Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1583: Last insurance

Song Qingshu sat back on the dragon chair and beckoned to A Zhu at random to call her over. A Zhu was feeling a little unhappy when he heard what he said, thinking that you just said a big thing, but I just wouldn't listen to you, and I will see you when the time comes. How to do.

She was complacent in her heart, and her face suddenly changed, because she found that her body was not under the control of her consciousness, so she could not help but walk towards the other party.

"What's the matter?" Azhu opened his mouth, but was shocked to find that he could not speak at all. Although he desperately resisted in his heart, he still walked to Song Qingshu's side unknowingly.

Song Qingshu nodded, as if very satisfied with her reaction, then patted her thigh: "Sit up."

A Zhu’s face turned red in an instant. She and Xiao Feng were in love. She had already made a white-headed appointment. How could she sit in the arms of another man, but it’s a pity that her body is still not under the control of subjective consciousness. Actually sit on it like this.

"What kind of magic is this?" A Zhu was shocked, and for a while, he diminished the shame of sitting in the arms of other men.

Although she couldn't speak, Song Qingshu could roughly guess her thoughts at this time. While feeling her soft and elastic body, she explained: "You come from a family of Murong, you know that there is one in the "Nine Yin Zhenjing". The soul-moving great-dharma' can control people's minds, and now you have fallen into my soul-moving great-dharma."

After the explanation, Song Qingshu added another sentence: "Of course, even if other people have practiced the "Soul Removal-Dharma" in the "Nine Yin Scriptures", they can't do it to this degree. Do whatever they want like me because they are still fused. You have gained a few other divine arts that reach the sky and the earth. So you can rest assured that if you run into other "Nine Yin Zhenjing" practitioners in the future, they may find it difficult to control you like this."

If possible, Ah Zhu really wants to slap his face, can I relax in this state?

"No matter how much you just said, I'm afraid you will have some disapproval in your heart, so I can only let you see it with your own eyes," Song Qingshu smiled faintly, and his eyes became as deep as the bright starry sky, "Take it off!"

"?" Azhu was startled at first. Since he was shocked to find that his hands were actually starting to unbutton the shirt, he was so scared that he was frightened. As children of the rivers and lakes, occasionally cuddling with other men for a little physical contact although it is a bit inelegant, but It is also inevitable, but once the body is shown in front of another man, it is no different from being out of touch.

It's a pity that no matter how much she prays, no matter how she resists in her heart, she can't stop her hands. Ajusu comes from her skillful hands, but at this moment she wants to chop off her hands with a knife.

It's a pity that no knife appeared, and no one could hear her begging. Her fingers were long and dexterous, and she unbuttoned her dress one by one. Every time she unbuttoned one, her heart was broken.

Although she is not a formal princess, she is treated as a real princess in the Nanyuan Grand Prince's Mansion. The cost of eating and wearing is the standard of the princess. At this time, the dresses on her body are made of the finest silk. Comfortable, thin and slippery are its biggest features. Without the shackles of the buttons and belt, the silk dress quickly slid down her delicate skin, revealing skin that was whiter than snow, which formed a sharp contrast with the bright red belly-pocket.

"The women in Jiangnan Water Village are really gentler than water." Song Qingshu couldn't help but praise.

At this time, Ah Zhu was full of tears, with three-point embarrassment, three-point hatred in his eyes and three-point begging at the same time. Song Qingshu knew what she was begging, but still remained unmoved: "Continue. ~"

Ah Zhu's heart finally sank to the bottom, but she couldn't control her hands to lean on the thin ribbon, so she bit her lip desperately, trying to wake herself up with the pain.

Seeing the faint blood oozing from the other party’s lips, Song Qingshu shook his head: “That’s not good, what should I do if I hurt my body later?” As he spoke, he stretched out his finger and tapped on her, and entered a ray of joy and innocence. Inside her.

Huanxi Zhenqi was really overbearing. As soon as she entered her body, Azhu felt that the depths of her soul were no longer so cold, as if there was a rush of warmth, so hot that she wanted to get rid of the shackles of her body, making her current behavior seem to be also Not so unacceptable.

Finally the last bit of cover left her. A Zhu's mind was blank. Before the incident, she was full of fear and resistance, but when it happened, she felt that it was not as unacceptable as she had imagined before. At this moment, she seemed to have a kind of Feeling relieved.

Song Qingshu took a close look at the beautiful woman in front of him, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "You really deserve to be a sister, and the physical characteristics are so similar."

At this time, Ah Zhu's mind was filled with various complex emotions, more embarrassment and panic, but he didn't notice the subtext in his words.

Song Qingshu obviously didn't leave her breathing time, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers: "Come on, sit up and move by yourself."

Although Azhu is a young girl, she can understand the meaning, and she can't help but feel ashamed and indignant. Unfortunately, she still can't help herself, and then the trembling enthusiasm in her soul gradually resolves her embarrassment, making her sway at the same time, her eyes are also Becoming blurred.

Song Qingshu gently slid her fingers across her skin, and injected another cool qi into her body. Seeing that the time to dissolve Huanxi’s qi was almost time, he snapped his fingers again and released the restriction on her: "Okay. , You are free again."

There was still the blurring in Ah Zhu's eyes. She was startled for a while, and then finally reacted, pushing him away with a scream, but it was a pity that she was already weak at this time, and she suddenly fell to the ground when she was unstable.

Song Qingshu came to her and squatted down: "Why are you so excited, what did I do to you?"

Ah Zhu wanted to cry without tears. He glanced at his bare body, thinking that you still did not do anything to me? The other person's gaze seemed to be real, causing her to curl up in a hurry, trying to cover her whole body, but it was a pity that her hands were only so big, and all she could cover was just a drop in the bucket.

Song Qingshu casually wiped her thigh, then showed her hand in front of her, and said calmly: "Now believe that I can let you take the initiative to hug you?"

"Believe... Believe it." Despite some humiliation, Azhu still had to admit it so as not to be tossed him again.

"If you don't care about your own life or even your family's affection, I will let Xiao Feng witness with your own eyes the way you took the initiative to hug you just now. You don't need to tell me what he will think of you at that time." Song Qingshujing Look at her silently.

Ah Zhu bit his lip, thinking of that scene...The most precious thing in life collapsed suddenly, and he shuddered: "You are such a demon!"

Song Qingshu picked up a blanket and gently wrapped it around her: "Girl Azhu, you are kind to me, so I will not kill you, but this fact is of great importance. I can only do this and hope you understanding."

Hearing what he said, Ah Zhu couldn't help but smirked, wondering how do you make me understand such a thing? But she didn't dare to show it. Fortunately, she didn't really lose her innocence. If she angered the other party, she might encounter something more terrifying.

"As long as you do things for me obediently, when the two-year period expires, I will let you and Brother Xiao live a life of herding horses and sheep outside the Great Wall," Song Qingshu said solemnly, "This is my promise to you."

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