Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1592: Can An Neng identify me as a sister?

"I need you to pretend to be Azhu next..." Song Qingshu slowly said his plan again.

"It's fun!" Hearing that she wanted to pretend to be Ah Zhu and stay next to Xiao Feng to watch him, A Zi couldn't help but her eyes flashed. She was a temperament who feared that the world would not be chaotic. Hearing such an interesting thing naturally made his expression excited.

"Fun?" Song Qingshu sneered, "This matter is very important, but you can't play it. You and your sister have very different personalities. Can you succeed in impersonating her?" This is also his most uncertain point. You must know Xiao Feng This person looks rough, but his heart is as thin as a hair. If he doesn't pay attention, he will find flaws.

"I don't know anything else, I'm the best at deceiving people in my life." Azi raised his chin and said very proudly.

Song Qingshu nodded, not very skeptical about this. After all, as a weak girl, she can live on both sides of the star sect that the wolves are looking at while maintaining her innocence, relying on her deceptive little mouth. .

When he thought that the old fox Ding Chunqiu had been deceived by him to send Wang Ding, the most precious sacred tree of the town, Song Qingshu couldn't help but gain a little confidence.

"You first go to your sister to find a set of clothes and change on, I'll see the effect." Song Qingshu ordered.

"Okay~" A Zijiao laughed and left happily.

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing. Seeing her enthusiasm, this plan should be okay... Next, while Azi was going to change clothes, he began to refine the details of this plan in his mind, so as not to reveal any flaws. .

Suddenly he felt something. He raised his head and looked out the door. He saw a girl in red dress standing pretty at the door. His brows were slightly frowned. Before he had time to speak, the other party spoke first: "Let Ah Zi change. My clothes, what do you want to do?"

Song Qingshu was taken aback: "Where's Azi, why hasn't she come yet?"

"She's still changing clothes, I asked her what you want to do, she didn't say anything," Azhu frowned, "So I ran to ask you."

"I naturally have something for her to do. As for anything, I won't tell you anything," Song Qingshu paused and added, "Sometimes the less you know, the safer you are. You should have a deep understanding of this sentence. ." He didn't intend to tell the other party about Azi pretending to be her, otherwise Azhu worried that it would be bad for Xiao Feng after hearing it, and maybe something will happen again.

"No, I can't let you do things that hurt her!" Azhu came over, looking at him with some resentment and fear.

"You obediently listen to my arrangements, is the best way to protect her." Song Qingshu replied lightly, obviously not planning to continue this kind of meaningless conversation with her.

Who knows that Ah Zhu suddenly chuckled and laughed: "Master, you are good or bad, and you are actually threatening your sister with the safety of others. It is really stupid to say that your sister is really stupid. She is indeed the kind of idiot who is sold and paid for the number of people. "

Song Qingshu: "???"

"Are you Azi?" Song Qingshu looked at her in shock, knowing that he didn't expect it to be her just now!

"Well, Ah Zi pretends to look like it." As he said, Zi opened his hands and circled triumphantly in front of him, completely showing Ah Zhu's clothes and his exquisite curves.

"Yes, it looks like it." Song Qingshu exclaimed sincerely, suddenly thinking of something, and a playful smile appeared on his face, "Well, it's getting late today, and I won't go back. I will go to your room to sleep tonight. "

Zi's ​​face changed slightly, but she quickly concealed the past: "Okay, it is Zi's greatest honor to serve the master."

"Where is your sister?" Song Qingshu asked curiously.

"As soon as I entered the room, she asked me questions. I was annoyed by the question and clicked on her acupuncture points. She should be sleeping soundly now." A Zi pouted, as if he was quite to her sister. impatient.

"She was terrified and afraid that all day, her mind had been exhausted, so it's okay to tap acupuncture points to let her rest." Song Qingshu nodded, obviously agreeing with her approach.

Being praised by him, Azi smiled triumphantly, and took the opportunity to ask: "By the way, master, besides passing on information to Xiao Feng, what else do I have to do?"

"What else do you want to do?" Song Qingshu wrapped her arms around her waist, feeling the slender warm touch, "Where is your room?"

"Then... over there," Azi lowered his head, unable to see his expression for a while, "Don't you need to check Xiao Feng's means, if he finds a flaw and knows the truth, how should I control it in the first place? Live him?"

"You restrain him?" Song Qingshu laughed dumbly, "Xiao Feng crosses the world, do you want to restrain him with the three-legged cat skills?"

"Poison can be used." Azi said with a grin, eyes flashing.

"What invisible fans, bliss thorns, heart-destructive bullets from your Astral Sect?" Song Qingshu curled his lips in disdain.

"Azi's poison is not good, the master is so powerful, there must be a poison that can deal with him in his hand." Azi shook his arm, and said with a spoiled face.

"Yes, such as the Three Corpse Brain Pill, Leopard Tire Yijing Pills and the like." Song Qingshu replied casually.

A Zi's eyes lit up: "I've heard of these two strangely poisonous names in the Astral Sect. Are they really unsolvable except for the poisoner?"

"Of course," Song Qingshu immediately showed an impatient look, "didn't I tell you before?"

"Really?" A Zi was startled, and hurriedly moved away from the subject. "Master, when your business is finished, will you really let them go to herding sheep outside the Great Wall?"

"Why do you ask?" At this moment the two had already walked into the room, and Song Qingshu closed the door easily.

"Just curious." A Zi replied with a grin.

"Curious?" Song Qingshu hugged her in his arms and rolled onto the bed. "I am more curious about your body than that at this time."

A trace of panic appeared on Azi's face and hurriedly said, "Master, don't worry, I haven't had time to take a bath today. My body is very dirty. I will take a shower before serving the master."

After speaking, she wanted to get up and left, but Song Qingshu was pulled back to the bed. She was struggling to get up, but Song Qingshu turned over and rode on her, making her unable to move.

"I can't wait that long," Song Qingshu leaned to her neck and sniffed, "Tsk tsk, it smells so fragrant, where is it dirty."

Feeling that the other party was beginning to untie his clothes, A Zi's eyes flashed a trace of panic, and he hurriedly grabbed his hand: "Master, you haven't answered other people's questions yet. It's very uncomfortable for them to hang on."

"When did you start to make conditions with me?" Song Qingshu narrowed his smile and looked at her with a sorrowful expression.

Azi was startled, and hurriedly said, "Master, I was wrong. I hope Master has a lot. Forgive me this time."

"Forgive?" Song Qingshu looked at her playfully, "It just happened that your sister made a anger today, so let's just pretend to be your sister to serve me next. You must imitate her mentality, words and deeds. Once I see a flaw, I can't spare you!"

Hearing what he said, a hint of shame and anger flashed across Ah Zi's face.


Yesterday, the official account wanted to investigate the criteria for readers to choose a spouse. The expected answer is whether they prefer beautiful and **** ones or ordinary-looking but gentle housekeepers. Who knows that your answer is all "like others' wives". Monk: "???"

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