Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1582: Three-pronged approach

"What's the solution?" A bad feeling arose in A Zhu's heart suddenly. After all, she herself couldn't be sure that she could succeed in keeping the secret, how could the other party be sure?

"Of course it's a three-pronged approach!" Song Qingshu moved quickly in his mind, constantly improving the details.

"Three-pronged approach?" Ah Zhu blinked blankly.

"First of all, take this medicine." Song Qingshu took out a red pill from her arms and handed it to her.

Ah Zhu didn't hesitate at all, grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth, making Song Qingshu startled instead: "You didn't even ask what medicine it was, so you took it like this?"

"Anyway, I broke through such a shocking secret, and I was destined to be incapable of doing good. Since you don't plan to kill me right away, obviously this medicine is used to control me. There are many similar poisons in the rivers and lakes. Anyway, it will not kill me immediately. , What do I need to ask." Azhu said calmly.

Song Qingshu gave her a surprised look: "Sister Azhu is really Bingxue smart, and she understood the key points so quickly."

"Don't call my sister, I don't dare to have a cruel brother like you." A Zhu's face was stern, and he didn't give him any good expressions.

Song Qingshu didn't think it was ridiculous, but said jokingly: "You are not afraid that what I will give you is spring-medicine?"

"Huh?" Now it was Ah Zhu's turn to be stunned. When he thought about this possibility, he couldn't help but immediately became nervous and hurriedly checked his body until he found that there was nothing unusual in his body. He played tricks and couldn't help glaring at him bitterly.

Song Qingshu laughed, and it was obvious that Xiao Xiao teased her with a sense of accomplishment: "This medicine is called the Sanshi Brain Shendan, which is the holy medicine of the Sun Moon God Sect. The leaders of all dynasties have used this medicine to ensure the loyalty of their subordinates."

While talking, he took a new three-corpse brain pill, peeled off the outer red shell, revealing the gray layer inside: "This is the stiff corpse worm in the'three-corpse brain pill', usually The whole thing is the drug restraint outside. Every year the Dragon Boat Festival congregation will go to Heimuya to receive the new year's antidote. If there is no new antidote to suppress the corpse worm, the poisoned person will get the corpse worm into the brain and die miserably. "

As a member of the Murong family, Azhu has naturally heard of the name of the Three Corpse Brain God Pill, and even once saw a black wood cliff master who had a corpse worm attack. Thinking of the miserable condition of his death, a pretty face instantly became Pale.

"You don't have to worry, as long as you are obedient, I will give you an antidote every year to make sure that your drug will never happen." Song Qingshu smiled slightly.

Who knows that Aju Huoran raised his head: "In this way, under your control for a lifetime, like a walking dead, it's better to die now."

While talking, he was about to rush to the side pillar, so that Song Qingshu hurriedly got up and stopped her: "Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, it's better to die like this." Azhu threw his hand away and said indifferently.

Song Qingshu frowned, knowing that it would be troublesome if she didn't let her rekindle hope: "I don't want to control you for the rest of my life, as long as you do it for me for three years... No, at most two years, wait for me to arrange it. If you do everything well, you will be able to retreat, and I will completely detoxify you."

Ah Zhu's eyes finally fluctuated, but his lips were still closed, and he remained silent.

Song Qingshu had to continue to add material: "Don't forget, your Big Brother Xiao's life is still in my hands. As long as you move a little bit, his life will not be guaranteed."

"He is your big brother!" Azhu bit his lip, raised his head and stared at him fiercely.

"If he is not my righteous brother, where can he live to the present?" Song Qingshu snorted, "I am not living for me. I still bear the responsibility of too many people. Many people are implicated."

"Speaking high-sounding, it's not for your own ambitions!" Aju said angrily.

Song Qingshu did not excuse, and said faintly: "Whatever you say, not only the lives of your Big Brother Xiao are in my hands, but also the lives of your sister Azi and your parents are in my hands."

"Your mother is in Xiaojing Lake. Your father is a little bit troublesome, but you should know that with my martial arts, it is not difficult to kill the Southern King of Dali Town in a small area."

According to the original book, Ah Zhu pretended to be Duan Zhengchun and died under the hands of Xiao Feng. Knowing that she was an orphan since childhood, she attached great importance to family affection, so Song Qingshu used this as a threat.

"Despicable!" Aju stared at him gritted teeth.

Song Qingshu didn't think that he was disgusted at all: "Despicable and noble are not suitable for judging a politician."

Ah Zhu bit his lip and calmed down his agitated mood: "Okay, what do you want me to promise?"

"I mentioned a three-pronged approach. The first level of insurance is to threaten your life; the second level is to threaten your parents, sisters, and loved ones," Song Qingshu paused before continuing, "I was meant to deal with ordinary people. This double insurance is enough, but you are very smart, and the relationship is too big at this time, I have to be cautious and add the last layer of insurance."

"What the **** is it?" A Zhu looked at him with an unkind expression on his face.

Song Qingshu didn't answer her directly, but instead mentioned another unrelated matter: "A Zhu, your biggest wish in this life should be to herd and herd sheep outside the Great Wall with Brother Xiao?"

Thinking of the beautiful future that had been built many times, A Zhu's eyes finally blossomed, but it quickly dimmed: "When things are up to this day, what else is there to mention stuffed with cows and sheep."

"I speak for words, you only need to do two years for me, and I will make your wishes come true." Song Qingshu immediately changed the conversation, "but you and Xiao Brother are not greedy for life and fear of death, I am worried that you choose to burn jade and stone directly. Tell Brother Xiao about this, so it’s not bad for you to be a pair of mandarin ducks."

As soon as Ah Zhu's eyes moved, she had indeed thought about it. Once there was no way to retreat, it would be better to live and die with Xiao Feng than to be manipulated.

Song Qingshu paid attention to her reaction, knowing that he had guessed eight to nine not to ten, and then he continued: "Brother Xiao's temperament is indeed going to die with you, but he always loves and hates clearly. If she knows what you did, I'm sorry. What about him, will he still die in love with you?"

"What do you mean?" A Zhu was shocked, hurried back a few steps, and at the same time, clutching his shirt tightly, and quickly said, "Big Brother Xiao is an indomitable husband, and he knows my mind and temper. If I am unfortunately caught by you... …Being defiled by you, he will never despise me in the slightest."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Yes, Big Brother Xiao is indeed not that kind of person, but what if he saw you take the initiative to dedicate yourself?"

"Idiot dreams!" Azhu snorted, obviously with some disdain in his voice.

"Really?" Song Qingshu smiled faintly and waved at him at random, "Come here!"


Today, when I was waiting for the bus, I ran into a waitress with a sweet smile in the coffee shop. She approached and asked for a group photo. If I want to see Miss Neon, I will go to the public account tomorrow: Liu Ru Monk

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