Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1568: Refuse to marry

"Zhiruo is not as stingy as you think." Song Qingshu laughed.

"Really?" Zhao Min stared at him with a faint smile, "Well, next time I see her, I will tell her what you have to say to her and see how she will react."

"Still don't!" Song Qingshu waved his hand hurriedly, with a scornful expression on his face.

"Why, I'm still afraid of overturning the jealous jar of your family?" Zhao Min tilted his head, with a playful expression.

"I'm not worried about her, but worried about you," Song Qingshu said calmly, "You are not her opponent in martial arts now. You will suffer if there is a conflict."

"Aren't you still there?" Zhao Min didn't care about it. "Do you just watch me being bullied by your fierce wife and sit on the sidelines?"

"Desperate wife?" Song Qingshu has a black line, feeling that these two people are really natural enemies.

"Yawn!" Zhou Zhiruo, who was far away in Yangzhou at this time, sneezed involuntarily and rubbed her face in doubt, "Is it too tired these days to catch the wind and cold?"

"Okay, okay, let's talk back to the poison on your body," Song Qingshu knew that the topic just now was full of minefields, and if he talked on, he might get bruised all over. "I have been thinking about the solution to the Three Corpse Brain God Pill, but finally it was true. Came up with a solution."

In Zhao Min’s doubtful eyes, Song Qingshu explained: “The reason why the Three Corpse Brain God Pill is difficult to understand is that no matter how high a person’s martial arts is, he cannot train his internal strength into his brain. "Created a new set of meridian system in a different way, which happens to be able to train internal strength into the brain!"

Sword Twenty-Three is to directly launch a soul attack. It is not just meditation to launch this kind of attack. Of course, internal force development is needed to stimulate the brain to provide a steady flow of power to Sword Twenty-Three. Originally, the "Nine Yin Zhenjing" The soul-shifting method also involves mental attacks, but it depends more on the strength of a person's mental power and willpower, and it is only a simple matter of developing the brain, which is far less complete than the system in the Taixuan Sutra.

"As long as you can train your internal strength to the brain, you can get rid of the corpses and worms lurking in the brain." Song Qingshu said here that I have to feel that martial arts in this world are indeed amazing, but the level of medical care is still inferior to scientific and technological civilization. In the world, a craniotomy was performed directly on the three corpse brain **** pills in Zhao Min's institute, and even without a craniotomy, directly using nuclear magnetic resonance, infrasound and the like should be able to shake the lurking corpse insects.

Of course, under the conditions of this world, Song Qingshu would not dare to perform craniotomy on Zhao Min.

"The "Tai Xuan Jing" is your biggest capital now. If you taught it to me, wouldn't it make you lose the biggest support?" Zhao Min looked at him worriedly.

"Who said I want to pass the Supreme Profound Sutra to you?" Song Qingshu looked blank.

"It turned out to be my own passion!" Zhao Min turned away in an instant, still puzzled by hatred in his heart, stomped and snorted.

Seeing that the effect is almost complete, Song Qingshu just said: "The Taixuangong is very profound, and the cultivation level is not enough. Not only can it be impossible to practice the Taixuangong, but it is also easy to get into the devil and fall into the devil. With the current cultivation base of the princess, I am afraid it will be It will take at least 20 years before it is possible to practice the Taixuan Sutra. Unfortunately, by then, the day lily will be cold."

"What to do then?" Zhao Min kicked and kicked a pebble into the lake, and the ripples spread out in layers, like her chaotic heart.

"Although you can't practice "Tai Xuan Jing" in a short time, there is a ready-made Tai Xuan Jing here," Song Qingshu mentioned before fighting against Murong Jingyue. "At that time, I used sword 23 to directly attack Murong Jingyue's soul. , I can also use the sword twenty-three to attack the corpse worm in your brain."

"Is it really okay?" Zhao Min's face turned pale. At that time, when the sword came out, everyone's soul seemed to be fixed. The feeling of ruining the world made her feel a little lingering, "Don't be alone. Take care to destroy my soul."

"Of course it's not that simple," Song Qingshu also looked dignified. "Sword Twenty-Three is too aggressive after all, and the human brain is the most vulnerable place. If I attack a little bit off or a little bit heavier, I will be It is not only the corpse worm in your brain that is destroyed, but also your soul."

Zhao Min's face turned pale, but her IQ was still there, and she quickly reacted: "Since you made this proposal, you must be sure of it?"

"If it is carried out in this way, the success rate can be said to be zero, but if the princess promises me one thing," Song Qingshu paused and said with some complex expressions, "the success rate will be infinitely close to 100%."

Zhao Min frowned, and said with some doubts: "Shall you promise to keep the secret for you? I can agree, but for people like us, how can we believe that the other party simply promised?"

"Naturally, I won't let you promise me such a boring thing," Song Qingshu hesitated and explained, "The matter that I want the princess to promise may be embarrassing."

Who knows that Zhao Min waved his hand nonchalantly: "Don't worry, no matter how embarrassing is, it will be almost dead? Even if you speak, I promised that you will not harm me with the friendship between us."

"Of course it won't hurt you," Song Qingshu hesitated, and finally told the matter, "I want to ask the princess... to marry me."

Zhao Min had been talking with him for so long just now, and was a little thirsty, so after saying that, he picked up a tea cup to moisturize his throat. Who knows that he heard what he said he wanted to agree to, so he spouted a sip of tea. :"what did you say?"

Song Qingshu turned a little sideways, avoiding the tea that she squirted: "Since the princess has heard it, why should I say it again?"

"You guy!" Zhao Min's face turned red in an instant, and he turned around, "Obviously, I was talking about the method of detoxification, why did I suddenly switch to such a thing."

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile: "Because this is related to the method of detoxification."

Zhao Min turned around, looking confused: "???"

Song Qingshu had to explain: "Although the Taixuan Jing can expand the meridians into the brain, how delicate and sensitive the brain is, a little carelessness will cause irreversible damage, and everyone’s body is different, and the brain is also slightly different. I I only have the confidence to get rid of the foreign body in my own brain, but I have no confidence in getting rid of the foreign body in the brain of other people. Unless...unless I am as familiar with her body as my own, and to do this, I can only use the joy of tantra- With the combination of the Zen double-cultivation method, you completely let go of your mind and body to allow my true energy to enter. After I have become familiar with every meridian in your body, you can be sure to get rid of the corpse insects in your brain."

The more he listened to him, Zhao Min's pretty face became brighter, but she finally understood what was going on.

Song Qingshu continued: "I don't want the princess to be innocent, so I propose to let the princess marry me, so..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Min interrupted him: "No, I refuse!"

(End of this chapter)

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