complaining about him, was also shocked at this time. He had never seen the sword **** of Ximen Chuuxue smile, had never seen Ye Gucheng's flying immortal outside the sky, but the swordsmanship of these two people was no better than Xue Yiren's. Between Jian Bozhong.

He naturally couldn't sit back and watch Zhao Minxiang's death. With a wave of his hand, a blue sword gas condensed in the air and appeared in front of Zhao Min, abruptly blocking Xue Yiren's shocking sword.

It's just that, after all, it was the sword energy he sent so far away. Although it could barely block Xue Yiren's sword, it could not force him back.

At this time, Xue Yiren’s surprise was not under him: "Hey, he stood there without even lifting his hand. He actually condensed such a sharp and unparalleled sword energy invisible and invisible. His martial arts has reached this level. To the point."

Although he could perceive that the opponent's sword aura was weaker than his sword, the horror was that the opponent just made a random sword without even blinking his hands. This made him feel that the opponent was extremely incomparable. It was unfathomable, so for a while, he was a little afraid and didn't dare to continue to make a move.

Just now, whether it was Xue Yiren or Shen Bijun, all the energy was there, that's why there was this misunderstanding.

At this time, Zhao Min escaped, his back was soaked in cold sweat, and he couldn't help cursing Song Qingshu half to death: "I will never pretend to be Song's surname anymore. It's just a joke about his life. This **** provokes him all day long. What's the opposite."

Xue Yiren was hesitating, and there was a noisy shout not far away. It was obvious that the defense force of the Wei Palace finally reacted after so long. A large number of masters are rushing here. Although his martial arts is high, he is hard to beat. With four hands, so many guards rushed over, and he could only make the best plan.

"Next time, choose a time and place where no one is disturbed, and then have a heartily fight with King Qi." Xue Yiren arched his hands, and his tone became respectful. After all, although there was no fight this time, he dealt with it. An invisible sword is enough to make him an opponent of the same level.

Zhao Min could barely maintain a faint smile. After Xue Yiren left, he gave Song Qingshu angrily and was about to turn around and leave.

However, her seemingly charming glance will naturally evolve into different meanings when it falls in the eyes of different people. Song Qingshu naturally understands the meaning, but because he is standing with Shen Bijun now, Shen Bijun thinks that this look is looking towards her.

Zhao Min originally had a pair of extremely moving eyes, and then he took the aftermath of the previous battle. This eye fell in Shen Bijun's eyes and it really made her heart beat faster and her mouth was dry.

Seeing him about to leave, Shen Bijun didn't know where his courage came from. He stepped forward and called him: "Master Song!"

Zhao Min stopped and looked back at her with a smile but a smile: "What's the matter, beauty?"

Song Qingshu on the side was very depressed. Zhao Min was slapping his sister right now, which always made him feel weird.

Shen Bijun’s cheeks became hot. If she had encountered such a frivolous boy in the past, she would immediately walk away, but this time she didn’t know why, but she didn’t feel a trace of anger. Instead, she bowed and bowed: "Little girl She is the daughter of Shen Yan, who is the servant in the palace. Now that the Shen family has been destroyed, and I have been looted thousands of miles away. At this time, I have nowhere to go. I hope the son can help.

Her voice was originally very beautiful. At this time, the sadness passed away, and the voice became more and more beautiful. Any man might feel softened when she heard it. It's a pity that the object of her confession was a woman. Zhao Min only replied indifferently: "Why am I? Want to help you?"

(End of this chapter)

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