Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1554: The wrath of the suffering master

The single palace girl didn’t seem to know that Yelu Hongji was on the verge of an outbreak, and continued: “The two drank wine and played the piano for a while, until the courtyard drum was beaten three times and ordered the maid to leave the account. At that time, it was a slave maid. On account of the account, I did not hear the sound of playing piano and drinking in the account, but heard laughter. So the slave and maid secretly eavesdropped from outside the account. I heard the queen say:'You can be a lord.' Zhao Weiyi whispered:'The slave is healthy. Shuo, but it's just a little snake, naturally no match for the real dragon of Khan.' The queen said:'Although it is a little viper, it has beaten a real lazy dragon.' After that, I only heard'Xing Xing as a child's dream.' "

Yelu Hongji’s old face is about to turn green, and the single palace girl seems to be describing a lively **** palace. What is "just like a child's dream" is clearly the sound of a woman when she is extremely happy, especially what it is. Words like "True Lazy Dragon" and "Little Fierce Snake" were even more irritating to him.

The single lady went on to describe the scene of the day: "The courtyard drum was beaten for the fourth time, and the queen ordered the slave and maid to reveal the account, saying:'Zhao Weiyi was drunk and unconscious, and wake him up for the palace.' The slave called many times before he woke up. So he got up and said goodbye, and the queen gave Jinsi a ribbon, and Zhao Weiyi thanked him for his kindness."

"Drunk?" Yelu Hongji's teeth seemed to be crushed, his tone was extremely harsh.

The single palace lady continued: "The queen missed him very much after that day, so she made "Ten Fragrant Ci" and gave it to Zhao Weiyi. Zhao Weiyi showed off "Ten Fragrant Ci" in front of Zhu-Crowned Crane in Jiaofang. Wei Wang, please ask Wei Wang to act on his behalf."

Yelu Hongji glanced to the side, and Yelu Yixin hurriedly said: "After the minister got the news, he knew that the matter was important, and he didn't dare to neglect it at all, so he reported it to the emperor for a decision."

Yeluyi paused, then took out a pair of poems and handed it over: "The emperor, this poem is also improvised by the empress."

Yelu Hongji took it and took a look: "Only Zhao Jiazhuang in the palace, defeated the rain and left the cloud and mistaken the emperor. Only knowing it for a month, I have watched Feiyan enter Zhaoyang. Hmph, the queen likes the whole Han people all day long. thing."

Seeing that he didn't see anything, Yelu Yixin had to point it out for him: "The name of Zhao Weiyi is hidden in these few poems."

This sentence seemed to crush the last straw of the camel, Yelu Hongji was completely mad, and he slapped his hand on the teacup, not even caring that his hand was pierced with blood: "When Zhao Weiyi shouldn't enter the palace Was he castrated by the courtroom? Why can he mess with the harem!" Although he is a foolish monarch, he is not a fool, and soon thought of a key point.

At this time, Yelu Yixin answered calmly: "According to the investigation of the Weichen, Zhao Weiyi was indeed sent to the courtroom when he entered the palace that day, but when he was about to be castrated, he was taken away by his own high and long life. It should have been Zhao Weiyi who gave him a lot of money, so Gao Changming kept him a complete body."

"Where is Gao Changming? Bring him to see me!" Yelu Hongji had always petted the queen. At this time, he even had a glimmer of illusion in his heart, hoping that all this was just a misunderstanding.

It’s a pity that Yelu Yixin broke his illusion: "When the minister sent someone to capture Gao Changsheng, he found that he had committed suicide in fear of the incident. He took away Zhao Yi’s only thing before, and those in the respect room can testify. ."

If Song Qingshu is here, they naturally know that the **** Gao Changming in their mouth was the **** who brought him into the palace, and at the same time marveled at Yelu Yixin's cruel heart. After all, from the previous dialogue with that Gao Gonggong, he should be Yelu Yixin’s person , I didn't expect to eventually become an abandoned child in the opponent's hands.

Yelu Hongji finally erupted: "Give me the long life to whip the corpse, thwart my bones and burn ashes! The people on duty in the respect room neglected their duties and were all executed in order to emulate you! Send someone to capture Zhao Weiyi, and I will put him to death. , As for the queen Xiao Guanyin, he was thrown into the jail, and the Privy Envoy Yelu Yixin of the Zhibei Court was interrogated with Zhang Xiaojie, the Privy Envoy of the North Court. In addition, Xiao Pidi, the prime minister of the North Palace, was temporarily deposed from the official position of the Xiao family. , You are not allowed to go out of the house, or you will kill you!"

"According to the purpose!" Yelu Yixin bowed his head and raised the corner of his mouth slightly. Now everything is developing according to his plan, even more smoothly than his plan. After all, he didn't expect Zhao Weiyi to get it so quickly. The trust of the queen.

Now that the Northern Envoy Yeluren is old and far away in the frontier, the southern court king Xiao Feng has collapsed, and the Northern Minister Xiao Bidi is probably the result of a ransacking of his family because of his daughter Xiao Guanyin's case. The entire Liao nation can be said to have been destroyed. Under control, how could Yelu Yixin feel unconscious?

The only thing that needs to be done now is to kill Zhao Weiyi so as not to let him confide in his relationship with him. What's more, Zhang Xiaojie, who is handling the case together, is his own. It couldn't be easier to make this case an iron case.

Moreover, in Shen Bijun's bedroom, Song Qingshu still hadn't reacted to this sudden crisis. He was hesitating whether to be taken away by them or fleeing with resistance. After all, different choices represented different response plans.

But suddenly a warning sign in his heart, it turned out that a guard suddenly stabbed him in the back.

There is no need to do multiple-choice questions now. Song Qingshu will continue to play Zhao Weiyi's identity without danger. These people are clearly trying to kill him. If they are arrested, they are really stupid.

The guard was originally grinning and waiting for the blood to show up, but suddenly realized that his knife could not move. He looked down and found that the tip of the knife was gently pinched by the opponent's two fingers, and he couldn't move half a point no matter how hard he was.

"How could it be!" Before he had time to exclaim, Song Qingshu had already moved. Everyone in the room only felt that there was a flower in front of them, and the imposing Royal Front Guards fell to the ground one after another.

Xiao Shillang was talking to Shen Bijun, but the next moment he found that the guards next to Song Qingshu fell in a circle. He didn't know his life or death, and he couldn't help but feel cold. Although he was not paying attention there before, he might solve so many big guards at this moment. This man's martial arts is really terrifying.

However, the word fear does not exist in Xiao Shishilang's dictionary. He was shocked for a moment, and then the next moment he drew his sword and rushed towards Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu was not in the mood to entangle him at this time. Since so many people came to arrest him, it was obvious that Su Quan was even more dangerous. He forced Xiao Shilang back with a few tricks, and then disappeared into the palace wall in a flash. in.

Of course, before leaving, he sent a message to Shen Bijun and told her not to worry, and he would come back to rescue her.

At this time, Shen Bijun was still in deep shock. One second before he saw a group of imperial guards aggressively arresting people, after one second, the opponent defeated everyone and successfully escaped, including the martial arts and powerful Xiao Shiyilang. Knowing that when Xiao Shishilang came to hijack him, the Shen family's guards were vulnerable in front of him.

"Who is this person?" At this time, Xiao Shiyilang also came to Shen Bijun with a look of horror and asked, "Martial arts are so high!"

"I don't know." Shen Bijun shook her head and replied softly. Although she knew that the opponent's martial arts was high before, she didn't expect it to be so high. Although the two had nothing to do with each other, her heart was still full of excitement.

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