Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1557: The human sword is one with the human sword

Besides, the heavily armed group of heavy infantry looked menacingly imposing a second before, but fell to the ground miserably a second later, obviously there was no room to fight again.

In fact, the heavy infantry with this configuration was originally a weapon to deal with martial arts masters. Generally, the masters are surrounded by shield formations, and they will only be miserably stabbed into a hornet's nest. It's a pity that they were not dealing with ordinary martial arts masters this time, but the best swordsmen in the world. In addition, the opponent was originally from the military and was quite familiar with these military formations, so they lost so quickly.

Now the main soldiers standing in front of Yelu Yixin and Zhang Xiaojie have fallen steadily. Only a few personal guards stood in front of them with fear and fear. The reason for this embarrassment is because they are here to leave. The guards who handled the case were naturally handed over to the Yili Biyuan, so they didn’t bring much of their own personal guards. Otherwise, although the palace of the Wei Dynasty is not as good as the palace of Ruyang, it has nurtured so many top masters, but a "master like a cloud" is still a master. Affordable.

Although Xue Yiren was a little crazy in his sword practice, he was not a fool. On the surface, he directly smashed into the Yiyuan Tian Prison. In fact, he did an investigation, but at this time it was when the guards around Yelu Yixin were the weakest. .

Seeing the opponent walking towards him step by step, Zhang Xiaojie's legs trembled a little with fright, especially when he saw the drop of blood falling from the opponent's sword, he almost fainted.

Xue Yiren sneered and stabbed at Yeluyixin with a sword. He knew that after all, this was the territory of the Khitan people and was not suitable for prolonged fighting. Otherwise, when there were more and more soldiers, he didn't want to fall into the siege.

The nearly ten guards around Yelu Yixin are also well-known figures in the Shanxi Wulin, but it is a pity that they met Xue Yiren this time, and they are blood-clothed men who are famous for their murderous aura!

Before they played against each other, they were struggling to breathe due to the killing pressure on the opponent's body. They couldn't perform 50% of their skills. Then they saw a flash of red sword light. This was the last picture they saw in this world.

Seeing that Yelu Yixin was about to be restrained, the corners of Xue Yiren's mouth rose slightly, and his face finally eased a bit, but his smile had not fully surfaced yet, suddenly his face changed, and the sword turned back to the side, and a hand was galloping over. The knife knocked and flew back.

"Bold thief, how dare you run wild in Yili Biyuan!" The visitor was tall and burly, with a trace of wild charm exuding all over his body, and it was Xiao Shilang who took over as the inspector of the Department of the Palace! He originally came here to declare the decree this time, but he didn't expect to bump into Xue Yiren's murder.

"This person looks more masculine than your little white face." Seeing Xiao Shishilang, Zhao Min pushed Song Qingshu aside, jokingly.

Song Qingshu didn't care, and replied lightly: "I rely on talent and content, not on my face."

"Smelly shameless!" Zhao Min scolded with a smile, and Bing Xueer nodded in agreement, so she continued to watch.

At this time, Xue Yiren also saw the appearance of the incoming person, and couldn't help but sneer again and again: "Xiao Shiyilang? Just before leaving, I settled the account of robbing Miss Shen with you!"

After staying in Shangjing for so long, he has found out who kidnapped Shen Bijun at the time. Although he plans to kill Shen Bijun to avoid embarrassment to the royal family, he hates the perpetrator of the incident even more.

Therefore, he was prepared in his heart, and planned to ask that he killed Yelu Yixin after the Yuanyang Sword was down. As for the killing of the important officials of the Liao State, he did not care about the bad relationship between Song and Liao. After all, the Liao State is not today. In the past, and the two countries did not border at all, the Liao State was too weak to retaliate. The only thing that could affect was the joint attack on the Jin State. However, the Northern Expedition was a matter of Han and Dong's family. He was born in the Xue family and has always been with Jia. The family is in the same spirit, and I didn't want to see Han Dongzhan's success in this Northern Expedition.

However, this time in the Liao country, there is such a big trouble. After returning home, you will have to face impeachment from Han Dong's camp. If you can solve the murderer of the kidnapping of the princess, you will not only have never had it, but will have merit. Naturally, you don't have to worry about the aftermath.

Therefore, the expression in his eyes when he looked at Xiao Shishilang instantly became hot, causing the opponent to feel a bit of cold.

Xiao Shiyilang only thought that the other party was too murderous, but he didn't think much about it, so he swung his knife and rushed over. He is very confident in his sword technique. In addition to Xiao Feng and his son in the entire Liao Kingdom, there is also the mysterious Datiyin Si Suyin. The rest is not in his eyes, and even if it is against these three, he He didn't think he would lose. If he was given another ten years to grow up, he even thought he could become the number one master in Liao.

A swordsman, there should be a sigh of air in his bones, so that he can reach the highest state of swordsmanship.

However, during this period of time, his indomitable momentum was somewhat compromised because he encountered two mysterious people twice in a row, one was the mysterious person met on the street that night. The two sides fought dozens of moves, feeling that the other party did not try their best. He was just playing around; the second time was when he caught Zhao Weiyi in the palace before, and the other party left calmly under his nose, which was really a big blow.

Thinking of these two things, Xiao Shiyilang's indomitable momentum suddenly paused, and there were flaws in his perfect sword intent. It would be fine if he was against a general master, but what a character Xue Yiren is, he caught that flash in an instant. And the flaws that passed away.

Everyone felt that their eyes were red, and there seemed to be a bright blood-colored flower blooming in the field. Only Song Qingshu realized that it was Xue Yiren’s blood-stained sword blooming. At that moment, the sword aura was so dazzling. There are only a handful of people who have opened their eyes.

Everyone could only hear the sound of intersecting knife tips. When the blood faded, when everyone opened their eyes, they found that Xiao Shilang was half kneeling on the ground, with more than a dozen blood holes under his body, and his clothes were already in tatters. If it hadn't been for the knife in his hand to put the knife on the ground to support most of his weight, I'm afraid he would have fallen to the ground at this time.

The guards in the field were in an uproar. You must know that Xiao Shilong is a famous master in the capital, and he can be regarded as an invincible player in the army on weekdays. Didn't he expect to lose in such a moment, and he was defeated so badly?

"Hey, can you take my trick and not die?" Xue Yiren let out a horror, but there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Only Song Qingshu understood that Xiao Shiyilang at this time was not the last Xiao Shizilang in the original book who realized the unity of humans and swords. It is normal to not beat Xue Yiren, but it was a little unexpected for him to lose so simply. After all, he had fought against Xiao Shishilang before, knowing that Xiao Shishilang's martial arts, no matter how many tricks he had to do, would it be possible to tell the outcome.

"Why did he hesitate with the knife just now?" Song Qingshu was puzzled. He didn't know that the opponent had frustrated his confidence because he fought him twice in a row, and his strength dropped by at least 30%. You must know that confidence is for a master swordsman. is crucial.

But he didn't have the time to deal with these things anymore. Instead, he said to the two women around him: "You are staring here, I will take this opportunity to go in and save Su Quan."

"Okay." Bing Xueer nodded, Zhao Min on the side seemed to have not heard, staring thoughtfully at someone in the court.

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