Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1562: Inhuman Martial Arts

Zhao Min was also sturdy. When he saw that he was restrained, he directly stabs his only son with a backhand. He intends to use moves like Tiandi Tongshou and Jade Broken Kungang to kill him with the opponent, but Murong Jingyue martial arts complex. With rich experience in Jianghu, she had taken precautions against this. A single finger sealed the numb point of her elbow, and Zhao Min's sword could only be hung weakly.

"Do you think you won with a hostage?" Song Qingshu's expression was flat, just looking at the other side quietly.

"Of course!" Murong Jingyue chuckled, "Princess Shaomin, the number one beauty in Mongolia, even I can't help seeing it. You have been in a relationship with her for so long, so why don't you be willing to suffer any damage to her? In the future, there will be opportunities, but if she dies, she won’t be able to resurrect."

Song Qingshu nodded: "You have some truth."

Zhao Min suddenly became anxious: "Song Qingshu, leave me alone, kill him for me!" During this period of time, the poison of the three-corpse brain **** pill hung above her head like the sword of Damocles, making her sleepless and thinking about today. Let him go, he will still protect the suffering of the Three Corpse Brain God Pill in the future, it would be better to die with him today.

Murong Jingyue's hand tightened, making it difficult for her to speak: "Don't worry, he can't bear you to die, as long as it's a man."

Song Qingshu ignored him, but said to Zhao Min: "Don't worry, I will not only kill him, but I will also rescue you."

Murong Jingyue smiled angrily: "Although your martial arts are high, I am not much worse than you now. At such a close distance, you absolutely can't save her from me."

"Really?" Song Qingshuyun smiled lightly, obviously not paying attention to what he said.

Suddenly, Bing Xue'er and Su Quan shook their body, and they couldn't stand and hurriedly leaned against the wall before stabilizing their body. Zhao Min was also weakened as if he was about to fall.

Murong Jingyue's expression changed, and he hurriedly held her back a few steps, sniffed the tip of his nose, and suddenly laughed, "I think you are so confident, because you want to use the sad and crisp breeze to count against me."

Song Qingshu frowned: "Why are you all right?"

Murong Jingyue smiled proudly: "Could it be that you have forgotten that I still have the identity of Ping Yizhi, one of the four great doctors in the world, and a disciple of the Poisonous Hand Medicine King. What can only a small amount of poison do for me?"

"This is my miscalculation." Song Qingshu nodded, obviously a little annoyed.

Murong Jingyue looked at Bing Xueer and Su Quan, who were lying limp next to him, and couldn't help but become more proud: "Hahaha, not only did your trick not trick me, but you also made your helpers lose their combat effectiveness, which is a loss. Madam broke down again."

"Why do you need their help to deal with you?" Song Qingshu shook his head.

"What's the matter so far," Murong Jingyue snorted coldly, and his hand on Zhao Min's death hole tightened, "I will count three times, and you will break your right arm, or I will kill her."

As soon as this remark came out, all the women in the field changed their colors and looked at Song Qingshu one after another.

"You kill her, without the hostages, you will die too." Song Qingshu said calmly.

"So what, I have the first beauty of Mongolia to bury me, it can be said to be a ghost and a romantic." Murong Jingyue has been in the rivers and lakes for decades, and has already looked down on life and death.

"If I break my right arm, will I be your opponent? Not only can I not save Miss Zhao, but I will also cause the other two women to suffer. How could I be so unwise." Song Qingshu has no mood swings.

"It can only prove that you love yourself more than others," Murong Jingyue lowered his head and smiled in Zhao Min's ear. "The princess, it seems that you are not high in his heart, so he can't bear to save you with one arm."

Zhao Min sneered: "Do you not forget to instigate separation at this juncture? If he is so stupid that he promises you, I will look down on him. Even if I move in a different place, I will have the same choice."

"The princess is really a hero of the female middle school, but it's a pity that I'm not good at someone. How about going with me in the future?" Murong Jingyue leaned into Zhao Min's neck recklessly, intending to smell the fragrance on her body. Suddenly he only felt golden For a flash, he looked up subconsciously.

I saw Song Qingshu standing there obviously, but a golden figure suddenly rushed towards him from his body, Murong Jingyue was shocked, and hurriedly planned to catch Zhao Min in front of him, and at the same time hesitated whether to kill at this time. Zhao Min.

But he soon knew that he didn’t have the energy to care about Zhao Min’s affairs, because he found that he could not even move a finger, and could only watch the golden figure coming towards him in an awe-inspiring manner. A finger touched his forehead, and he instantly had a tremor from the depths of his soul, knowing that the other party only needs to move his thoughts to make himself so soulless.

"What kind of martial arts is this?" Murong Jingyue asked grimly, but it was a pity that he couldn't speak at all.

However, the other party seemed to have heard his doubts, and the golden figure replied, "Sword Twenty-Three."

Looking at the golden figure almost exactly the same as Song Qingshu, Murong Jingyue said in amazement, "This is not the martial arts of the world..."

"It's indeed beyond the concept of secular martial arts," Song Qingshu replied faintly, "but why is it not like the magic sword? It's just that you can't learn home, you can only kill masters, not gods and demons."

His sword Twenty-Three was learned by practicing "Tai Xuan Jing" on Xia Ke Island. Originally, there was no specific name for the sword technique. However, Song Qingshu thought of the sword master's ultimate move in the previous TV series "The Wind and Cloud", and felt that the effects of the two were somewhat similar. , They took such a name.

Since learning, Song Qingshu has never used it. After all, his martial arts do not need to use this ultimate move. The only way he almost used it was twice when facing Huang Chang and the sweeping monk. At that time, the other party saw him in his eyes. The golden figure of Wang was also a warning sign, like an enemy, but in the end the two sides still did not fight.

Until this time when he dealt with Murong Jingyue, the opponent had learned the martial arts of the magic sword to be unfathomable, and with the hostages in hand, he was not sure that he would be able to save Zhao Min, so he could only find a gap and sacrifice this trick.

Sword Twenty-Three, finally reappears in the world!

"Where is the antidote for the Three Corpse Brain Pill?" Song Qingshu didn't take his life immediately, mainly to detoxify Zhao Min.

"The solution... the antidote..." Murong Jingyue knew in his heart that this was the only capital for his life, and he must not tell it. Unfortunately, now that the soul is controlled, the whole person seems to be constantly calling, and he instinctively replied, "The antidote is not ...There is a configuration, but the three-corpse brain **** pill in the main body of the county is refined from these three kinds of corpse insects: one is Qinggu, and the other is..."

Even if there is no antidote, as long as you know what poisonous insect the Three Corpse Brain Pill is made of, it is not difficult to refine the antidote, but when Murong Jingyue just finished talking about a type of dead insect, there was a loud noise outside. .

"Everyone surrounds this place, not even a single fly is allowed to fly away."

"Wait later, pay attention to King Wei's safety."

"The enemy's martial arts is very high, everyone must be careful."


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