Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1555: Disaster

Hearing the other party's understatement of denial, Xiao Shiyilang couldn't help asking suspiciously: "He enters the palace with you, and often goes in and out of you, how can you not know at all?"

Shen Bijun's face became cold and he said faintly: "If I really knew him, it would be easy to save me with his martial arts, so how can I keep being at your mercy?"

Xiao Shiyilang was startled, thinking that what she said also made sense, so he stopped saying anything.

Moreover, after Song Qingshu rushed out, he did not leave the palace, but rushed all the way to the queen's palace. Now that someone has been sent to arrest him, it is obvious that Su Quan will encounter greater danger.

After he rushed to the palace, he found that people had gone to the building a long time ago, only some guards were guarding it. There was no figure of Su Quan inside. From the whispers of the palace ladies and eunuchs outside, he learned that the queen was taken away by the guards. It's not clear where it is.

Song Qingshu has been stunned so far, and he doesn't understand how things between himself and Su Quan will be exposed. You must know that every time he goes in and out of Su Quan's palace, he is very cautious, and he has never been noticed.

"Could it be that Yelv Yixin acted there?" Song Qingshu had a guess in his mind, but he was not sure. After hesitating for a while, he decided to go out and ask Zhao Min first. After all, she was always well informed, and she is currently lacking. The news, let’s figure out the current situation first.

He ran out of the palace without stopping and rushed to the secret stronghold of the Ruyang Palace. Zhao Min and Bing Xueer were discussing something anxiously, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw him come back.

"Sister Xue, I said that there is definitely no danger in his ability. You have to worry about her that much." Zhao Min smiled and pushed Bing Xueer beside him.

Bing Xueer couldn't help rolling her eyes: "I didn't know who was anxious like an ant on a hot pot just now, but now it's all my business."

"Sister Xue!" Zhao Min sighed, quietly glanced at Song Qingshu, her beautiful face became more and more charming.

"Do you already know what happened in the palace?" Song Qingshu hurriedly asked, seeing the expressions of the two women.

"The case of "Hui Xin Yuan Ci" is so fierce, although the palace has tried its best to block this matter, but there is no way to hide such a thing," Zhao Min showed a joking expression, "Now the entire Shangjingcheng people are discussing. How sacred is the luthier Zhao Weiyi who can hook up the beautiful queen."

"It spread so soon?" Song Qingshu was surprised that the spread speed was too fast. If there was no one behind him, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

Bing Xue'er on the side showed a different color: "Qing Shu, even I have to admit that you are really good at dealing with women. It has only been a few days..."

"It's not what you think!" Seeing Bing Xue'er also gossiping, Song Qingshu couldn't help a black line and had to explain the relationship between Su Quan and himself.

The twists and turns were so beautiful that Zhao Min said: "Even the Queen of the Liao Kingdom is your woman, and my admiration for you is like a surging river."

Song Qingshu: "???" He told Zhao Min before about the classic lines in this past life movie, but he didn't expect to learn and use it so quickly.

"There won't be a day that even the queen of our Mongolian sweat has something to do with you?" Zhao Min looked at him suspiciously.

Song Qingshu became more and more depressed: "Don't make me like a planter, okay."

Zhao Min curled his lips: "I don't care. Anyway, you are not allowed to get the Royal Palace of Ruyang. If one day I know that you and my aunts or sisters-in-laws are unclear about anything, I will not castrate you."

Song Qingshu felt that the following was a little chilly, and hurriedly changed the subject: "This is too far, what happened in the palace today?"

Zhao Min put his smile away and said with a serious face: "I heard that someone in the palace reported to the emperor that the queen had an affair with the piano master Zhao Weiyi. Yelu Hongji was furious and killed a large number of people involved in the case, even those who had neglected their duties in the respect room. I haven't let it go..."

Hearing that Gao Gonggong committed suicide in fear of crime, Song Qing said in writing: "He is clearly Yelv Yixin's person, and he doesn't know whether he was willing to take his death or was'suicide'."

Zhao Min snorted coldly: "I think of Yelv Yixin who asked you to find a way to get close to the queen, obviously he is behind all this."

Song Qingshu said with some annoyance: "Hey, I'm really careless. I thought he couldn't start his plan before I acted. I didn't expect that he would directly plant the blame."

"It's not considered to be arrogant," Zhao Min said with some misfortune, "you and the queen do have a leg."

Song Qingshu looked depressed: "Can you stop mocking me?"

"Who told you to indulge in female **** in the palace and forget about business." Zhao Min snorted coldly, apparently dissatisfied.

Song Qingshu opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't explain. After all, he was really careless.

"Forget it, if you kill your little lover, you still have to hate me forever." Zhao Min smiled suddenly and took the initiative to break the embarrassment in the house. "According to the information I got, your one The little lover is now thrown into the prison of Yili Biyuan. The interrogation is carried out by the Privy Councilor Yelu Yixin of the Zhibeiyuan and Zhang Xiaojie, the Privy Councilor of Tongzhi. Although the two people have nothing to do with each other on the surface, according to Ruyang Palace In the past, Zhang Xiaojie should be from Yelu Yixin. Your little lover fell into their hands, not to mention that she really has a leg with you, even if she is pure and clean, I am afraid she will be beaten into a move."

"Yi Li Bi Yuan's Tian Prison?" Song Qingshu stood by the window and looked in that direction, "I really have a destiny with this place." Before saving Xia Qingqing Bingxue'er, and later saving Yelu Qi Xiao Zhonghui, they have dealt with several times.

"Are you planning to shoot today?" Zhao Min asked when he came to him.

"Yes," Song Qingshu nodded, "Let Su Quan stay in their hands for an hour and it would be a bit more dangerous."

"Alright, let's go with you. I just want to confirm a guess in my heart." Zhao Min said thoughtfully.

Song Qingshu turned around questioningly: "What's your guess?"

"It's not time to say it yet." Zhao Min shook his head.

Seeing that she was reluctant to say it, Song Qingshu couldn't force her to speak. Then the three of them began to prepare for the robbery. Originally, he planned to go alone, but Zhao Min and Bing Xueer insisted on being together, so he hesitated and agreed. After all, both of them are masters, even if they can't help themselves, they are safe.

The three soon came to the periphery of Yili Biyuan. Zhao Min frowned and said, "I know that your martial arts are very high, but are you planning to rush in and save people directly?"

Song Qingshu raised a small porcelain vase in his hand: "The sad and crisp breeze I got from Xixia Yipintang last time has never had the opportunity to use it. This time it happened to be a disaster."

Zhao Min was taken aback, and then smiled: "The Xixia people might be out of luck this time."

Suddenly Song Qingshu's expression changed, and he hurriedly held down the two women and fell down: "Someone is here, he is a super master!"

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