Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1591: Same body sisters

"What the **** do you want to do?" Azhu asked inconveniently in front of Xiao Yuanshan. As soon as she left her, she pushed the man next to her away and gave him a fierce look.

Song Qingshu just took her to fly out of the palace wall just to make a show. After a while outside, she returned to the palace. Now they are standing in a high tower in the palace, quietly watching Xiao Yuanshan in the distance falling into the palace guard. Heavy encirclement.

"I don't want to do anything, it's just the things I will do in the next period of time that I don't want to make Xiao Yuanshan bad." Song Qingshu replied lightly.

Ah Zhu's face changed: "You want to kill him?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "After all, he is Big Brother Xiao's father. How could I kill him? I just want him to get hurt, so let's stop for a while."

"You also know that Big Brother Xiao is your righteous brother!" Azhu pointed at him angrily.

Song Qingshu pulled her hand away, and said in a very emotional tone: "When you reach a certain height, people will be involuntary and can't act purely on their own liking. Maybe you will think that I said this hypocritically, but it is indeed mine. Real thoughts."

Ah Zhu didn’t say anything this time, because she remembered a lot, and thought of Young Master Murong’s determination to return to the country. From the beginning of her memorization, she had to practice martial arts to recruit heroes, and she didn’t even have time to respond to the love of the beautiful and fragrant Wang girl; Xiao Feng had been a Han Chinese for 30 years, but eventually had to return to the Liao country, making him inhumane inside and outside. He also thought of his biological father Duan Zhengchun, who, as a prince, also fell in love with his mother, but because he needed the support of the Baiyi people behind the princess , I can’t marry my mother back to Dali...

"Azhu, you are a very sensible girl. I hope we can cooperate happily this time. Two years later, you can also go to herding horses and sheep outside the Great Wall with Brother Xiao." Song Qingshu stood on the side of the railing and stood with his hands holding hands. It was cold at night. The wind blew his clothes and hunted, and he seemed to have a kind of detachment different from the world at this moment.

"I hope you can count on your words." Azhu sighed quietly, full of frustration.

"Will there be anything wrong with Uncle Xiao?" Azhu asked worriedly as more and more guards came around.

"Don't worry, with Xiao Yuanshan's martial arts, it's okay to get out, but it's just a little hurt," Song Qingshu continued, "Okay, let's go."

"Go back to the palace?" Aju's face was expressionless.

"Go back to the Great Palace of the South Court." As soon as Song Qingshu's voice fell, A Zhu couldn't help but brighten up, after all, in her heart, she had already regarded it as home.

Next, Song Qingshu took Azhu down from the tower. During the whole process, Azhu was marveling at his unrivaled accomplishment, and even forgot that the other party was still holding her waist.

When he returned to the Great Palace of the South Court, Song Qingshu did not enter through the front door. Originally, since Xiao Feng was imprisoned, the palace was in decline, and the guarding force was naturally far less than before. If Song Qingshu hadn't specially deployed a team of soldiers to guard the palace in order to monitor Azhu, maybe this place had already been patronized by many snitches.

"Sister, are you back?" A purple-clothed girl jumped out to greet her. When she saw Song Qingshu, her face was even more smiling, "Lord... good Brother Song."

Originally, she planned to call the master, but suddenly realized that shouting in front of outsiders would cause him trouble, so she changed her words temporarily-in her opinion, only the master is her own, and the sister or something is naturally an outsider.

Song Qingshu had turned her into her own female-slave at the time, but she was not so smart, and the effect disappeared after a short time. Zi also woke up. At first she was very angry. After all, she was confused and lost. She was a girl, but when she knew how powerful her cheap "master" was, she couldn't help turning her anger into joy.

Growing up in a place like the Sea of ​​Stars, she admired the strong most in her bones, not to mention Song Qingshu is so young and handsome! Especially the longer you stay in Central Plains, the more rumors you will hear about him, and the man who has created so many miracles is completely banished to the world!

Moreover, I heard that he is still in the dreams of many ladies and girls. Azi felt a deep sense of crisis, so he became more determined to follow him. Therefore, his attitude towards Song Qingshu is no less than that of the time when he was removed. .

As for Song Qingshu, as a man, he naturally enjoys having a girl who respects him so much. Although Azi's insidiousness makes him a little unhappy, it is harmless to him today.

"Azhu, go back to the room and rest first, I have something to tell Azi." Song Qingshu said to Azhu.

"What do you want to do to Azi?" Azhu guarded his sister behind him vigilantly, as if he was just a greedy wolf in front of him.

Seeing her look like guardian, Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing, and looked at Azi behind her: "Azi, your sister asked me what I want to do to you, how should I answer."

Azi pushed her sister's hand away, flashed out from behind her, and replied with a grin, "The master can do anything to Azi."

Seeing the appearance of his younger sister, Azhu suddenly became confused. Although he had previously speculated about the relationship between his younger sister and Song Qingshu, he was still shocked when he confirmed it with his own ears. What was even more shocking was his sister's address to him: "How do you call his master?"

Azi walked to Song Qing's writing and knelt down slowly, holding his thigh and acting coquettishly: "I am a slave of the master, so why don't you call the master?"

Ah Zhu's whole body is dumbfounded: "Do you know what kind of person he is? In fact, he is not as good as a gentleman on the surface..."

"I know what kind of person the master is better than my sister, but I don't think there is anything, and such a person can turn his hands for the clouds and rain, and he is the real powerhouse." A Zi rolled his eyes. , I thought to myself that this elder sister is really silly and sweet, if the master is a decent gentleman, how can I become his slave girl?

"Do you...Do you know that?" Azhu couldn't help feeling a little bit distressed when he saw his sister taking the magic-spirit medicine.

"So what do they know, so what if they don't? They have abandoned me since I was born, and have never nurtured me, can they still take care of my business?" A Zi curled his lips, if she would have been because of Duan Zhengchun before. Knowing him as a cheap daddy, now the owner is also the prince, and the king of the Central Plains, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers under his fertile soil, far from a remote and small country that can’t even take a concubine. You don't need to worry so much.

"Really... I don't bother to care about you!" Seeing her not getting in, A Zhu stomped his feet and trot back to his house so angry.

After she left, Zi got up and offered tea and water: "Master, please sit down. Would you like Zi to squeeze her shoulders for her."

"No," Song Qingshu reached out and stopped her, "I have something for you to do when I come over this time."

"What's the matter?" Azi's eyes brightened. She was born in the sea of ​​stars. In some aspects, she is more mature than ordinary women. She knows how to show her value in a timely manner to maintain her position for a long time. Although she prides herself on being beautiful, but the master is surrounded by all the great beauties of the country, which puts her under a lot of pressure.

Azi knows that beauty alone can hardly have a place in the owner's heart. He can only increase weight in other areas. Now that he hears that the other party needs her for something, how can he not be pleased?


Originally planned to resume two more updates during this period, but the editor asked me to save the 20w manuscript, and he went to get me a good recommendation. The grades of this book are not good enough, and the monk also wants to make a rush. During this time Write more and save the manuscripts, and strive for a one-time burst of scores in the middle and late next month. In order to save 20w as soon as possible, the monk has to continue to update recently. Don't hit me...

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