Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1563: Ambitious

Murong Jingyue can also be regarded as a hero of the previous generation. Now Song Qingshu actually has the method to directly control the soul, knowing that he will never be spared this time, even if there are more people outside, he will not be able to save him, instead of finally falling into the hands of the other party to survive. No, it's better to have a good time.

Just as Song Qingshu was slightly distracted by the sudden arrival of soldiers from outside, Murong Jingyue suddenly summoned his whole body skills and shocked, and he resolutely broke his meridians and died!

In fact, if he could not die, he would never choose to die, but whether it was Song Qingshu, Zhao Min, Bing Xueer, and even Queen Xiao Guanyin, they all had an antagonism with him, and it would never be possible to let them go. After him, since it is a dead end, it is better to have a good time.

Originally, he wanted to take Zhao Min to be buried with him, but unfortunately now he is completely restrained, and even the strength to commit suicide has finally had a chance to come. How can he still be able to take Zhao Min away.

Feeling the strangeness of Murong Jingyue, Song Qingshu turned around, and was shocked to find that the other party was completely dead. In shock, he had to admire the other party's cruelty. Being cruel to others is nothing but being cruel to himself is really cruel.

"I'm not dead in vain to be buried with Mongolia's first beauty, hahaha" Murong Jingyue could finally speak, laughed wantonly, and was exasperated.

Song Qingshu pulled Zhao Min into his arms: "Are you okay?"

"No... it's okay..." Zhao Min's face became extremely pale as he watched Murong Jingyue, who was slowly falling to the ground.

"Don't worry, I will definitely cure your poison." Feeling her slightly trembling body, Song Qingshu quickly comforted.

"Well, you go and see them." Zhao Min nodded, but her heart was cold. She was poisoned by the Three Corpse Brain Pill before. She used the entire Ruyang Palace, but unfortunately she still couldn't find it. The only way to detoxify is to know which three kinds of poisonous insects are used by the poisoner. Although one of them is known now, there are still two kinds of poisonous insects who do not know at all. There are millions of poisonous insects in the world, and they want to try the solution Medicine is tantamount to a fairy tale.

At this time, the clamor of the soldiers became clearer and clearer, and they must be coming in soon. Song Qingshu also had no time to pay attention to Zhao Min’s mental huodong. After helping her to sit on a stool, he ran over to Bing Xueer and Su. Quan helped up, and at the same time pulled out the antidote of sadness and breeze to the two noses.

"Smelly~" The two women groaned, and finally slowly recovered their strength.

"What are we going to do now?" Su Quan said with a worried expression when he heard the voices of the soldiers outside. Now "Yelü Yixin" died here, and their identities are sensitive. It is definitely a thing to be hit by the soldiers of Liao State. The situation of hunting for thousands of miles.

Song Qingshu also found it a little tricky, but his eyes fell on the person Murong Jingyue had broken before-Pi miànju, and suddenly a flash of inspiration: "I have a way!"

When a group of soldiers rushed in, they found that Yelu Yixin was sitting on the chair with a look of embarrassment, with some blood stains on his face, and a few beautiful beauties surrounded by the country, and everyone's heads were full of question marks.


"Where is the good assassin?"

"Yes, what about being held hostage?"

"Didn't it mean that a man took Wei Wang away?"


At this time, Yelu Yixin was naturally pretending to be Song Qingshu. He picked up the miànju that Murong Jingyue had been smashed by the sword, and put it together again. He was the master of Yi Rong. Although miànju was broken into several pieces, it was not difficult for him. , Some disguise materials on his body are enough to make up for those cracks.

Of course it was not without flaws, so he took some blood and smeared it on his face, looking like his face was injured, temporarily dismissing the immediate crisis, and he had enough time to make a perfect miànju again.

"I was brought here by the culprits. Fortunately, several girls were rescued and they beat each other away," Song Qingshu pointed to Zhao Min and Bing Xueer beside him, imitating Yelu Yixin's voice and said. As for Su Quan, naturally too The miànju of Xiao Guanyin was taken down, revealing her original face, and she naturally did not appear as a queen at this time.

"Come on, let the adults see the injury." A man with the appearance of a general hurriedly greeted his subordinates.

"No, it's just a bit of skin trauma, which has already been dealt with by these girls." Of course, Song Qingshu can't let the doctor come to check it. Can't you just show off things like that?

"This is the fact that all the newly appointed palaces have deployed Yelvta. It is Yelvyishin's confidant who was promoted after Yelvqi was framed." Zhao Min was worried that he did not know him, and quietly introduced him.

"The civil servant next to him looks like Zuo Yili Bi Yeluyan, and he has always been closely related to Yelu Yixin." As for Zhang Xiaojie next to him, Zhao Min didn't introduce him, after all, he had just met him in Tianjao.

Song Qingshu nodded. He had dealt with Yeluyan and interrogated him about the whereabouts of Leng Yue Baodao.

"The one on the far left is the guard Taibao Yeluchasab, and the one on the right is the guardian Zhisabha. They should have been on duty in the palace, but they also ran up. It seems that Yelu Yixin was robbed and let their direct descendants. All panicked." Zhao Min quickly introduced him to him in a low voice, and Song Qingshu was admired. Zhao Min was really amazing. He actually remembered some important people in Shengjing City clearly, with her by his side. I really don't know how much to save.

"Who is this person?" The people who came in at this time found Murong Jingyue lying on the ground and couldn't help asking.

"Oh, it was the gang of the thief who was killed by these girls." Song Qingshu replied quietly. In order to prevent anyone from knowing Murong Jingyue's identity, he deliberately took the deputy miànju and changed his appearance.

Song Qingshu knew that many words would be lost. If this group of people came to ask for help, the ghost knew what would be wrong at that time, so he immediately stood up and arranged tasks for everyone. Some went to track down the disappeared Xue Yiren, and some went to track down the emperor. The remaining party of the city division, others went to track down the whereabouts of the missing queen.

Dismissed from all walks of life, Song Qingshu took the three daughters back to the Palace of the Wei Dynasty. It’s not that no one had ever doubted the identity of the three daughters, but at this time Yelv Yixin was so powerful that it could be described as one person in the entire Liao Kingdom. How can anyone dare to criticize his behavior? When he is in his capacity, it is nothing to have a few confidantes around him, and they can drive away the martial arts high-powered Xue Yiren. These girls may be dead masters carefully cultivated by Yelu Yixin. Everyone has them. Who would be so stupid to ask about his secret?

"Qing Shu, thank you for avenging Big Brother Hu." Back in the Palace of King Wei, Bing Xueer had the opportunity to thank Song Qingshu.

"Sister-in-law, this is what I should do." Song Qingshu couldn't help feeling sighed when he thought of having just crossed this world, when he was walking with their mother and son, and when he encountered Murong Jingyue.

The two sighed over, and Su Quan next to him said, "Qing Shu, what should I do next? Have you been living as Yelu Yixin?"

"No!" Song Qingshu shook his head, looking deep into the window, "Let's enter the palace." (https:)

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