Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1536: Snatch marriage

Since childhood, Shen Bijun has always been the proud daughter of heaven. She has a good family background and a well-known talented girl. Her various advantages make her very popular among the younger generation. I don’t know how many princes and grandsons express their affection to her. Nodding, maybe there will be a young man who ran to hug the moon in the sky to her, but he didn't expect that now he took the initiative to ask softly, but he was directly rejected by others.

However, her pride has been almost destroyed during this time, especially even the high-level officials from the Imperial City Division have to kill her, which broke her last illusion. Although she is alive in the world, she is still dead. What's the difference? Shen Yuan’s people are dead, and the country has abandoned her. A weak woman has no country and no home. Now she is rejected like this by Song Qingshu, like the last straw that crushed the camel and made her clear in her daily life. There was grey air in his eyes.

"Yes, why would you help me with such an ominous person?" Shen Bijun laughed at herself. Now she has no use value, and is a hot potato. Song Qingshu was just named King of Qi by the Southern Song Dynasty. How could she risk the world? How big is it to save yourself this abandoned prospective princess?

Song Qingshu on the side has to sigh that Zhao Min is really a horrible fairy. Whether it is a man or a woman, he can always make you suffer with a few words.

Song Qingshu glanced at her, and passed the sound transmission secretly: "Hey, hey, you make it difficult for me to start work in the future."

Zhao Min curled his lips and muttered in a low voice: "Yes, you will feel sorry for Xiangyu."

Shen Bijun was taken aback: "What did the son say?" Because she was a little far apart and Zhao Min's voice was small, she did not hear clearly.

Zhao Min reacted quickly and smiled directly: "Miss Shen doesn't have to worry, it's not that I don't help you, but the time has not come." At this time, the guard of the Wei Palace was almost here, and she didn't dare to delay, so she left a hurried sentence. The words are about to leave.

"That's right," she said when she was about to jump off the wall, "I think the person next to you was not afraid of danger, and was very witty. Miss Shen can get closer to him on weekdays." She chuckled. He displayed his light work and disappeared into the night.

Song Qingshu was dumbfounded in an instant, what kind of play was Zhao Min playing, didn't he put him on the fire? I just want to keep a low-key look at Murong Jingyue's news, but she is involved with Shen Bijun, so how low-key it can be.

Sure enough, Shen Bijun's eyes looked at him now softer than before. I don't know how many times: "Thank you so much today."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "If you change someone, you will also be helped. What's more, the one who really saves you is the son of Song. Is he the god-man who is rumored to call the wind and rain? There was a bit of unbelief before, but now it seems to be under the prestige. Wuxu Shi..." Anyway, it's all about himself, and he doesn't mind boasting a little longer.

"Master Song is indeed very human..." Shen Bijun's beautiful eyes also reappeared, but she went on to say, "Master Zhao doesn't have to be arrogant. If you didn't help, Bijun would have already lost his soul here, so thank you. The prince also deserves it."

Song Qingshu heard a chill: "Don't take a bite of a son, I hated me to die before, but now a bite of a son, it sounds weird."

Shen Bijun's face blushed: "There was a lot of misunderstanding about the son before, it is Bijun is wrong, I hope the son forgive me."

"Don't," Song Qingshu hurriedly waved his hand, "I'm just a piano master in the house. If you are a son of a son and you will be heard by the king of Wei, I will be very bad." He just wanted to keep a low profile in the palace of Wei. As a human being, don't attract anyone's attention, otherwise the possibility of exposure will be greater.

"This..." Shen Bijun is not a stupid person, and knows that it is not appropriate to call him this way, "I will call you Mr. Zhao in the future."

"That's fine too." Song Qingshu nodded. This era is not used to refer to husbands like later generations. It is more for fortune tellers, geomanticians, storytellers, pingtan and other metaphysical or artistic workers. Respectfully, as a luthier now, there is nothing wrong with being called a Mr. by her.

Kung Fu Yelu Yixin had already rushed over with his team. Seeing all the mess in the courtyard, he couldn't help but frown and asked, "What happened."

Shen Bijun just told what had just happened, but to Song Qingshu's surprise, she actually concealed the plot of Zhao Min's visit. Instead, Xue Yiren had to retreat when the guards of the Wei Palace had arrived.

"I forgot to remind her just now." Song Qingshu wiped her sweat happily. If she talked about Zhao Min, her whereabouts would be exposed, and it would be harder to catch Murong Jingyue who was hiding in the dark.

"Imperial City Division's people are really getting more and more excessive!" Yeluyi snorted angrily, and immediately ordered his subordinates to inform Tiyin Division and the city defense army to arrest the Royal City Division's people.

After placing the order, Yelu Yixin glanced at Song Qingshu strangely: "Hey, why are you here."

Shen Bijun hurriedly explained it for him, saying that it was just thanks to him that he had delayed the time so much. Yelu Yixin was very happy to hear, and he waved a big pen: "Reward! There are many rewards!" In the slightest accident, he was naturally happy to learn that Zhao Weiyi had rescued him.

When someone brought Zhao Weiyi down to receive the reward, Yelu Yixin said to Shen Bijun: "Miss Shen, now you should understand that you have been abandoned by the country, and you can only fulfill your wish by cooperating with me and acting by my words. "When he spoke, he dispelled the people around him, but he did not expect Song Qingshu to be proficient. Although he was out of the yard, he could still hear their conversation.

"No wonder Shen Bijun agreed to enter the palace as a concubine before." Song Qingshu secretly sighed. The Shen family was destroyed. Not only could the Crown Prince's identity not help her, but it would also bring her a murderous disaster. Now the only thing that can be counted on is Liao. The country is here.

"Yes, if I said that I still had a bit of fantasy before, I have completely figured it out now." Shen Bijun nodded, his voice full of strength though weak.

Because of the presence of others, Song Qingshu was inconvenient to stay outside and listen, so he had to leave with that person, but there was no need to worry about what Yelv Yixin would do to Shen Bijun. After all, she was about to be sent to the palace as a concubine. Gong Shi must check whether he is innocent. Yelu Yixin is in a high position, so he won't be so confused.

Early the next morning, Song Qingshu was still asleep and was called to wake up. After asking, he realized that he was going to enter the palace today. He was shocked: "Why so fast?" It seems that there are still a few days left. Look like.

Hearing that person explained casually, he just realized that after what happened last night, Yelu Yixin was worried that the night would have many dreams, so he had to send them into the palace in advance.

"Just enter the palace." These years, entering and leaving the palace has long been commonplace, and Song Qingshu will naturally not be frustrated.

After all, Liao is a country established by peoples on the grassland. The matter of marriage is not as cumbersome as the Song State. It didn't take long for a group of people to walk to the palace mightily.

Looking at the luxurious float in the distance, you can faintly see the shadow of Shen Bijun. Song Qingshu can't know her mood at the moment, but it won't be joy to think about it, but he doesn't have the idea of ​​saving her from the sea of ​​suffering at this moment. The two are not relatives or reasons. Secondly, Zhao Min said it well. The time has not arrived at this time.

But he didn't have this thought, but it didn't mean that others didn't. Suddenly, a dark shadow rushed out of the ground and rushed straight to Shen Bijun in the float.

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