Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1558: Mandarin Duck Sword

Song Qingshu took advantage of everyone's attention outside Xue Yiren, and silently slipped into the sky prison of Yili Biyuan. Most of the guards in the sky prison were attracted out at this time, and a small number of soldiers were left. Song Qingshu was very relaxed. I can avoid it, but I can't avoid it and fainted directly.

This is not the first time in prison this day. Song Qingshu did not go to the West Chamber where ordinary prisoners were detained. Instead, he found the East Chamber where important persons of the imperial court were detained.

I heard Su Quan's beautiful and charming figure from a distance, and when something happened to her, she hurried over and couldn't help but laugh when she saw the situation inside.

It turned out that Su Quan was casting a celestial spirit on a jailer, and seeing the bewildered look in the jailer's eyes, most of them had already been attacked.

Song Qingshu went straight to stun the jailer, smashed the shackles of the cell with a wave of sword energy, and beckoned to Su Quan: "Come out."

Su Quan realized that there was a powerful enemy outside, and because of her temperament, she certainly wouldn't wait to die. She was devoting herself to using her charm technique to confuse the jailer to take the opportunity to escape, but was shocked by the sudden change.

When she saw the face of the other party, she turned from worry to joy, and suddenly rushed into his arms, her voice trembling a little: "Qing Shu, I thought I would never see you again."

Before resting in the bedroom, the guard who suddenly broke in took her directly to the jail. At the first moment, she was the queen who was aloft, and the next moment she was knocked out of the dust. Su Quan was also extremely frightened, always thinking that her identity had been exposed. It is inevitable that there is a sense of despair in my heart. I have been holding on for this period of time. Now I see Song Qingshu, and finally reveals the woman's weakness.

"Okay, it's okay, I'm here to save you now." Song Qingshu patted her on the shoulder and felt a slight tremor in her arms. He felt that Su Quan, who had always been strong, was scared enough this time.

"I'm sorry, originally I wanted to use the identity of the Queen of Liao to help you. Who knows that the identity was revealed, which led to a fall short." When he thought of his hard work over the years, Su Quan couldn't help but feel sad.

Song Qingshu hurriedly comforted: "Don't worry, this time it's not something happened on your side, but Yelu Yixin's conspiracy..." He said the whole thing in a hurry, and then took her out:" I'll talk about the details later, let's take this opportunity to go out first."

With his arms around Su Quan's waist, Song Qingshu quickly rushed out of the jail, and found that there was a mess outside, and Yelu Yixin's figure was missing, and even Xue Yiren didn't know where he ended up.

After finally finding Bing Xue'er, only to find that Zhao Min was not there, Song Qingshu said strangely: "Where is Miss Zhao?"

Bing Xueer was originally looking anxious, she took a sigh of relief when she saw him come out safely, and replied after hearing the words: "Just now Xue Yiren held Yelu Yixin, listening to their conversation seems to be going to get some mandarin duck knife, Miss Zhao goes after him. They are, let me wait for you here."

At this moment, seeing Su Quan in his arms, Bing Xueer's eyes flashed with a strange color, thinking that this is the very famous queen of Liao Kingdom, she is really beautiful: "Good girl Su."

"I have seen Sister Xue." Su Quan also owed a bow back. The ice muscle and bones of the other side also surprised her, and she secretly sighed that the women around her lover were so outstanding, which made her feel a little stressed. When I was hanging around with Song Qingshu before, I naturally knew that they still existed in the capital. Now I heard her mention that Ms. Zhao is not here, then it is obvious that this person is Bingxue'er.

In a short moment, the two women had already had dozens of thoughts in their hearts, but Song Qingshu frowned: "She is going to chase it alone. It's too reckless." You must know that Zhao Min's martial arts is good, but it is not enough in front of Xue Yiren. Look.

Bing Xueer said something hurriedly: "Miss Zhao said that she would leave a mark along the way so that you can follow up and find her after you come out."

Song Qingshu was relieved. Zhao Min was not an impulsive and reckless person. He had already left behind: "Then let's go." He was worried about what happened to Zhao Min and did not seek the opinions of the two women. He hugged one with one hand and headed towards Zhao Min. Follow the direction you left.

It’s nothing more than Su Quan. She was originally the temperament of enchanting sentient beings, but Bing Xueer is a well-known good family, especially now that she is now a Madame Hu, making her very unaccustomed to being like Song Qingshu in front of other women. close.

Opening her mouth, Bing Xueer noticed Song Qingshu’s worries between her eyebrows, and finally she didn’t say anything: "Wait until you find Ms. Zhao... You must talk to Qingshu if you find a chance, and don’t face it in front of others in the future. She is so..." She is so kind, even if she feels a little uncomfortable at this time, she first considers the safety of others.

Song Qingshu did not have time to pay attention to the heart activities of the women around him at this time. He was even more worried that he could not find Zhao Min, but he quickly relaxed. At the beginning, there was no need to look for the marks left by Zhao Min at all. Just follow the soldiers on the street. After all, people robbed the king of Wei, and the Khitan people will naturally catch up.

After chasing for a while, Su Quan on the side couldn't help but say in surprise: "This girl Zhao is really good at light work." She has heard of Xue Yiren's martial arts a little bit. Although she is carrying a person, she is even from Liao. The cavalry didn't catch up, but Zhao Min hadn't been lost. This light feat made her sigh.

Song Qingshu naturally knew the reason. If the previous Zhao Min really didn't necessarily have the ability to keep up with Xue Yiren, but not long ago, she had just passed on her light work of treading the sand without a trace. Zhao Min was originally talented and smart, and she would get twice the result with half the effort. Today's light work is also at the top level in the arena.

After chasing it, it was discovered that the Khitan soldiers also seemed to have lost their way and began to scatter in pursuit. Song Qingshu had to stop and start looking for the mark left by Zhao Min. Fortunately, it did not take long to find the agreed mark on a tree, but Looking at the direction is not to run out of the city, but to turn back into the city.

Song Qingshu was relieved in an instant. Xue Yiren no matter how lightly he is, but with a single person, he can't run the Khitan elite cavalry in the field. He can only use the complex environment and terrain in the capital to get rid of the chasing troops and let the cavalry sprint speed. It is the best policy not to come out.

Following the marks left by Zhao Min all the way, he went around and around so quickly that Song Qingshu had done so easily. It didn't take long for him to vaguely see the figure of Zhao Min in front of him. He was overjoyed and hurriedly followed.

Zhao Min was lying on a tree and looking at a remote yard not far away. The arrival of Song Qingshu and others frightened her. After seeing the other side's appearance, she let out a sigh of relief: "Hush, they just entered the yard. I dare not get too close for fear of being discovered."

Although Xue Yiren left first, he took a person and wanted to get rid of the chasing soldiers, wasting a lot of time in the middle, so he arrived at about the same time as Song Qingshu, who was chasing all the way by signs.

"This is the secret stronghold of the Imperial City Division?" Song Qingshu asked curiously, seeing the remoteness of this place.

Zhao Min shook his head: "It shouldn't be. I probably know the stronghold of the Imperial City Division. This seems to be the site of Yelu Yixin. Along the way, it seems that Yelu Yixin is giving directions to Xue Yiren."

"Is it really here to get the mandarin duck sword?" Song Qingshu had to sigh that Xue Yi was so kind, and he dared to follow Yelv Yixin's guidance like this, not afraid to ambush?

However, Xue Yiren is so arrogant and conceited, he must disdain the other party's ambush.

"Let's go and take a look." Song Qingshu sneaked into the yard with the three daughters. With his aura to cover, they were not afraid that they would be discovered by the people in the house.

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