Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1586: Detox

"Then you are also acting in front of me?" Song Qingshu put his hands under her armpits, picked up her arms and sat opposite her, looking at her expression irritably.

Being picked up like a little girl by the other party, Zhao Min's heart trembled. At this moment, she felt the masculinity of a man, and the woman seemed to have no resistance at all in front of the man: "Hey, how can an act lose her body? Ah~"

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "That's not sure, what if it's a beauty plan? I love the Chinese beauty plan the most."

Zhao Min hooked his neck, pouting and said, "I'm going to be jealous when I hold me and miss other women."

Her whole body was a little crispy by her coquettish babble, Song Qingshu said with a smile: "With the princess's ingenuity, no matter how many women are your opponents? For example, Yelu Nanxian, and Azi, you You can take them away in a few words, and you can count them if they are sold."

Zhao Min chuckled: "What is a man so smart, don't you agree?"

Song Qingshu looked depressed: "I wonder if Zhiruo will one day be sold by you."

"Don't worry, your sister Zhiruo is as pure as a white rabbit, but she is actually cunning like a ghost. It would be nice if I didn't get sold by her." Zhao Min snorted, obviously resenting Zhou Zhiruo. .

Song Qingshu has a black thread. Knowing that the two women are in love and killing each other, they will probably be entangled for a lifetime. He decisively moved away from the topic: "Well, it's almost time to detoxify the Three Corpse Brain Pill for you."

"So fast?" Zhao Min's face changed, and his relaxed expression instantly became nervous.

Song Qingshu gently stroked her hair: "Don't worry, I have been thoroughly familiar with your body these days. I know every inch of your body's skin and every inch of meridians, and there shouldn't be any problems. "

"Hate~" Zhao Min's pale cheeks turned red when he heard him familiarize himself from the inside to the outside, returning to his usual charming color.

"Then let's start now." Song Qingshu reached out and supported her slender waist, and began to quietly run the true energy in her body.

"That's it?" Zhao Min asked in surprise.

"Isn't this good posture? Are you planning to go to bed?" Song Qingshu said with a smile.

Zhao Min blushed and hurriedly shook her head: "Just here, what do I need to do to cooperate with you?" After all, to get rid of the poison of the Three Corpse Brain Pill, she was uneasy in her heart, hoping to do something to increase the probability of success.

"No, uh...just separate the legs." Song Qingshu moved his eyes down and motioned.

Zhao Min was embarrassed when he heard the words, bit his lip and gave him a white look, but the two of them have been like glue for a few days. At this time, there is no outsider and she doesn't mind taking the initiative...

Seeing her obediently following her instructions, a smug smile appeared at the corner of Song Qingshu's mouth. He supported her with one hand and the slender waist with the other. As soon as the sword was about to reach the ground, Zhao Min suddenly held him down: "Wait a minute. ."

Song Qingshu was taken aback, but Zhao Min leaned forward and gave him an extremely hot kiss: "Song Lang, I love you and I have no regrets in this life."

Only then did she understand that she was worried about the failure of detoxification, so she left her "last words" in advance. Song Qingshu felt pity in her heart. While tidying up her hair scattered on her cheeks, she gently said, "No regrets in this life... Wouldn't it be regretted in the next life?"

With a puff, Zhao Min was really distracted, knowing that the other party was teasing herself, but when she thought of the possibility of being separated from the world after a while, she couldn't help but replied affectionately: "I have no regrets forever!"

Feeling the affection in her words, Song Qingshu solemnly said: "I will definitely heal you!"

Next, the two of them joined together physically, although Zhao Min quickly flew her cheeks and the eyes were blurry and dripping water, but Song Qingshu had no distractions, and calmly entered the true energy into her body.

To get rid of the corpse worms hidden in the brain, she must first turn her body into her own body. It is obviously not enough to combine the body with the body. It is also necessary to follow the path of the Taixuanjing to get through Zhao Min's body. Hidden the acupuncture points, so as to follow the Taixuanjing's true Qi rotation route to be displayed in her body.

Zhao Min knew that he could not be disturbed at the moment, but the other party's true qi wandered through her body, causing a tremor to come from the depths of the soul, and she was dripping with sweat, but she still gritted her teeth to endure, lest she make a noise to disturb her.

Later, she even felt that her body was about to collapse, and her whole body couldn't help but tremble. If the opponent's strong arms held her body tightly, she would have collapsed to the ground with exhaustion.

"Don't hold back, with my current cultivation base and concentration, outside sounds can't affect me." The two were intimate at this time. Song Qingshu keenly noticed the abnormality of the other's body, and quickly guessed her mind. Hurriedly reminded.

Hearing what he said, Zhao Min seemed to be relieved, and the whole person fell into his arms soft and boneless. The trembling of the soul and the joy of the heart also turned into waves of fairy sounds and surrounded the room.

Song Qingshu's heart swayed when she heard it, and she really underestimated her temptation! Hastily converged her mind and sank back into the state of selflessness to open up the remaining meridians for her.

With his current skill and the most intimate state with Zhao Min, it is not difficult to get through her hidden meridians. Next, he did not venture to test the acupuncture points in his mind, but first took Zhao Min. Taking her body as her own, she ran Taixuan Zhenqi for a few weeks first, and only after it was completely stabilized, did a gentle qi flow into her mind.

The brain is the most delicate and fragile part of the human body, but it can’t resist the collision of Zhen Qi. Song Qingshu had to admire the founder of "Tai Xuan Jing", and he didn't know what a heavenly genius, he could actually train Zhen Qi into the brain .

"Relax completely, and don't have the slightest sense of resistance." When he reached his brain, Song Qingshu didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly reminded Zhao Min again.

"I am now yours regardless of body or mind. I am willing to do anything to me, but how can I resist you?" Now that Zhao Min finally understands why the other party wanted to have a skin close to himself before. At first, he thought that he was taking the opportunity to behave as a rogue, but now he understands that only in this way can he cooperate with the other party without reservation. Once hesitates or resists, the body will reject the other party, and the possibility of successful detoxification will plummet.

"I'm willing to do anything? Then with Zhou Zhiruo..." In the end, Song Qingshu still didn't express the idea of ​​yy in his heart, lest it cause the other party to subconsciously resist it, that would be bad.

"Open your eyes and look at me!" Seeing that the time was about to come, Song Qingshu raised Zhao Min's head with her chin, and at the same time two golden little people appeared in the depths of her pupils again.

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