Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1559: Slash

A few people touched into the yard. The whole yard seemed to be not abandoned. There were no servants or maids, so a few people followed up and were not found. When they came to the corner, a few people breathed in and looked inside.

I saw Xue Yiren let go of Yelu Yixin and said coldly: "The place you mentioned has been found. Where is the mandarin duck knife? If you can't find it, don't blame me for being merciless."

"I'll find it for you." Yelv Yixin's tone was a little low. It was obvious that he was the first person in the court not long ago, and he will become a prisoner in the next second. Anyone will be in a bad mood.

As he was talking, he began to play around on the bed. It turned out that there was a hidden grid under the bed. Xue Yiren was not worried about the other party's changes. At such a close distance, he was confident enough to seal his throat with a sword.

Yelu Yixin fiddled with it for half a day, and finally took out a long box from the secret compartment, and while talking, handed it to Xue Yiren: "This is the Yuanyang Knife..."

Xue Yiren took a step back, raised the sword in his hand, and said in a cold voice: "Stand there, don't move, and open the box first." Although he is deep in practicing swords, he is not a fool. He knows that there are some institutions in the rivers and lakes that can be calculated. To martial arts masters, such as Rainstorm Lihuazhen or something, he was worried that the other party had similar things in his box, and he was really not sure to avoid it at such a close distance.

Yelu Yixin was also obedient, and did not take the opportunity to rush over, but honestly opened the box, and there really were two shimmering swords in it.

"Mandarin duck knife!" There was a hint of joy in Xue Yiren's eyes.

Bing Xueer outside the window also saw the knives in the box. One of them was the Lengyue Treasure Knife that she had lost. But soon there was a hint of doubt in her eyes: "This knife..."

With a wave of his hand, Xue Yiren directly sucked in the wooden box and took out two of the knives. He couldn't believe it: "I actually got the mandarin duck sword that is invincible in the world?"

But he was also puzzled. No matter how sharp these two knives are, they are at best a pair of Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Knife. How can they be invincible in the world?

He carefully looked at the knife in his hand to see if there were any secrets on it, but at this moment, the sudden change suddenly rose, and he saw that Yelu Yixin suddenly had an extra knife in his hand.

The scabbard, the black scabbard, the curved hilt, the blade is green, green like a distant mountain, green like a spring tree, green like a lake in the eyes of lovers. The light of Qingqing's sword was curved, like a crescent moon at the beginning, but suddenly it turned into a flying rainbow, even if it was not out of its sheath, it could reveal a compelling murderous aura.

"Full Moon Scimitar?" Although Song Qingshu hadn't seen what the real Moon Scimitar looked like, at this moment, he was convinced that the one in Yelu Yixin's hand was the Full Moon Scimitar.

The full-moon scimitar was not surprising at first glance, but when Yelu Yixin pulled the sword out of its sheath, there was a strange air that made people dazzled and bewildered.

Song Qingshu could see his drawing of the sword, but in the eyes of the three women around him, it was a quick one! What an evil knife! One knife has the power of smashing the earth!

The indestructible full moon scimitar, the fearless sword of the devil, the magic sword that shocks the world, a sword that shocks the world. Suddenly there was light, moonlight, and full moon in some darkened rooms!

Although Xue Yiren was always cautious, when he got the mandarin duck knife, he was finally dazzled by joy, causing a slight slack in his guard.

It was too late when he noticed the blade light, and there was no time to fetch the sword in a hurry, so he could only greet him with two mandarin duck swords in his hand, and soon a crisp sound rose in the room.

When the moonlight in the room faded, Xue Yiren's face was pale and retreated to the wall, with a hideous wound on his chest, which was deeply visible in bones. Obviously, he was already severely injured at this moment.

Yelu Yixin did not continue to attack, but stood still and sighed: "Sure enough, he is indeed the Xue Yiren who is a powerful man. Once the magical sword is released, he must die. I am afraid that you will be the first to take the magical sword. Immortal character."

Xue Yiren looked at the half-cut knife left in his hand. He didn't know how he was being tricked by the other party. He said with a bitter voice, "Is the real mandarin duck knife in your hand?"

"That's right!" Yelu Yixin didn't have a look of fear and humbleness at this time, his face was full of pride, "It's not worth the old man's painstaking effort, this mandarin duck knife will eventually fall into my hands."

The women outside the window also looked shocked at this time. Although Yelu Yixin had been suspected to have a problem before, how did he know that his martial arts were so successful? Xue Yiren's martial arts and the others had seen them before, and they were severely injured by the sword.

The knife just now was too devilish, giving them a kind of trembling in their souls, and they felt that they couldn't afford the courage to resist.

Only Song Qingshu can see it truly. This sword is indeed very strange. With his current cultivation base, if he is unprepared by such a sword, it is likely to be seriously injured. This sword seems to touch the threshold of the rules, and it is faintly detached from the secular martial arts. Stance.

Of course, judging from Song Qingshu’s eyes, Yelu Yixin’s martial arts is actually not as good as Xue Yiren’s martial arts, even if it is slightly higher, there will be no difference in grade. The main reason why Xue Yiren defeated so quickly and so miserably is the main reason. Or he was attacked by the opponent unsuspectingly.

Being able to save his life in such a strange stab in a hurry is enough to demonstrate Xue Yiren's cultivation.

"Divine sword cut..." Xue Yiren meditated silently on the moves that severely inflicted himself on him, and suddenly his expression changed. "Could it be that the master of Mingjiao used the unique martial arts sword to cut hundreds of years ago?"

Yelu Yixin glanced at him unexpectedly: "This past hundreds of years, and now even many Mingjiao people don’t know about it. I didn’t expect your Excellency to know it." Even though he cut off the opponent’s hand at that moment. The fake mandarin duck knife severely injured the opponent, but at that moment Xue Yiren still picked up the sword again. No one in blood with the sword in his hand could ignore it, even if it was seriously injured.

So Yelu Yixin didn't mind instead of talking a little longer, the other party now has such a big wound on his body. As time goes by, the blood he shed will take away more and more power from him.

"Everyone knows that the mandarin duck knife is invincible in the world, but no one knows how to use the mandarin duck knife to be invincible in the world." Yelu Yixin stroked the full moon scimitar in his hand, and Song Qingshu and Bing Xueer outside the window quickly recognized it. This bewitching round-moon scimitar is a combination of the Lengyue Baodao and another smaller knife. It must be the deer-cutting knife lost by the Shen family.

"The world only knows that the treasure of Mingjiao Township Education and the Sacred Fire Order, but they don’t know that there was another treasure located on top of these two hundreds of years ago," Yelu Yixin gently stroked the full moon machete in his hand, as if touching Looking at the lover's body, "That is the invincible sword cut!"

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