Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1556: shake

Zhao Min and Bing Xueer hurriedly fell down, listening to Song Qingshu's tone, the person who came was obviously not on their way.

I saw a middle-aged man in white walking slowly towards the prison of Yili Biyuan, elegant and calm. He walked very slowly, but no one could ignore his aura.

The white-clothed man was holding his hands behind him, and he couldn't tell that he was wearing a weapon, but Zhao Min and Bing Xue'er realized what his weapon was in the first reaction.

Because at this distance, there is a kind of sword aura that can penetrate the body to produce cold, and this sword aura is obviously not emitted by the sword. It was from the person himself.

"Xue Yiren?" Song Qingshu has recognized the identity of the other party, and he is the first master Xue Yiren of the Southern Song Dynasty Imperial City Division.

"Why did he appear here?" Zhao Min on the side asked curiously.

Song Qingshu shook his head, he was also curious.

I saw Xue Yiren strolling in the courtyard like this. At this time, the guards of Yili Biyuan had already reacted and pulled out their knives to surround them. It's a pity that Xue Yiren seemed to have an invisible aura around him. When these ordinary guards approached a little, they turned pale and had difficulty breathing, and they had to step back again.

A few of them did not believe in evil, and swung their swords to cut Xue Yiren's body. Unfortunately, the eyes of the people around were dizzy. The next moment these people were already covered with scars and fell on the ground. It doubled, no one dared to stay within one foot radius of him. Those guards could only surround him from a distance. As he walked forward step by step, the encircling circle also stepped back step by step.

"This man's martial arts is so high!" Bing Xueer was amazed. Just now, the guards were already lying on the ground without even seeing what was going on.

"He can indeed be among the top masters in the world." Song Qingshu exclaimed. Although Bing Xueer didn't see clearly, he could see clearly. Just now Xue Yiren still shot, but the speed is too fast, and most people can't react at all. Come, he can't help feeling a little proud when he thinks of this. If he changes to him, I'm afraid I didn't need to raise his hand just now...

"Why didn't King Wei come out to see you?" Xue Yiren suddenly stopped and said to Yili Biyuan with his head up. Although it didn't look like a roar of exhaustion, the voice was clearly spread throughout. Leaving every corner of the Biyuan, we can see how strong its internal strength is.

The voice kept reverberating in the courtyard, and Xue Yiren was not in a hurry, so he stood quietly on the spot, as if waiting for something. Not long after, the gate of Yili Biyuan's Sky Prison opened, and Yelu Yixin walked out surrounded by a group of guards.

"The mustache next to him is Zhang Xiaojie, the privy envoy of Tongzhi Beiyuan." Zhao Min pointed to a Han official next to Yelu Yixin.

"The two people got together, presumably they have already begun interrogating the queen." Song Qingshu couldn't help but worry about Su Quan's safety.

"Don't worry, interrogating the queen is not a trivial matter. It often requires several parties to be present at the same time. Depending on the situation, they should have been interrupted by Xue Yiren at the beginning." Zhao Minhui thought Lan Xin, knowing what he was worried about.

"I hope so." Song Qingshu nodded and continued to pay attention to developments in the field.

"I don't know why you are looking for the official." Yelu Yixin glanced at the situation in the field, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Why did Wang Wei know it," Xue Yiren said coldly, "One, where is Miss Shen Jia now; two, hand over the Mandarin Duck Sword."

That night, he wanted to take advantage of the situation to kill Shen Bijun, but unfortunately he was interrupted by "Song Qingshu" in the middle, so that he had to leave temporarily. When he went to the Wei Palace afterwards, he found that Shen Bijun had gone to the building.

Shen Bijun was originally a very important part of Yelv Yixin's plan, so her identity was also top secret in the Wei Palace, so that Xue Yiren tortured several servants and guards without knowing her whereabouts.

He didn’t really want to save Shen Bijun. He just let the court’s prospective princess fall into the hands of other men. It will be a great blow to the royal face in the future. He has experienced the painful experience of Jingkang’s shame. If you come again A similar incident dealt a heavy blow to the spirit of the entire country.

At the same time, he has been tracing the whereabouts of the Yuanyang Dao. Judging from the information obtained, it is likely that both the Yuanyang Dao and Yang Dao fell into the hands of Yelu Yixin. Originally, he planned to enter the Wei Palace to find the other party. Unfortunately, Yelu Yixin These days, I was busy framing the queen and the prime minister of Beifu, either in the imperial palace or in the Yili Biyuan. Xue Yiren became impatient and simply came directly to the Yili Biyuan to look for him.

At this time, Song Qingshu and the others also understood his intentions. Zhao Min couldn't help but smile and said, "You are really lucky, and there is a super expert who came out to take the lead for you."

Song Qingshu finally showed a smile: "I hope he will mix the water as much as possible."

"Presumptuous, what place here, take it for me!" Yelu Yixin's face was gloomy, with an unpredictable appearance, but Zhang Xiaojie on the side could not restrain himself. He was so provoked by someone in his own territory, why don't you give him a good one. Didn’t the lesson spread out laughing and generous?

The immediate superior gave the order, and the hesitant soldiers outside had no choice but to bite the bullet and rushed over. Fortunately, this time it was a group of people coming together, so there is no need to worry about being killed instantly like the few unlucky ghosts before.

Although Xue Yiren's martial arts is high, but he is not the kind of brash man with a streak. Naturally, he didn't have the time to entangle with this group of people to damage his combat power. I saw that he suddenly moved, and the surrounding spears broke off. Before everyone could react, he was already like a big Peng spreading his wings and surpassing the encirclement of many soldiers, and rushed directly to Yelv Yixin in the distance.

Everyone understands the principle of catching the thieves and the king first.

"Protect King Wei! Protect King Wei!" Zhang Xiaojie was shocked and hurriedly greeted the guards beside him to rush over, but he stepped back intentionally or unintentionally.

However, he and Yelu Yixin can be regarded as high-ranking officials of the court, and the guards who can stay by their side are not for nothing, and they guard in front of them in an orderly manner.

First, a bunch of shield soldiers stepped back and forth three levels to block in front of the two, then the archer opened his bow and set up arrows in one go, and dozens of crossbow arrows shot at Xue Yiren in the air.

It's a pity that Xue Yi's body is too clever, leaving a few afterimages in the air, and the whole person seems to be shocked, and the bow and arrow can't hit him at all.

At this moment, Kung Fu Xue Yiren had narrowed the distance between the two sides, and the shield soldiers in the forefront shouted one after another, and rushed forward with a shield in one hand.

Xue Yiren frowned. This thing is inevitable. He can only hold one of the shields with one palm, and the internal force in his palm is about to induce vomiting and fly away to open a gap. Suddenly the gap between the shields suddenly sticks out. A dozen spear heads came, as if they could poke him into a hornet's nest in an instant.

But after all, Xue Yiren was born in the army, how could he not have the slightest protection against these military methods? I saw that his whole body instantly rose into the sky, avoiding the fatal blow of the opponent, and then everyone in the field only felt that it was bright in the air. A brilliant sword light was raised, and when everyone recovered, they found that the shields in the hands of the three layers of defense were all torn apart, and the guards fell to the ground.

"It's worthy of the blood-clothed man killed by the sea of ​​blood from the dead mountain." With Song Qingshu's critical eyes now, Rao had to admire Xue Yiren's amazing sword just now.

On the side, Zhao Min stared at Yelu Yixin closely. Seeing his flustered expression, there was a hint of confusion on his face: "Did I guess wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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