Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1560: The truth is revealed

Whether it was Song Qingshu or Zhao Min's daughters, they didn't know that there was still this layer of secrets. They looked at each other and decided to check the situation first.

Yelu Yixin seemed to be interested, and began to explain: "Back then, the Mingjiao leader used the full moon scimitar to dominate the martial arts, and the world must not dare to take it. However, this knife seems to have a devilish nature, which can affect the mind of the knife holder. , Leading to Mingjiao’s proactive action will lead to devildom, so the world began to spread the demon martial arts, although the progress was fierce, but the foundation is unstable, and it is easy to become devilish rumors. Successive Mingjiao leaders are also quite distressed about this matter, and then I don’t know why, Yuanyue The male sword in the scimitar was accidentally lost, and the lack of the male sword caused the power of the magic sword to be greatly reduced."

"Later, the Mingjiao leader had no choice but to learn how to move, and sealed the knife and the magic knife together. A few decades later, the old people passed away. What is the name of the new Mingjiao generation? I don't know anymore, only some memories of the past generations are left."

"Because the full moon scimitar is a female and a male, it is gradually called the mandarin duck sword. The secret of the invincible world in the mandarin duck sword was also passed from within Mingjiao, but the mandarin duck sword is actually going on, there are not many people. I see." Speaking of this past, Yelu Yixin was also sighed.

"Since it is a Mingjiao thing, then why did the Mandarin Duck Sword finally fall into the hands of the Shanyin Shen family?" I don't know why, Xue Yiren's wounds are still bleeding, but he still cares about these issues.

Yelu Yixin glanced at him unexpectedly, but as time passed, the strength of the opponent's body would become smaller and weaker. He didn't mind wasting a while: "First of all correct it, it's not that the mandarin duck knife fell into the hands of the Shen family. , And only the female sword of the Yuanyang sword fell into the hands of the Shen family."

"At that time, Mingjiao lost the male sword. Although it was unable to reproduce the glory of the magical sword, the master still passed on the remaining female swords from generation to generation. However, after the Mingjiao leader Fang La rebelled and was put down by Huang Chang, the female sword was put down by him. It was passed on to the next generation of leader Zhong Xiang, who took the remnant of Mingjiao to the Dongting Lake generation, but was killed by Song Jiang Kong Yanzhou. The female sword fell into the hands of his successor Yang Yao. Later, when Yue Fei settled Yang Yao, the female sword fell. Into Song Jun's hands."

"After that, the female knife fell into the hands of Shanyin's Shen family, and was renamed the Deer Knife." Yelu Yixin slowly said this secret, and Song Qingshu outside the window nodded secretly. The information he had received before was almost the same.

Xue Yiren snorted coldly, "So you sent someone to kidnap Miss Shen Jia and at the same time take the deer cutting knife?"

"Yes," Yelu Yixin is now holding the winning ticket, but he did not deny it. "I have been investigating for a long time, and finally found the whereabouts of the female sword. Naturally, I will not let it go. It is also thanks to the fact that each of your courts are pregnant with ghosts, I just made it so easy for my people."

Xue Yiren knew that what he was talking about was the truth. If it hadn't been for the fight between King Yi and the Prince, it would not have made it easy for the people of Liao to go deep into the hinterland and take away the prince.

"Didn't the male knife in the Mandarin Duck knife have been missing for a long time? Where did you find it?" Xue Yiren asked curiously.

"Speaking of the whereabouts of the male sword, I have to thank someone," Yelu Yixin's tone was full of the winner's smile, obviously not really thanking that person, "the male sword is suspected to have fallen into the hands of Yuan Chonghuan, the governor of Jiliao, Yuan Chonghuan. After being killed by Chongzhen, the male sword fell into the hands of the Ming court. Later, Li Zicheng broke through Beijing, and the male sword naturally fell into his hands. However, he didn’t know the secret of the Yuanyang sword. It was just an ordinary sword, so he gave it to him. The first flying fox of the four guards."

Bing Xueer outside the window hurriedly covered her mouth, worried that the people inside would hear her. She did not expect that the Lengyue Baodao of her deceased husband was actually one of the most famous Mandarin Duck Swords in the world.

"Later, the flying fox passed the knife to his son, Liaodong Daxia, Hu Yidao. After Hu Yidao and Miao Renfeng died in a decisive battle, the knife lost its trace and did not reappear until recently." Yelu Yixin said.

Xue Yiren's heart moved and said, "Is it the one carried by Hu Yidao's widow?" As an agent of the Imperial City Secretary, he is naturally clear about what happened in Shangjing.

"Yes," Yeluyixin laughed. "At first, I was worried that someone deliberately used this knife to lead the snake out of the cave. I didn't dare to act for a while. I could only use the hands of Xixia people to help me test one or two. It led to Xiao Banhe."

Outside the window, Song Qingshu and Zhao Min glanced at each other, and saw the suddenness in the other's eyes. They connected what happened some time ago. It turned out that Yelu Yixin was behind the ghost.

Xue Yiren suddenly asked a key question: "How did you know the secret of the Mandarin Duck Sword, and how did you learn to cut it with the Divine Sword?"

Yelu Yixin stroked his beard proudly: "There are few secrets of martial arts in this world, and there are few secrets I don't know."

Song Qingshu's heart moved: "Yelü Yixin's tone is somewhat similar to someone in his memory."

At this moment, Xue Yiren suddenly burst out his sword, and a dazzling blood burst into the room. This is the power of the blood-clothed man's sword technique.

Yelu Yixin was shocked. He didn't expect Xue Yiren to bleed for so long from his wounds, yet he still had the power to fight back. The elegance of the opponent's sword was too dazzling, it could be described as a lifelong skill, he didn't dare to directly Facing his edge, he can only retreat temporarily.

And Xue Yiren was waiting for this opportunity, and took the opportunity to smash open the window and ran outside, and several ups and downs disappeared outside the courtyard.

Song Qingshu secretly sighed that Xue Yiren deliberately chatted with Yelu Yixin, apparently in order to secretly accumulate strength, presumably this is the Xue family's secret technique, but the price must be high. After this, Xue Yiren may not be able to recover his peak all his life. s level.

Seeing his disappearance, Yelu Yixin sneered: "Did you run?" The opponent was seriously injured, and at this moment, he burned his blood and wounds, adding injuries to him, where he ran past the intact self.

However, he had just chased the window, suddenly thoughtful, turned his head hurriedly, and was shocked to find that there were a man and three women in the room, his expression changed drastically: "Song Qingshu!"

Song Qingshu hasn't answered yet, but Zhao Min on the side smiled slightly: "You know him, it seems that I didn't guess wrong. I haven't seen him for a long time, Doctor Ping, oh, no, it should be Murong Jingyue."

Bing Xueer was frightened and angry: "Are you Murong Jingyue?" The enemy she had been looking for to kill her husband was finally found. How can she not have mixed feelings.

Su Quan glanced at the other person in a puzzled way, knowing that as Xiao Guanyin, she did not fail to fight this powerful official, but she didn't expect that the other party actually had another identity.

Song Qingshu showed such an expression as expected. In fact, he had already doubted Yelu Yixin's identity. He had just heard the other party's words and finally confirmed it.

(End of this chapter)

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