Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1576: Called sister!

Song Qingshu had just heard her tone change and knew it was not good, not to mention watching so many TV shows in the previous life, naturally he took precautions against some **** plots, stretched out his hand to clamp the opponent's long sword again, and did not accidentally hurt her.

"Sister Nanxian, you really misunderstood." Song Qingshu was worried that she could not think about it for a while, and quickly explained, "I didn't kill your father."

Yelu Nanxian also woke up from the devilishness just now, and realized that this matter was full of weirdness: "Okay, I will listen to you explain."

"Can you put down the sword first, it's less than a cup of tea, you have stab me two swords in a row." Song Qingshu's eyes fell on the long sword, and said helplessly.

Yelu Nanxian's face was reddened, and he let go of his hand with some embarrassment. Song Qingshu put the long sword aside, before beginning to explain: "It is not your father who died, but a person named Murong Jingyue."

"Murong Jingyue?" Yelu Nanxian was confused, she had never heard of the name, and couldn't help looking at each other blankly.

Song Qingshu then roughly talked about the relationship between Murong Jingyue and himself and Zhao Min Bingxue'er, and then said: "That day he was robbed by Xue Yiren, and finally led him to a remote courtyard. , Suddenly, a disaster broke out and severely injured Xue Yiren. We only found out his identity when he was proud of it. If you don't believe it, you can go and see his body. I specially saved it. "

"This... this is really incredible," Yelu Nanxian stepped back and muttered to herself, "Is it possible to impersonate another person in this world, so that even his relatives can't distinguish it?"

Song Qingshu knew that she was hard to believe, but he had been prepared: "Although it sounds mysterious, there is such a disguise technique in this world. If you don't believe me..."

As soon as Yelu Nanxian raised his head, he was shocked to find Yelu Hongji suddenly appeared in front of him. He couldn't help being shocked: "Funjun!" Subconsciously wanted to find the sword, Song Qingshu hurriedly explained: "Sister Nanxian, don't get excited, it's me. "

Hearing a familiar voice, Yelu Nanxian said uncertainly: "Song...Big Brother Song?"

At this time, Zhao Min kicked Song Qingshu, and said disgustingly: "Remove this ghost mask, or you will be in the same bed with you like this, it is really weird."

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile and hurriedly took off the mask, revealing his original face.

"There really is such a magical disguise technique in the world!" Yelu Nanxian was very surprised, and stepped forward to take the mask in his hand and study it, "Then where is the real Yelu Hongji now."

"Naturally dead," Song Qingshu paused and continued to add, "Murong Jingyue's picture is very big. Over the years, there have been a large number of wolves and ambitions around him. They cut off the emperor's wings one by one. For example, the previous palaces were deployed. Ye Luqi, Nanyuan Great King Xiao Feng, Beifu Prime Minister Xiao Pidi, etc., when the emperor really became a lonely man, it was naturally his opportunity to usurp the throne, but I didn't expect to be robbed by me."

"Dead..." Yelu Nanxian stood there a little lost, after all, the amount of information about today's affairs was so great that she couldn't digest it for a while.

"You can think about it carefully, has your father become a little different from before?" Song Qingshu began to guide her to slowly accept this fact.

"This..." Yelu Nanxian was silent for a moment. Of course, she had noticed the changes in her father in the past two years, but she only thought it was the increase in power that affected his character. Now that she knows about disguise, she can savor the things before. There are indeed many doubts.

"Remember that time in Yangzhou, he used you as a shield in order to escape?" Song Qingshu continued to remind that it was an indirect match between the other party and himself, as well as the night of close contact afterwards.

Yelu Nanxian obviously thought of going with him too, and his eyes touched and hurriedly moved away in a panic, but soon thought that he was being used as a shield by his father, and his face suddenly looked a little ugly. Since then, Although the father and daughter are nothing on the surface, they have unknowingly created a deep gap.

"You were accused of marriage to Prince Xixia, maybe it was after that," Zhao Min on the side also said, "No matter how good Murong Jingyue Yirongshu is, it is a fake after all. It is difficult to fool the closest person around him. In addition, what happened in Yangzhou made you feel suspicious, so I hurried to marry you to another country."

"There is also the case of your brother being killed," Song Qingshu added, "I recently reviewed the dossier and added some confessions from Murong Jingyue's subordinates. The person who killed him was probably Murong Jingyue, and he can get rid of him. Dad’s relatives, secondly, can blame Yelvqi and Xiao Banhe, saying that they were silenced because they heard that they were rebelling."

Yelu Nanxian's complexion became extremely pale. In fact, during this period of time, she had been investigating the murder of her brother and found a lot of things, but she didn't think in that direction. Now she suddenly learned the truth, she couldn't help feeling like a knife. Cut.

"Then...what about my real father?" Yelu Nanxian suddenly thought of a key question, raising his head and eyes full of expectation.

Song Qingshu couldn't bear it, knowing that she was looking forward to a miracle, but Murong Jingyue pretending to be Yelv Yixin just cut off his face as a mask, and naturally he couldn't survive.

"Your father... has passed away." Song Qingshu did not tell her about the human-skin mask, which would be too cruel.

"Father~" I was faintly prepared in my heart, but getting this result still made Yelu Nanxian heartbroken. Now my brother is dead, my father is also dead, and the family is on the verge of destruction at any time. She has a kind of grief in her whole person. Feeling dead.

"Sorrow and change, Nanxian..." Song Qingshu also knew that everything was pale and weak at this time, but comfort was better than no comfort.

Zhao Min on the side said in a weird tone: "Girl Yelu, don't be too sad, at least Song Qingshu is with you."

As soon as these words came out, Yelu Nanxian was pulled out of his heartbroken state, and he stared at Zhao Min fiercely: "Unexpectedly, the princess Shaomin, who usually has an eye above the top, is now stealing from the palace. Other people's men."

Zhao Min is also depressed. This incident can be described as a knot of her heart. Especially when she thinks of meeting Zhou Zhiruo in the future, I am afraid that she will be ridiculed. However, although she is a little guilty, she has always been reluctant to accept defeat, so she directly went back: "You care about me, you are not the man who robbed you."

Yelu Nanxian was also very irritable because of the series of bad news. She was so irritated and couldn't help but blurt out: "Who said that it is not my man, Qingshu, Yangzhou, have we privately decided for life?"

"Uh... this..." Song Qingshu was also a big head. Although the beautiful woman left early the next morning, he was still responsible for what he did, so he replied with a guilty conscience, "I will be responsible for you. ."

Yelu Nanxian glanced at Zhao Min provocatively: "Have you heard, I'll get started first and call my sister!"

Zhao Min: "..."

Song Qingshu: "..."

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