Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1585: Sister swap

Seeing the soft-little look of the beautiful woman in her arms, Song Qingshu had a strange sense of accomplishment. She gently slid her fingers over her skin, which was softer and tenderer than jade, and said with pity: "You take a good rest~"

Zhao Min leaned sideways, found a comfortable position to lie in his arms, and took a nap like a cat. He felt the three souls and six souls return to his body before he said lazily, "You Didn't I always have a headache how to deal with Xiao Feng? I thought about it carefully, but I also faintly found a way."

"What way?" Song Qingshu was overjoyed. Just now, A Zhu's arrival made him more and more headaches. How to deal with Xiao Feng, killing and not letting go. Since Zhao Min's wisdom has thought of a way, then it must be a good way to get the best of both worlds.

"Does Song Lang know about Ma Chao in the Three Kingdoms period?" Zhao Min was curled up in Song Qingshu's arms like a little girl at this time, and the crisp Song Lang was even more so that his bones were crisp.

"Xiliang Jinmachao, naturally knows." Song Qingshu stretched out his hand and peeked at her chest as he spoke. Although it was not the first time he touched it, he is still shocked by its turbulence. He has to feel that he has been drinking milk and eating meat since childhood. it is good.

"Talking about business, don't make trouble~" Zhao Minjiao gave him a blank look at his heart trembling because of his actions. "We can follow the example of Uncle Liu Huang and use Ma Chao's method to deal with Xiao Feng."

"How to say?" Speaking of business affairs, Song Qingshu also solemnly got up.

"It's not true with the name." Zhao Min said slowly, with wise light flashing in his eyes.

"I don't give it by name..." Song Qingshu muttered to himself, feeling a little bit in his heart.

Zhao Min went on to explain: "Ma Chao has the prestige of the gods in Xiliang, and later forced Cao Cao to cut his beard and abandon his robe. It can be said to be a mega-shock in the world. In addition, his family's generations of generals, the official position and the title are not in the Liu Bei at the time. In addition, he was once the overlord of one party. It is a very headache if he wants to be truly subdued without being taken back by him."

"However, this didn't trouble Liu Bei. On the surface, he placed Ma Chao on top of the generals and bestowed him a very high title and official position. However, unlike the real power faction in Jingzhou, Zhang Fei in Brazil, and Wei Yanshou in Hanzhong, Ma Chao’s coolness is different. Zhou Mu is just a false job, after all Liangzhou is under the control of Cao Wei.” Zhao Min paused and continued, “At the same time, using Ma Chao’s reputation, he successfully landed Liu Zhang and tens of thousands of people from the Hanzhong war against the Di ethnic group responded... Liu Beiren’s method It’s so clever, it’s really admirable."

"The heroes of the world are the kings and the guards. Liu Bei is indeed clever." Song Qingshu nodded involuntarily.

"So we can use the same method to deal with Xiao Feng's affairs." Zhao Min's eyes are as bright as stars. "Xiao Feng is famous all over the world, and he can use his name to accomplish many things. Of course, it cannot be used in Liao. It is to be used in other places, such as... to deter some bandits with ulterior motives in the Golden Snake Camp. As far as I know, there are many hills on the Golden Snake Camp site that seem to surrender to you, but in fact they have ghosts in their hearts."

"Not bad." Song Qingshu nodded slightly. The Golden Snake Camp had risen too fast, and it took control of the thousands of miles of territory in just one or two years. In the past few years, the world was in chaos. The Shandong, Lianghuai, and Central Plains regions have risen together, both large and small. I know how many rebels, saying they are rebels, most of them are bandits who ruled the mountains and forests. Because the Golden Snake Camp rose too fast, these people had to surrender on the surface because of reality, but both sides knew that sooner or later it would be a hidden danger. It is definitely a good choice to use Xiao Feng's prestige to deter and eliminate these people.

"However, the famous Nanyuan King is still a little overkill for deterring bandits. In addition, he can also be used against Qingguo and Jinguo." Zhao Min's cheek was pressed to his chest, listening to the man's heartbeat. He stretched out green fingers on his chest and drew circles, "Although the Qing and Jin countries are actually under your control now, your identity is not visible. There are many voices in the two countries who want to attack the Golden Snake Camp to expand the territory. Sitting down, Xiao Feng can be used to dispel the thoughts of these people, so that you don't have to have a headache to deal with these things."

"It's so good, Minmin, you are really my wise helper!" Song Qingshu is overjoyed. Although he is the "emperor" of the two countries, the decision of the whole country is not based on his own will. There are many ministers in the two countries. He tried to stop the idea of ​​the Golden Snake Camp, but it was also a trouble to be tired of dealing with it all the time. Now that the famous Xiao Feng sits in town, plus Jin and Qing’s own internal and external troubles, it is enough to stop those people’s mouths. Up.

"In fact, it will be more useful in the future to deter Liao," Zhao Min pursed his lips. "However, with King Xiao's temperament, he will probably not help you attack his own people and country."

"Indeed, but this is enough," Song Qingshu nodded, and suddenly realized what could not help but frowned. "But Big Brother Xiao is like a dragon and phoenix. Once let go, it's like a dragon and a dragon, and I can't use A Zhu to threaten him. He, how to ensure that he does what we want in the future is a big question."

He worried that when Xiao Feng was released, he would return to the mountains and forests or wander around the world, which would really be a big loss.

"This is not difficult to solve," Zhao Min seems to have already considered this aspect. "When the time comes, you should not release him as Yelu Hongji, but as Song Qingshu, rob him from prison and save him to the Golden Snake Camp, so that he can't return to Liaoning. At the same time, because of your kindness, he cannot leave calmly because of his character. He will inevitably embrace the grace before leaving. If you move with affection, leaving him to help you for two years shouldn't be a big problem."

"But of course you can't help but check and balance," Zhao Min thought about it slightly, "Isn't A Zi yours? She and A Zhu are sisters, and the appearance itself is eight to nine points similar. It is easy to tell apart from clothes, the big reason is that a gentleman from the south of the Yangtze River is gentle and considerate, and a person from the magical way is ruthless and arrogant, resulting in a very different temperament. If you let Ah Zi put on Ah Zhu's clothes, then pretend to Isn’t it the best solution to let her pretend to be Ah Zhu and stay by Xiao Feng’s eyeliner, keep him informed, and at the same time be able to influence Xiao Feng’s decision-making imperceptibly by the side at all times?”

"Let Azi pretend to be Azhu?" Song Qingshu's heart moved. He had never thought about it before, but Zhao Min was reminded that this was a very good way. After all, he couldn't make the real Azhu do anything. Things are good for Xiao Feng, but Azi can! Today's Azi doesn't have much ties with Xiao Feng, so it's not the original Azi who is so devoted to Xiao Feng.

"And you don't have to worry. Xiao Feng is a recognized gentleman, unless he gets married, otherwise he will never do anything to the women around him." Seeing Song Qingshu meditating, Zhao Min smiled, "Anyway, two years later. You should almost let Azhu go, and when the time comes, he will change Azi back without knowing it."

"I naturally believe in Xiao Feng's character. I am worried that Azi's fierce and fierce temperament can successfully impersonate the understanding Azhu?" In the original work, Xiao Feng and Azhu have already made a white head contract. Under the circumstances, before he died, Ah Zhu asked him to untie his clothes and look at the words on the shoulder. He avoided it at first. Such a gentleman does not need to worry about anything.

"Don't worry, women are born acting." Zhao Min pursed his lips and laughed, as if he was talking about himself, his eyes smiled like crescent moons and cunning like a little fox.


Today, the official account explained the problem of Azhu in the latest chapter. It will not accept Azhu, but in case the subsequent plot development is no longer under my control to a certain extent, the ending of Azhu may be different. Of course, this probability should be less than 1. %

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