Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1593: Sister's sister

"How can you have such an idea of ​​a beast!" A Zi stared at him bitterly.

Song Qingshu was stunned: "Are you a beast? You used to encourage me to get your sisters in bed together, and you said that you can help me fix your sister. Why are you talking about me a beast?"

A Zi was startled, then showed a hint of shame, muttering to herself: "That dead girl is really hard to change!"

"What did you say?" Song Qingshu looked at her suspiciously.

"It's nothing," Azi bit her lip, and suddenly looked at him with wide eyes. "Are you really thinking about me...My sister thinks that way?"

"It's a lie to say that it's not," Song Qingshu smiled slightly, "but I can distinguish between **** and reason. After all, she is Big Brother Xiao's woman, so I can't hold back her face to attack her."

Hearing his confession to his sister, Ah Zi couldn't help blushing, and muttered in a low voice: "You've done it so many times, but I don't know how many times I can't help it."

"Why do you like to whisper now?" Song Qingshu said dissatisfiedly.

"It's nothing, let me go!" A Zi hurriedly reached out and tried to push the man away from him. Unfortunately, her little strength was like a ox into the sea, and it didn't work at all. In the end, her hands could only turn into powder fists, constantly beating them. On the man's chest.

Song Qingshu nodded, revealing a hint of satisfaction: "Yes, it looks a little bit like."

"What kind of look, I am A Zhu!" A Zi said with embarrassment.

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up: "Yes, continue to perform, just keep it like this." Unknowingly, a hand reached into her skirt.

Azi almost fainted: "I'm your sister-in-law, you can't do this kind of thing!"

Song Qingshu's smile grew thicker, and the other hand gently stroked her cheek: "Azi, I never found out that you have such superb acting skills before. Yes, just like that, let your sister swim like that. The feeling of struggling to walk on the edge of physical integrity and moral integrity is shown."

"Song Qingshu, you bastard!" Azi raised her head and wanted to bite him, but unfortunately she was crushed all over her body. The range of her head up was really limited and she couldn't bite at all. "I am Azhu, you just brought it back from the palace. Aju!"

Song Qing laughed: "Yes, not bad, you have successfully aroused my desire-hope, that's it..."

Feeling the oppression coming from the other party’s body, Azi finally panicked, knowing that if he continues like this, he might be confused by what he has done, and quickly explained: "Azi came to my room to borrow my clothes just now, my heart When she was puzzled, she asked her what she was going to do, but she was so strict that she didn't reveal anything at all, so I tapped her acupuncture points while she was unprepared, and then pretended that she was here to get some news..."

After speaking, he looked at Song Qingshu nervously, hoping that he could believe his words and let him go.

"Oh?" Song Qingshu showed a thoughtful expression, but he quickly smiled, "Azi, the master is very satisfied. In order to please me, you made me believe that you can actually make up such a story. It really makes me look different and admire me. ."

"Azi" almost fainted out of breath, and called out directly: "I am really Azhu, how can you believe it!"

Feeling that her tone did not look like a fake, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile stiffly: "Are you really Azhu?"

"Really~Azi" almost didn't cry. This time she was clever and came over to listen to the news, but the news didn't detect anything. Instead, she fell into wolf claws again. She looked down at the other party's big hand in her shirt. She was simply Crying without tears.

"How to prove it?" Song Qingshu didn't dare to be careless, and said in a deep voice.

Ah Zhu almost broke down, thinking what is this called, need to prove that he is himself? But now she doesn’t care about so much, and hurriedly said: “I wanted to report to Yelu Hongji that Queen Xiao Guanyin was a fake person in the palace. I planned to use this as a condition to save Big Brother Xiao, but I suddenly found out. Yelu Hongji was also a disguised person, but I didn't expect that person was you..."

She quickly recounted what happened in the palace before. In order to make her words more convincing, she didn't even let go of every detail, and even blushingly mentioned the other party's violation of her.

Song Qingshu then suddenly said, "Yes, with A Zhu's temperament, I would never tell anyone else, Zi naturally didn't know, are you really A Zhu?"

Hearing his words, Azhu nodded hurriedly, so excited that tears almost shed: "I am!"

Song Qingshu also looked depressed: "You said you were fine and okay, what did you pretend to be Azi? It made everyone embarrassed..."

Azhu turned his face away, originally wanted to scold him, but when I thought about it, it was no wonder that he was clever but was mistaken and self-sufficient, but let her be considerate and be taken over by another man again. It was too cheap for her to let go, and tears fell straight down her grievances for a while.

"Can you get up now?" Feeling the oppressive masculinity of the other party, A Zhu was flustered, and at the same time he secretly scolded A Zi for a half to death. What is the relationship between this dead girl and Song Qingshu? She played so crazy in private on weekdays. ... Actually still using himself behind the back to please the lover.

"I'm really sorry." Song Qingshu hurriedly got up, but forgot that her hand was still in the breast of her clothes. This time she was too strong and directly tore most of her clothes on her chest, exposing large areas of white and crystal skin.

"Sao Rui Sao Rui, I really didn't mean it?" Song Qingshu quickly turned around, explaining with embarrassment on his face.

Ah Zhu was very calm this time. He sat up silently, took up a piece of clothing and wrapped it around his body: "It doesn't matter, you've seen it before anyway."

Hearing what she said, Song Qingshu became more embarrassed. A Zhu stood up and said: "I'm leaving." After speaking, she hurriedly walked out. When she reached the door, she suddenly stopped her figure: "Right, in the future. Secretly with Azi...when you are intimate with each other in private, don't...don't involve me in it." After speaking, he fled and left.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but laughed. It seemed that she had just heard that she and A Zi were playing role-playing games in private on weekdays. There was no lack of yy in her.

After a while, A Zhu went and returned again, but she was surprised that she changed into a new dress this time, and Song Qingshu was taken aback: "Why are you back again?"

"Azhu" chuckled, "Master, I'll pretend to be like you, even you can't tell the difference between me and my sister."

Song Qingshu has a black line: "You are ashamed to say that just because of your mistake, I almost made a big mistake."

Azi was also scornful. After all, she had always been self-proclaimed wit that she had been dealt with by the despised silly Baitian sister, which made her feel extremely embarrassed.

However, after taking a look at the other person’s expression, Azi suddenly trot over and hugged his arm and acted like a baby: "Isn’t this a chance for the master to let her sister give her a hug, how did the master fix her? Did she do it? Azi served well..."

Hearing her series of questions, the more explicit the questions became, Song Qingshu couldn't help a black line: "What kind of evil is your little brain, she is your sister!"


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