Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1573: Compete

Zhao Min stiffened, and her voice trembled a little: "You are nothing to say."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "I promised to only sleep with you and not do anything else, but what I am doing now is what men and women would do when they sleep."

"You are really the magic star I hit." Zhao Min's eyes rolled, and the charm that exuded from the brows almost didn't hook Song Qingshu's soul.

Seeing that she was not angry, Song Qingshu became more bold, and went straight in through her clothes, not touching the imaginary Wenxiang Nephrite, but another strange touch.

Zhao Min was a little embarrassed and whispered: "Because it is inconvenient to shake on weekdays, I tied it up with a corset."

Song Qingshu was astonished, thinking that he was full enough to look at it on weekdays, but the result was still the effect of wearing a corset? However, Zhao Min didn't let him be curious for too long, so he sat up directly, reached out to his back, and untied the bow on the back of the corset.

"Hiss~" It was because Song Qingshu was mentally prepared, but as a result, he was shocked by the magnificent sight in front of him.

Seeing the man’s shocked appearance, Zhao Min couldn’t help feeling a little proud: "How about it, is it older than Zhou Zhiruo?" She was not a twitchy character at first, and now that she has identified this man, after the initial shyness, she is now Gradually regaining his active and enthusiastic temperament on weekdays, he naturally wanted to show his most beautiful side to the other party.

"You have to compete with her for everything." Song Qingshu suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

"You care about me, just say it quickly." Zhao Min's eyes were wide open, with anticipation and excitement in his eyes.

"It's a little older than her." Song Qingshu was so entangled by her that she could only tell the truth.

"Bigger?" Zhao Min was obviously dissatisfied with the answer, and pouted. The princess who was always in the hands of Zhizhu on weekdays was like a little girl who played a trick.

"It's okay if it's a lot older." Song Qingshu secretly thought, growing up from snacks of beef and goat's milk, and it is really nutritious, far from a Jiangnan girl. In the future, my child will also let her drink milk and eat meat from childhood, so that the body is nourished. .

"Bah baah baah!" But he immediately realized that when he grows up like this, he will only be cheaper and don't know which little bastard, he couldn't help but tangled for a while.

"Huh, it's almost the same~" Zhao Min was happy when he heard this answer, and his eyes were all crescent-shaped.

Seeing that she was so happy for this little thing, Song Qingshu had to sigh. It is no wonder that many people in later generations will make Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo into a pair of CPs. All kinds of lily writing are popular. The two people are indeed fighting with each other. Feelings are coming.

But it seems that I have a chance to really get the two of them together? The charming picture of Zhao Min Zhou Zhiruo getting Zhao Min Zhou Zhiruo onto a bed appeared in his mind, and Song Qingshu felt that his whole body was hot.

"What are you thinking about in your head?" Zhao Min took a sip and glanced down quietly, only to feel that his face was getting hotter.

"I'm all full of you, are you nasty?" Song Qingshu dispelled the idea of ​​YY. After all, Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo are incompatible with each other. It is harder to achieve the two of them together than to reach the sky.

"I hate it~" Zhao Min's slight anger and anger made Song Qingshu's bones crisp.

Seeing the other person staring at him blankly, Zhao Min couldn't help but sneered: "Idiot, are you planning to watch this all night? Do you want to come up?"

"Go, of course." Song Qingshu couldn't bear the invitation of the beautiful woman. He turned over and pressed it up, and Wenxiang Nephrite was in his arms. There was only one thought in his mind: "It's so soft!"

Zhao Min's character was originally lively and active, but facing the man's hot and masculine oppression, she was still shy after all, blushing and looking at the man quietly, as if she could hear her own heartbeat.

"I want to be familiar with every skin on your body, every inch of meridians..." Song Qingshu said in a dry voice, but before finishing talking, Zhao Min's finger pressed her lips.

"Don't talk about healing tonight..." Zhao Minxia flew her cheeks, her voice was much more charming than usual, and she twisted her legs subconsciously.

"Okay!" Knowing her heart knot, Song Qingshu would naturally not be so horrified. With a gentle pull, Zhao Min's whole body was like a shelled egg, shining in the candlelight. Layers of moving light.

Because of the previous bathing, there is still a faint mist on her skin and the fragrance of rose petals. Song Qingshu admires: "Sometimes I really sigh the magic of the Creator, who can actually create such a perfect artwork. It's a pity that I don't I know how to paint, otherwise I must copy this beautiful scene and keep it well."

"No," Zhao Min was taken aback. "What if someone else sees it!" Although she is bold and enthusiastic, she is only far less open than men and women in this world compared to people in this world.

"It's really possible." Thinking that YZM would ruin several popular stars in later generations, Song Qingshu didn't want others to appreciate Zhao Min's appearance at this moment.

"Is it really good-looking?" Zhao Min couldn't help laughing foolishly when he saw him in a daze again.

"It's a pity that I am not Cao Zijian, otherwise I will get you the first "Fu of the Princess" and so on." Song Qingshu was deeply annoyed at this time that his literary literacy was too low.

"I don't need any "Fu of the Sheriff", you just need to tell me who is more beautiful than Zhou Zhiruo?" Zhao Min's eyebrows are full of charm.

"Uh~" Song Qingshu's head turned big in an instant. She didn't expect that she would not forget to compete with Zhou Zhiruo at this moment. "You are charming and plump, she is cold and slender, and Mei Lan Zhuju is good at winning."

"Fuck me with this kind of remark again." Zhao Min curled his lips, obviously not satisfied with his answer.

Looking at her white and moving body, Song Qingshu suddenly wanted to slap herself. With such a beautiful scene, why did she foolishly take advantage of her tongue here and forget the more important things?

So he no longer took care of the other party’s inquisitive questions, and directly grabbed her hands and clasped her shoulders, only feeling soft, tender, and slippery as if fat, Zhao Min’s heart beat, and subconsciously reached out to push him away, and said in a flustered manner: "You haven't answered my question yet?"

Seeing her like a snowy waist, especially her entangled skin, Song Qingshu only felt that the true qi in her meridians was about to boil up, and she slammed her hands down and said hoarsely: "I want to compare you two. Better, you have to try it before you know it."

Zhao Min gave him a charming look: "How do you want to try?"

Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and looked down, Xie Xie smiled: "It's like this..."

Zhao Min exclaimed, after all, she is an unmanned girl. At first, she may be eager to win and want to take the initiative, but who is the opponent of Song Qingshu, who is in the flowers, will soon be smashed-soft and sour. I can only open my eyes wide, and my body shrinks back subconsciously.

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