Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1575: Shy and angry princess

The light of the red candles and palace lanterns in the room was already bright enough, but at this moment it was eclipsed by the sword light. The sharp sword light filled the whole room, as if a bright moon rose in the room.

Before Murong Jingyue's magic sword cut, there would be a round of light of the sword, but the round moon was strange, cold, and full of death and destruction, but this round of bright moon was much softer, white and quiet.

However, in the eyes of a master like Song Qingshu, it is clear that this bright moon looks beautiful, but every inch of its light represents a trace of murderous intent. If the cultivation level is not enough, it is very likely that the sword will penetrate the heart before the reaction, after all, moonlight and Like sunlight, it shines on everything, everywhere.

Zhao Min also reacted at this moment, but the white moonlight greeted him, and he couldn't see anything at all. Even if he wanted to fight back in normal times, he couldn't start, let alone the critical situation now, and his body was in a soft state.

Fortunately, there is Song Qingshu next to her. Even though he was attacked in the most relaxed state, he would naturally not be stumped by the sword light because of his cultivation base. He raised his hand and clamped it at the moment of his death. With the opponent's long sword, the moonlight gradually dissipated, revealing the whole picture of the assassin.

Although the assassin was dressed in black, it was still difficult to conceal her tall and slender figure, her face was covered, but the jewel-like star eyes still showed that she was definitely a beauty selected in a million, and Zhao Min suddenly thought of her. A sorrow and sorrow came up, and he squeezed the man on his body hard: "Which girl who was abandoned by you all the time is hated because of love?"

In fact, she was not a jealous person who was born in the royal family, but on this special day...no matter which woman encounters this kind of thing, she will feel depressed.

Suddenly pinched by her, Song Qingshu was so excited that he almost didn't hold the other's long sword, and hurriedly explained: "It's not what you think, she wasn't looking for me..."

Before I finished speaking, I heard the woman's suspicious voice: "Song Qingshu?"

"Isn't this looking for you?" Zhao Min sneered again and again, pulling the quilt to cover his body.

Song Qingshu also felt a fierce pain on his face. He turned his head and looked at the assassin. While loosening the clamped sword, he smiled bitterly and said, "Nanxian~" In fact, he recognized the identity of the other party from the beginning, so just I caught the opponent's sword but didn't counterattack. After all, Yelu Nanxian's Sun Moon Divine Sword was so distinctive, and he gave it its name.

However, he didn't mean to lie to Zhao Min. After all, from what Yelu Nanxian shouted just now, she should have avenged Yelu Hongji's father, not against herself.

"Why are you here?" Yelu Nanxian was a little confused by the current situation, and now she has no need to mask her face. When she retracted her long sword, she also removed the black scarf on her face, revealing the national beauty and heavenly fragrance. Her face, but her eyebrows are a little more haggard than before. During this time, her brother died, and then Ruzhongtian’s father suddenly died. The whole family was also accused of conspiracy, as she had always been. Be strong, and can't hold on to the bad news one after another.

"Uh..." Song Qingshu was at a loss for words, not knowing how to explain it.

"Where is Yelu Hongji?" Yelu Nanxian finally remembered his intentions and looked around.

"He... he's not here." Song Qingshu said embarrassedly.

"Not here?" Yelu Nanxian looked suspicious. She came with a determination to kill her during the assassination. In order to avenge her father, she had made enough preparations. After all, her father had been in power, and she should be too. The princess has been there for so long, so there are always channels to find useful information.

Today, she got the exact news. The emperor was staying in this palace, so she came here eagerly, but found out that she was not there?

She couldn't believe that the information she had finally obtained was wrong, and instinctively began to patrol around. Suddenly her eyes condensed because she saw dragon robes scattered on the ground!

"The dragon robe is here, it proves that Yelu Hongji must be nearby!" Yelu Nanxian hurriedly searched around, she didn't doubt Song Qingshu, after all, the fact that the disguise of Yi Rong pretended to be the emperor was far beyond the imagination of people in this world.

Song Qingshu shrugged helplessly at Zhao Min, but Zhao Min turned his head directly, obviously stimulated by the sudden "scare", and his heart was full of resentment towards him.

"How can I not find it? Where is the dog emperor?" Yelu Nanxian muttered to herself while searching through boxes and cabinets, her mind was a little dazed, after all, this was the blow she gave everything, and now she is about to fail. Now, how can she not be in a hurry.

Song Qingshu opened his mouth and didn't know how to tell her. Yelu Nanxian suddenly reacted and looked back and stared at him: "Big Brother Song, why are you in the emperor's palace? Did you hide the dog emperor? Up?"

Song Qingshu didn't say anything, but Zhao Min on the side gloated and spoke first: "Silly girl, don't you know, the dog emperor you are looking for is far away in the sky."

Seeing her fearing that the world will not be chaotic, Song Qingshu was depressed, knowing that she was frightened at a critical moment, so she let her anger on herself.

"Princess Shaomin?" Yelu Nanxian ran into the situation in the house before, because she saw Song Qingshu, so she instinctively avoided looking at the woman in the bed, and only now did she recognize the other person when the other party spoke. The two women are both county owners, and they often travel to the Central Plains, so naturally they have met each other.

Yelu Nanxian looked at Zhao Min and Song Qingshu. He couldn't help but said inexplicably: "The two actually went to the emperor's palace to steal...Ahem, I don't know whether to admire the two of them for their good spirits, or to admire them. Daring."

Noting that the other person was staring at him, Zhao Min couldn't help but flushed, and pulled the quilt with some guilty conscience to cover the fragrant shoulders that had just been exposed: "Look at what I am doing. Didn't you look for the dog emperor, here, he That's right."

"He?" Noting that Zhao Min snorted at Song Qingshu, Yelu Nanxian was startled at first, but she was a clever person, thinking of the intelligence she had obtained, plus the yellow robe scattered around, finally understood Zhao Min The phrase "far in the sky and close in front of you" means.

"Are you Yelu Hongji?" Yelu Nanxian raised the sword in her hand again and pointed at Song Qingshu, her voice was a little trembling, her mind was already blank at this moment, and she couldn't function at all.

So far, Song Qingshu has no need to hide it. What's more, he has been sending people to look up Yelu Nanxian's whereabouts during this period: "Uh, it was not before, but Yelu Hongji was indeed me during this time."

"Then you killed my father?" Yelu Nanxian's voice suddenly became low, as if he was muttering to himself in a dream, "I thought I was going to die this time in the assassination of the palace, so I wanted to see you for the last time when I was leaving, it's a pity When I arrived at your previous residence, I couldn’t find you. I even waited for you there for three days and you didn’t come back. I knew I couldn’t wait any longer, so I went to the palace to assassinate tonight, but I didn’t expect it to turn out to be In this way... the father’s feud must be reported!"

Her voice was suddenly filled with determination, and she pierced Song Qingshu with a sharp sword.

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