Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1574: Faint king died

Zhao Min didn't know that this weak and scared appearance was the most attractive, and Song Qingshu was about to swell and explode, and the whole person was like a tiger, with red eyes rushing on it.

"You hurt me..." Zhao Min is still half-spirited and timid like a young lady who can't go out of the south gate of the Yangtze River.

Seeing her frowning appearance, Song Qingshu lowered her head and said hoarsely: "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt so much, it will be better soon."

Zhao Min bit his red lips and stared at him bitterly: "Our Grandpa Song is arranging the flowers, of course he has rich experience in this aspect!"

Song Qingshu chuckled, knowing that it was about the most important moment in the girl's life. She would inevitably be more sensitive than usual. It's best not to explain anything at this time, so that the description will become darker.

Seeing his embarrassment, Zhao Min became more and more angry and raised his head and took a bite on his shoulder.

"Ah!" Song Qingshu was in pain, and his body sank subconsciously.

"Ah!" Now it was Zhao Min's turn to exclaim, she saw tears coming out of her, and cried while patting the man's chest, "You **** lied to me, who said it doesn't hurt!"

"It's going to be all right soon." Song Qingshu's eyes were full of smiles at this time. Looking at the beautiful woman with rain in Pear Blossom, his chest was filled with a huge sense of happiness and conquest. He just passed through this world that year, and he was shamed. Princess Min was attracted by the beautiful and unparalleled beauty, but he was precarious at the time, and he had no time to think about anything else.

At that time, Zhao Min was aloof, how could he look down on him in the mud? I'm afraid I remember him mainly because of Zhou Zhiruo.

But I didn't expect that in just a few years, I let her lie under her willingly, completely possessing her...

"What are you laughing at, there must be no good thoughts in my mind now!" Zhao Min was in pain, and suddenly saw the man's expression on him, so angry that he stretched out his hand and pinched his waist fiercely.

"I was thinking about the scene at the lion slaughter conference. The princess was shining brightly, but I had all my meridians and was spurned by the world. I am afraid that the princess did not even look at me directly." Song Qingshu did not hide her from her. What I wanted to say in my heart.

Zhao Min is so smart, he guessed his mood at the moment in an instant, and couldn't help but glared at him bitterly: "I found out that you looked at me with unkind eyes, but now I finally got what I wanted. Isn't he very proud?" Thinking of the situation back then, Zhao Min still vaguely remembered how uncomfortable he felt when he was staring at him with scorching eyes. He didn't expect that after a few years, he would actually be lying on the same bed with him.

"Of course I'm proud!" Song Qingshu didn't conceal the joy in his heart, and he danced quickly, but was immediately caught by Zhao Min, "Don't move, it hurts~"

"Take it easy, and you'll get used to it soon." Seeing her tears in her eyes, Song Qingshu felt pity and hurriedly comforted her softly.

"It's easy to say," Zhao Min asked, biting her red lips, frowning suddenly, "Did Zhou Zhiruo react so much back then?"

Song Qingshu couldn't help being a little speechless. Zhao Min wanted to compete with Zhou Zhiruo in everything. The two were really natural enemies: "She reacted more than you at the beginning."

Thinking of the misunderstanding back then, the method used to possess Zhou Zhiruo was a bit disgraceful, and her murderous cold eyes are still fresh in her memory.

"You are not allowed to miss her at this time!" Noting the change in Song Qingshu's expression, Zhao Min suddenly became a little dissatisfied.

Song Qingshu was stunned for a while: "Didn't you mention her first?"

Zhao Min snorted, "I mention it, but I don't allow you to think about it, especially at this time."

Seeing her righteous and confident appearance, Song Qingshu couldn't help being speechless, but quickly realized that a woman was always a mouth, how could he tell her?

Seeing her proud look, Song Qingshu decided to find another way to get the place back, hehe smiled and pressed his whole body on it again.

"You go away... oh... go out~"


The red candle in the room flickered and was turned red-waves. Zhao Min's charming and bright mouth opened slightly, but there was no sound.

I don’t know how long it took, and Song Qingshu’s voice came from the bed: “I’m getting acquainted with the meridians all over your body, and then I will get rid of the Three Corpse Brain Pill from your brain.

"No," Zhao Min replied lazily, pulling the scattered strands of hair behind her ears, because a dense layer of fine sweat oozes from her skin, causing many hair strands to stick to her face. She flicked her hair a few times before she went back, "Don't think about the unpleasant things today."

"So..." Song Qingshu pondered for a moment. He really needs to get more familiar with Zhao Min's body before he can be more confident. Today is indeed not a good time for detoxification, "If this is the case, why don't we come again?"

"How many times did you and Zhou Zhiruo come here at the beginning?" Zhao Min stared at him with big charming eyes, his eyes flashed, and he had a different style than usual.

Song Qingshu stretched out a few fingers in front of her, Zhao Min's beautiful red lips were suddenly big enough to stuff an egg in: "How is it possible, is she an iron man?"

At this moment, she was already soft, and she didn't even want to move her fingers. How could she not be surprised when she heard Zhou Zhiruo persisted so many times?

Song Qingshu's face turned red, and it was not convenient to explain the key points in it. He was badly injured back then, and his body was so weak that he was so weak that he could not compare with the strength of dragons and tigers now, especially after practicing the joyful meditation, his vitality was strengthened. He could even lock up overnight if he wanted to.

Although there were a lot of times that night at the beginning, but the sum may not be as good as the one now. It's just that how can he tell Zhao Min about this kind of thing?

"Did you lie to me?" Zhao Min looked suspicious. After all, in her opinion, she grew up in Mongolia and had better physique than a Jiangnan woman like Zhou Zhiruo, but she immediately thought that Zhou Zhiruo seemed to cultivate. After the "Nine Yin Zhenjing", the internal strength is much higher than her, and it may be because of this that caused the difference between the two.

However, she has always been reluctant to admit defeat. She bit her lip and looked at Song Qingshu: "Come again!" Once she didn't believe that she would lose to the surname Zhou. Secondly, she had just experienced the pain at the beginning and the rise in the latter. The water and milk-blending into the sky also made her look forward to something inexplicably.

Song Qingshu was so polite when she invited the beautiful lady, and the celestial sound that made people's heart trembling gradually resounded in the room.


Suddenly Song Qingshu's eyes condensed, and Huo Ran turned his head and looked out of the window. Then the window shattered every inch, and a black shadow broke in. A snow-white sword light instantly suppressed the candlelight in the room, and at the same time, it was accompanied by a squeaky sound: "Fun Jun Die!"

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