Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1537: Xiao Song's Great Crisis

Song Qingshu initially thought that Xue Yiren had gone and returned, and was unwilling to see Shen Bijun marrying into the Liao Kingdom imperial palace to shame the Southern Song imperial family, but soon recognized the difference between the other's figure and Xue Yiren.

"Is it an assassin?" Song Qingshu couldn't figure out why Shen Bijun had so many disasters. He had just dealt with a Xue Yiren yesterday, but a new assassin suddenly appeared today.

However, he did not move. After all, after experiencing yesterday's events, Yelu Yixin had already taken precautions against this. Except for the "dowry" personnel like himself, the rest were good hands in the guards.

Sure enough, the guards who pretended to be the see-off team quickly took out their weapons and stopped in front of the man, but the man in black was also able to stop him. The cold light flashing knife in his hand was out of its sheath, and the lingering sword spirit was far away from Song Qingshu. Can feel it.

"This man has been a master of swordsmanship. Given time, his knowledge of swordsmanship is by no means inferior to Xue Yiren's swordsmanship." Song Qingshu objectively compared the two. This man in black is compared From Xue Yiren's point of view, it is still a bit inferior, but mainly in terms of skill and experience, although the black clothed man has been blinded, he still can see that he is still young and the future is boundless.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, although the man in black has a fierce sword technique, he chopped melons and vegetables and knocked down a dozen guards in a few rounds, but those guards only temporarily lost their combat effectiveness and had no lives. Worries.

I saw that the man in black was unstoppable all the way and quickly broke through the guards' defense circle. Of course, it was not that the guards of the Wei Palace were so useless, but because something happened suddenly, the guards had no time to stop all the power against him. Just let the guards Let us slow down, and when the tiger is ferocious, it will be killed by a pack of wolves.

Song Qingshu frowned, worried about Shen Bijun's accident, and was about to secretly stop the man in black, but what happened next made him withdraw his hand in surprise.

It turned out that after the man in black rushed into the float, he grabbed Shen Bijun's arm: "Bijun, I'll take you away!"

"Huh?" Song Qingshu suddenly felt that a dog-blood drama was being staged. Judging from the current situation, the man in black was not an assassin, but was here to grab a marriage.

He heard the black-clothed man's voice somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember who the other party was for a while, but from the other party's words, he knew that he and Shen Bijun knew each other, so let's see how she reacted.

Shen Bijun really recognized the other person, but she withdrew her hand and shook her head, although her tone was weak but full of firmness: "I won't go."

"Huh?" The black-clothed man was stunned for a moment. You must know that he also had a long psychological struggle this time before deciding to take the risk. Who knows that this is the answer in return.

"You go quickly, otherwise you will be in danger when the guards come." Shen Bijun urged. If half a month ago, she would be very happy if she had such an opportunity, but now she has learned that Shen Yuan has been destroyed. The people of the Song court chased and killed them, even if they escaped, what could they do?

Moreover, staying and entering the palace will give her a chance, a chance to avenge her parents, although this will ruin her happiness, but now she has any qualifications to talk about happiness?

Although Song Qingshu is far apart, Yun Qiqi can also hear the dialogue between them. He traverses all the people Shen Bijun may know in his heart. Who will appear here to save her? He is also good at swordsmanship...

Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration in his mind, and finally remembered who this man in black was. He was Xiao Shiyilang who was entangled with Shen Bijun in the original work!

Unexpectedly, the two people in this world also had similar friendships in accordance with the trajectory of fate. It must have been the relationship between Lin'an and Shangjing that made Xiao Shihirang unknowingly fall in love with this destined woman.

Song Qingshu thought to himself that it was no wonder that the other party was a bit familiar before. He had met Xiao Shishilang at Xiao Xiamo's and even fought against him. That's why he felt that the other party's voice was familiar but couldn't remember it.

At this time, Xiao Shiilang noticed the firmness in Shen Bijun’s eyes, knowing that she would not go with him, and the nearby guards gradually came around, he knew that he would confess here if he stayed any longer, in desperation. I had to take a deep look at Shen Bijun, and then took advantage of the light work and disappeared into the distance using the surrounding complex terrain.

Song Qingshu secretly complained, wondering why Xiao Shilang must grab a marriage in broad daylight, especially in today's heavily guarded days. I don't know how many levels higher the degree of difficulty is. Is this a hero complex in the bones? Make him think that this will make the woman more moved?

While he was slandering, this episode did not affect the team that sent the relatives. After all, Yelu Yixin's men had made various preparations before, and such a storm was also expected.

The next part of the road was calm and calm, and soon came to the Liao State Palace. Shen Bijun’s float was led into the palace gate by the servant in the palace. A breeze blew by and just a corner of the curtain was blown, revealing her sadness and sadness. Many court ladies and eunuchs could not help but talk about the face of the country and the city: "This new concubine is so beautiful as a fairy, I must be 3,000 beloved in the future."

"I don't think it's necessarily, the empress's appearance is not worse than her."

"That's true."


Hearing the whispers of these people, Song Qingshu couldn't help but become a little curious. What kind of character is the empress empress in their mouths that can actually be equal to the appearance of Shen Bijun in their hearts?

Song Qingshu was not surprised if someone came to lead their dowry in another direction. Thinking about it, it is impossible to go in and out with the emperor’s concubine, but he is not picky about the living environment, as long as he has a bed. .

I started thinking about how to find the possible traces of Murong Jingyue in the palace. I had already arrived at the place unknowingly. After being led into the house, Song Qingshu suddenly realized that something was wrong. It didn't look like a place where people lived.

Feeling that the temperature in the air was obviously several degrees higher than outside, and seeing the dangling shovel in the hands of a few eunuchs, and the moaning sound from time to time in some rooms, Song Qingshu couldn't help but stunned, subconsciously raised his head and saw The three words shining brightly on a plaque at the front: "Respect for things".

"What rhythm is this?" Song Qingshu was a little dazed for a while, and then someone led them to separate small rooms.

"Lie down!" An old **** in there glanced at him, then said lightly, and at the same time fiddled with a small bright shovel to sterilize the fire.

"Where is this place?" Song Qing's writing was a bit ugly, and there was already a faint guess in her heart.

"Of course it is the place where the body is cast," the old **** didn't mean to pay attention to him at all, but the man who led him explained, "How can the palace allow men to enter casually, so you dowry Musicians have to cleanse themselves."


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