Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1569: Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart

Song Qingshu's head was a little dazed: "Why?"

Zhao Min turned around and took a deep breath and said, "There is no reason, I am tired, so I will go back and rest first." After speaking, the skirt was lightly raised, leaving only a faint fragrance in the air.

Song Qingshu was very depressed. Originally, he thought that the relationship with Zhao Min was enough. This show of love should get a logical response, but the reality gave him a cold stick.

Sitting depressed in the pavilion drinking wine, after a while, there was a soft footstep behind him. Song Qingshu’s first reaction was that Zhao Min went and returned, but he immediately dispelled this speculation, not to mention Zhao. Min is not the kind of temper that is willing to be soft, and the fragrance on his body is different. Zhao Min exudes a fragrance like a rose, but this person has only a faintly inaudible fragrance, like an empty valley or orchid, left behind. independent.

"Sister-in-law, are you here?" Song Qingshu didn't need to look back. He was familiar enough with the smell of the other party and could smell who she was.

Bing Xueer came to him, showing a gentle and elegant smile: "Qing Shu, why do you drink boring wine here alone?"

"Sister-in-law came just right, drink with me." Song Qingshu didn't wait for her to respond, and directly pulled her into her arms and sat down. His soft and charming body made his cold heart a little warmer.

Bing Xueer's face flushed, and she hurriedly struggled from his arms to sit down on a stool next to her, her eyes full of anger and embarrassment: "You, this is the Liao Kingdom Imperial Palace. Everywhere is the eyes and ears of others. When it comes time, there will be some rumors outside."

"I am the emperor of the Liao Kingdom now, who dares to control me." Song Qingshu snorted coldly, but did not hug him again.

Bing Xueer gave him a white look: "It's weird because you are holding Yelu Hongji's face now..."

Song Qing smiled and leaned to her side and said, "Could it be that if I take off the mask, will you let me hold it?"

"Bah, it's still so unpretentious." Bing Xueer sipped, "What did you say to Miss Zhao? Just now I saw her look frosty when she left, and you were drinking boring wine here. Did something happen to you? "

"I asked her to marry me, and then it was like this." Song Qingshu shrugged and said helplessly.

"Huh?" Bing Xue'er suddenly heard the news, her red lips opened so that she could fit an egg.

"What's going on?" Rao is Bingxue'er with cold temperament, but after all, she is a woman, and gossip is a woman's nature.

Seeing her excited look, Song Qingshu became more and more depressed: "It was me who proposed to her, and then she simply rejected me."

Bing Xueer was startled, and said with some doubts: "But during this time of getting along, I feel that Miss Zhao should like you, why would she refuse."

"I also feel that our relationship has wiped the last layer of window paper, so I took the initiative to pierce..." Song Qingshu sighed deeply, "It's a pity that it turns out that I think too much."

Speaking of this, Song Qingshu couldn’t help feeling a deep sense of melancholy. You must know that Zhao Min was his favorite female protagonist when he watched "The Legend of the Dragon Slayer" in his previous life. She is so perfect, as perfect as a beautiful dream, allowing people to stay far away. I saw it but couldn't chase it. When he traveled to this world, he found that Zhao Min was there, and the distant dream gradually became within reach. The feeling of joy was simply unparalleled.

It's a pity that the other party coldly refused to knock him down from the clouds to the ground. At that moment, it seemed to hear the sound of broken dreams.

"How is this possible?" Bing Xueer recalled the bits and pieces she had spent with Zhao Min during this period. Every time she mentioned Song Qingshu, her slightly raised corners of lips were obviously intentional, "How did you propose to her like her? Tell me what happened just now."

"Isn't it necessary?" Song Qingshu glanced at her. "Why did my sister-in-law have broken her studies and want to sprinkle salt on my wound?"

Bing Xueer gave him an angry look: "Am I going to harm you? But I think there must be a misunderstanding in this, and I don't want you to miss this fate."

Song Qingshu hesitated for a moment, and then roughly said the conversation with Zhao Min just now. Bing Xueer couldn't help laughing after listening.

Although her smile is as beautiful as the beginning of the ice and snow, there is still some sarcasm in Song Qingshu's eyes: "Sister-in-law, you are also broken, and you asked me to say it again and make fun of me."

"Who made fun of you, I just understand why Miss Zhao rejected you." Bing Xueer said angrily.

"Why?" Song Qingshu sat up straight and looked at her suspiciously.

Bing Xueer shook her head and explained softly: "Qingshu, you know more about girls' thoughts than most men in this world, but you are not a woman after all, and there are some things you can't think of. If you simply propose to Miss Zhao this time , I think she will probably agree to you. But the focus of your chat this time is on how to detoxify, so how can Miss Zhao agree to you?"

"Why can't you promise me?" Song Qingshu was still a little at a loss.

"How smart you are on weekdays, why are you so stupid this time?" Bing Xueer was a little anxious. "You think, if Miss Zhao agrees, doesn't it mean that she agreed to marry you just to survive?"

Song Qingshu frowned and said, "I wouldn't think so?"

"But she would be so worried," Bing Xueer sighed and explained to him, "Women are delicate animals, not to mention the seven-orifice exquisite heart like Miss Zhao, she will worry that you don't think so now. But what about the future? Or what do your other confidantes think of her? She can't take this risk. After all, it is related to the happiness of a woman's life. No woman likes her marriage to be mixed with other things."

Song Qingshu blinked, faintly understanding the meaning of Bing Xueer's words, but he still had some worries in his heart: "But what if she didn't reject me because of this, but simply didn't like me and didn't want to marry me?"

Bing Xueer gave him a white look: "A woman runs with a man all day long, and the rumors about the two of them are flying all over the world. She has never refuted the rumors. If it is not like it, what is it like?"

Seeing that Song Qingshu was still hesitating, she walked over and pushed his back towards the house where Zhao Min lived: "You are a man. Be proactive. Go ahead."

"Okay, thanks for my sister-in-law!" Song Qingshu was a little depressed for a while because of his troubles and gains. Now that Bing Xue'er enlightened him, the whole person regained his spirit.

Looking at the direction he was leaving, Bing Xueer blushed and murmured, "How many times have I told you, don't call my sister-in-law, otherwise I always feel weird..."

Let’s say Song Qingshu trot all the way to Zhao Min’s room, knocked on the door and said, "Princess, I have something to say to you."

After knocking for a long time, there was a cold echo: "I'm asleep, I'll say something tomorrow."

Song Qingshu suddenly smiled: "It just so happens that I am a little tired, or... shall we sleep together?"

(End of this chapter) 8)

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