Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1590: Send the sheep to the tiger's mouth

"Yeah, um~" Shen Bijun's earlobes turned red instantly after feeling the heat from his mouth, wondering why he was so close, whether it was intentional or unintentional? It wasn't until he walked far that she suddenly reacted, the other party just simply didn't want Xiao Yuanshan to hear it.

The other party deliberately called her Miss Shen in order to make her feel at ease, but obviously his identity cannot be known by outsiders, so he leaned to his ear and said that she couldn't help thinking that she had been worrying about this little thing for so long. Biting his lip, the whole person felt a little lost.

Let’s say that Song Qingshu took Xiao Yuanshan through the palace. One of the two pretended to be the emperor and the other was the former leader of the imperial imperial army. Taking advantage of the darkness to walk, they were naturally familiar with the road, and did not disturb any guards.

It didn’t take long for Song Qingshu to bring Xiao Yuanshan to the other courtyard where A Zhu was located. In fact, he hesitated whether to bring him over. Later, he wondered if he might as well meet with A Zhu in private instead of letting Xiao Yuanshan go around in the palace. Bring him directly, with oneself watching, Ah Zhu must be more honest.

The two did not disturb the maid in the outer house, and turned into the inner house through the windows one after another. Ah Zhu experienced such a thing tonight. It can be said that his mood has been extremely agitated. After being brought here, he couldn't fall asleep, and simply sat by the window in a daze.

The person coming in outside the window frightened her. After seeing Xiao Yuanshan's face, she was relieved: "Uncle, why are you here?" The tone was full of surprises. After all, she was so wronged tonight. It was like seeing him. It's like seeing relatives—to a certain extent, she has regarded Xiao Yuanshan as her father.

"I heard that you have entered the palace. Seeing that you have not come back, I came to you specially." Xiao Yuanshan jumped in and looked at her up and down. Seeing her eye circles were a little red, he couldn't help but frown and asked, "Why are you crying? Did the dog emperor bully you?"

Speaking of later, there was a trace of murderous in the voice, obviously as long as the other party nodded, he would go to the emperor's palace to stand for her.

Ah Zhu was taken aback, and hurriedly wiped her face: "No...no, I just miss Big Brother Xiao a little." She naturally didn't dare to say what had just happened. Know... how can the love be.

Of course, there is another reason that Song Qingshu's martial arts is too high. Even if Xiao Yuanshan knows it, it will not help. Moreover, if this incident is leaked, it will force Song Qingshu to kill. danger? Naturally, the Nomura women usually cried to each other.

"Then why do you stay in the palace?" Xiao Yuanshan asked in confusion.

"The emperor didn't let me go and put me under house arrest." After thinking about it, A Zhu could only explain this way.

Xiao Yuanshan raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but burst into anger: "Is Yelu Hongji getting upset and thinking about you?"

"No... Yelu Hongji didn't." Azhu explained in a hurry, at the same time secretly thinking that he was not a lie, and it was not Yelu Hongji who bullied her, but Song Qingshu.

"Then I will save you out of the palace now." Xiao Yuanshan stood up and said, he naturally didn't worry about allowing his daughter-in-law to stay in this deep palace. The ghost knew what would happen.

"But..." Thinking that Song Qingshu let her stay here, Azhu suddenly hesitated. She reached an agreement with the other party. To be honest, she didn't want to leave, but if she refused, she didn't know how to explain to the quasi-father-in-law.

"You are worried that Feng'er might be involved, don't worry, I have found a helper this time, and it won't be long before Feng'er can be rescued." Xiao Yuanshan laughed.

"Helper?" A Zhu was taken aback, showing a puzzled expression.

"Qing Shu, come in quickly." Xiao Yuanshan turned to the side, beckoning outside the window.

Soon a figure flashed in, and Song Qingshu saluted Ah Zhu: "Qing Shu has seen his sister-in-law." He just told Xiao Yuanshan to stay outside and let him go. Xiao Yuanshan wondered at this time that Ah Zhu was probably already asleep and made him young. It was indeed inconvenient for the man to enter his daughter-in-law's bedroom, so he didn't refuse, and went in to let Azhu be prepared.

As for Song Qingshu, he did not go in deliberately. He wanted to test whether A Zhu would reveal any secrets in his absence. Fortunately, it turns out that he has a good vision and A Zhu is not a stupid woman.

"It's you!" A Zhu's face changed suddenly when he saw the person's appearance.

Xiao Yuanshan also patted Song Qingshu on the shoulder without knowing it: "I didn't expect that with the help of Qingshu, even Longtan Tiger's Cave can rescue Feng'er."

Song Qingshu said: "This is natural. Big Brother Xiao is my righteous brother, and sister-in-law, you are kind to me. It is my duty to help me." While talking, he winked at Ah Zhu quietly.

Thinking of what happened to her in the royal study room before, and hearing him another sister-in-law, Ah Zhu suddenly felt that those two words were particularly harsh, but she couldn't say anything, and understood that the other party was also suggesting her, so she could only cooperate with him in acting tacitly. Get up: "Thank you so much...Master."

At the same time, I was secretly thankful that I didn't say anything nonsense just now, otherwise not only would he not be able to save Big Brother Xiao, but he might also have harmed his uncle.

"While it's dark now, let's leave this place quickly." Song Qingshu knew A Zhu's concerns and proactively raised it.

Ah Zhu was worried about him before, but now that he agrees, of course she doesn't hesitate anymore, after all, she doesn't want to stay in this cold and deep palace.

The two took A Zhu and fumbled out in the dark. A Zhu looked solemn along the way. They didn't know what Song Qingshu's idea was, but no matter how she racked her brains, she couldn't guess the other party's thoughts, so they could only worry about each other's thoughts. Follow him.

Seeing that there was still the last palace wall to leave, Azhu suddenly felt a pain in his ankle, subconsciously exclaimed "Ouch", and the whole person couldn't help but fall forward.

Song Qingshu held her in a hurry, showing a smile but a smile: "Why is my sister-in-law walking so carelessly?"

Seeing his expression, Al-Zhu instantly understood who the instigator was, and his teeth were itchy and he wanted to bite him. The vicinity of the palace wall was the most important part of the inspection in the palace. Her exclamation and the movement of the fall had already alarmed the guards not far away.

"Who?" A team of patrolling Ouchi guards quickly ran over here.

Xiao Yuanshan looked back at A Zhu and saw her frowning appearance, knowing that she might not be able to go anymore if she knew that she had injured her foot. At this time, when she heard the movement, the guards from all directions were rushing here, knowing that they would be in danger if they were caught in a heavy siege.

No matter how powerful martial arts masters in this world are, they still have to fight on the street when a large number of troops are encircled and suppressed. Xiao Yuanshan promptly made a decisive decision: "Qingshu, you take Azhu to leave first, here I will break it!"

A Zhu injured his foot, and the mobility of the three of them was greatly reduced. If they wanted to escape, they would be overtaken sooner or later. It would be better to divide the soldiers into two groups. After breaking all the way, they took A Zhu away all the way, because the one to save A Zhu was his prospective daughter-in-law. It’s not easy to let Song Qingshu stay to take risks. As for those who are left behind, without the drag of Azhu, it will be much easier to get out later.

All this was originally expected by Song Qingshu, so he didn't hesitate at all: "Okay, I'll see you in the palace in a moment." After he said, he flew out of the palace, holding A Zhu's waist.


Although I did not intend to accept Aju in my plan, how does it feel that the plot is a little out of control? Let's go with the flow.

In addition, I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

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