Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1561: God of the Knife

Yelu Yixin stared at the people coldly. To be honest, he had always been a little afraid of Song Qingshu. After all, the shadow of a person's famous tree, plus the fact that he had fought each other before, knowing that the opponent's martial arts is really rare in his life.

However, he has now learned how to slash with the magic sword, and just hit the super expert Xue Yiren with a single blow. At this time, he is full of confidence and no longer pays attention to Song Qingshu.

"So what?" Yelu Yixin glanced at Bing Xue'er greedily, "Hu Yidao, a beautiful survivor, has long been interested in it, but it was inconvenient for me to take action for the great cause some time ago, so I can only tolerate it. When the dust settles, I don't need to suppress it anymore. Killing my husband and dominating his wife is the most joy in the world!"

Bing Xueer was trembling with anger: "Brother Hu really was killed by you."

"Hei Shahan Bing originally wanted Hu Yidao and Miao Renfeng to die, but only one died," Yelv Yixin shook his head, as if looking regretful, "If I had known Hu Yidao and Miao Renfeng a long time ago. My wife is a great beauty of the country's beauty, and I did it myself instead of relying on the land to return to the farm."

"Shameless!" Bingxue'er was trembling with anger, but she did not lose her mind. The other party's weird knife just made her feel jealous, knowing that rushing over not only can't avenge her, but also can easily control it.

Yeluyixin moved his gaze to Zhao Min next to him: "The princess has also come, why? Did you come to ask for the antidote to the Three Corpse Brain God Pill? Don't worry, as long as you serve me well, I will give it to you. Your antidote."

Zhao Min said coldly: "Don't worry, I will break your body into pieces."

"Really?" Yeluyi sneered, and when he saw Su Quan on the side, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise, "Hey, the empress also appeared here."

"Yelü Yixin, your conspiracy has been learned in this palace, wait for the family to be ransacked and annihilated!" Su Quan was still speaking with Xiao Guanyin's face at this time, so he also spoke in Xiao Guanyin's tone.

"I can't protect myself now, so what kind of a queen's profile is there?" Yelu Yixin sneered, "Does Yelu Hongji believe your words? At this moment, he is in extreme anger of being cuckolded, and most of them won't see you."

Speaking of this, Yelu Yixin suddenly looked at Song Qingshu with admiration: "Sometimes I have to admire you for being able to get involved with so many famous beauties in the rivers and lakes, and now I don’t even have the Queen of Daliao. Escape from your clutches, tusk tusk, this gorgeous blessing is really enviable."

"Magic claws?" Song Qingshu said with a black line, "Magic your sister's claws!"

Hearing what he said, Yelu Yixin's face rose with anger: "Huh, but these are all gone, you confidantes, I laughed."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhao Min and the other three women's faces blushed, and they were obviously embarrassed and angry.

Song Qingshu glanced at him strangely: "I really don't understand what your confidence is. Do you think you can learn the magic sword cut hundreds of years ago and you will be invincible in the world?"

Yeluyi Singhaha laughed: "I used to be a martial arts expert, and I am already proud of the martial arts. Now I get the magic knife. It can be said that it is like a tiger and the surname is Song. I know that your martial arts are good, but today you are destined to become The dead soul under the scimitar of the full moon."

Song Qingshu shook his head and sighed: "Listening to what you said before, this knife is a magic knife with a strange and magical nature on it, which can easily affect the owner's mind. I didn't think so, but now you are arrogant and arrogant. Looks like, it seems that the rumors are really true."

Yelu Yixin's face changed slightly. He obviously heard the reminder from the other party. He also realized the same problem, but he quickly adjusted his mood: "Huh, the magic sword is invincible in the world, what does it matter even if it is arrogant."

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "Some people are destined to not become the **** of the sword even if they have a magic sword in their hands."

"Then you can try." Yeluyi smiled, and the sound of the dragon's roar, which is unique to the weapon of the gods, sounded in the room. The machete in his hand was like an antelope hanging horn, and he slashed towards Song Qingshu.

Zhao Min and the other women could only see a full moon rising in the house again, and couldn't see the others at all. They could only be anxious but couldn't help.

In Song Qingshu's opinion, it was a different feeling. The other party slashed, and the surrounding air seemed to become thick at that moment. He wanted to move but found that his whole body seemed to be trapped in a swamp. He wanted to move more than ten days before. Times the strength. But the masters are only one line behind in the fight, and the slowness of this moment of action is enough for the opponent to kill you more than ten times.

"It's no wonder that the leader of Mingjiao was able to dominate the martial arts with a magic knife. This martial arts has indeed touched the threshold of space." Song Qingshu still has a leisurely taste at the moment to comment on the other party's knife skills, but the next moment the strange light of the sword has been smashed to the end. Cut him in half with a knife.

However, Yelu Yixin didn't mean to be happy, because the touch of the knife just now made him understand that he didn't hit the opponent's real body, but only an afterimage of the opponent.

Without stopping the knife in his hand, he directly picked it from the bottom to the back. This is where the advantages of the full moon scimitar lie. It can draw a circle better than Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi.

Ding's body made a crisp sound, and the tip of the knife hit the sword energy that pierced the back of his neck. The swords intersected, and the scattered sword energy shattered the mask on his face, revealing Murong Jingyue's original appearance.

Murong Jingyue's heart sank. The blow just broke his final illusion, but he failed to release the opponent's sword energy in a head-to-head fight. It was obvious that the opponent's skill was above him.

However, he had no time to care about others at this time. Seeing Song Qingshu's gradually emerging figure, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide, his face was shocked: "How is it possible! Why did you suddenly appear behind me!"

He had just locked the opponent firmly, but when the sword was about to hit the opponent, the breath of the opponent suddenly disappeared. He kept his eyes wide open, and the corner of the opponent's shirt did not move. Why could he appear directly on him? Behind?

Song Qingshu shook his head: "Shen Dao Zhan has indeed vaguely touched the threshold of space, but unfortunately the person who uses the knife is still the person in the painting, and can't jump out of the pit of space."

At that moment, he showed it to the end of the world, without being in this space, the Divine Sword Slash naturally couldn't restrain him.

Murong Jingyue suddenly flashed a cruel look on his face, and the moon scimitar in his hand was split into two male and female swords, and shot at Bing Xue'er and Su Quan on the side in a weird arc, fast. , Actually no less than the magic sword cut just now.

Song Qingshu's face finally changed. Although Bing Xue'er and Su Quan's martial arts were not weak, most of them couldn't handle this demon and evil sword. Thinking of the scene of the other party's Xiang Xiaoyu's death, how could he sit still, and he used it twice in an instant to show the male and female. Shot down with two knives.

However, Murong Jingyue took this opportunity and came to Zhao Min's side. Zhao Min hurriedly fought back. Unfortunately, his martial arts have already advanced by leaps and bounds. It was almost an instant effort that he restrained the vital part of his neck.

"Song, you still lost after all." With the hostage in hand, Murong Jingyue's confidence recovered.

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