Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1594: Entrusted non-human

"My sister?" Azi curled his lips. "Since I was a child, I struggled to survive, but after more than ten years, a pair of parents suddenly appeared, and another sister appeared, hehe...Anyway... There is no owner."

Song Qingshu was silent for a moment. When she thought that she grew up in a place like the Astral Sect, she didn’t know how much she had suffered, and she couldn’t say anything to blame. She stretched out her hand and stroked her hair: "Little Azi, I won’t do it in the future. Let you be bullied."

Who knows Azi's little mouth pouted: "I don't want it~"

"??" Song Qingshu looked at her confusedly, wondering why she refused.

Then Azi leaned over to her and said with a smile: "I like being bullied by my master the most."

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing and cursing: "It really is a little witch!"

"Do you want to bully me? They are wearing older sister's clothes now?" Azi licked her lips, and there was a fascination between a girl and a young woman between her eyebrows.

"Uh~" Song Qingshu's heart trembled, wondering why Ah Zhu had to remind himself before he left, that he should not get involved with her when he was playing with Zi. It seemed that he was really prescient.

Suddenly he raised his head thoughtfully and looked out the window, and said to A Zi: "It looks like Xiao Yuanshan is back. You take off A Zhu's clothes and change back to your own clothes."

"Okay!" A Zi also knew that this matter had to be kept from Xiao Feng and his son. Now naturally she can't show up in A Zhu's clothes. She walked to the closet next to Song Qingshu and took off her dress directly, revealing it. The beautiful girl's body, then slowly put on her own clothes.

Song Qingshu knew that this little demon girl was going to seize the opportunity to seduce herself, but at this time he has something to do, but he has no time to respond to her enthusiasm: "Remember to leave in front of Xiao Yuanshan later. It's best to let him misunderstand you because When Xiao Feng fell, he felt that the catastrophe was imminent and he did not want to join them in the adversity."

Since he intends to make A Zi impersonate A Zhu, then there must be a reasonable explanation for A Zi's disappearance, otherwise it will easily arouse the suspicion of Xiao Feng and his son.

Azi obviously guessed what he was thinking, and smiled and agreed: "No problem."

After she changed her clothes, Song Qingshu took her out and went to the lobby, and found that A Zhu was bandaging Xiao Yuanshan's wounds.

"It's not a big deal, this little injury is not in the eyes of the old man." Xiao Yuanshan pretended to be heroic and comforted A Zhu, who was secretly crying, but he was severely short of breath when he spoke and deeply betrayed him.

"Uncle, don't talk, lest the wound will burst again." Azhu said hurriedly.

Song Qingshu stepped forward at this moment: "Senior Xiao, why did you suffer such a severe injury?" Although he said that, he was very satisfied in his heart. He originally wanted to use the hand of the Ouchi guard to hit him hard and let him pick it up. Take a good rest for the next few days, don't go out and run around, so as not to affect his plan.

Al-Zhu obviously knew it too. He looked up and glared at him unhappily, but he couldn't help but think of what had just happened when he came into contact with his smiling eyes. He hurriedly lowered his head with a guilty conscience, and at the same time a layer of faintly raised his neck. The color of halo.

Xiao Yuanshan's rough branches and leaves naturally did not notice the eye contact between the two, but instead, Ah Zi, who was on the side, looked thoughtful in his eyes.

"I won't stay here long, lest people find out that the soldiers outside are all Yelv Hongji's lackeys," Xiao Yuanshan touched his wounds when he spoke, and couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath. "I mainly came here to take a look. Seeing you, since you are safe and sound, I'm relieved. In the next period of time, I will find a place to heal my wounds. I am afraid I can't look after you. I can only trouble Qingshu.

On the side of Ah Zi's face was a smile that was not a smile, thinking that if you leave your daughter-in-law to take care of the master, he still has to take care of the person on the bed?

Azhu obviously thought of something similar, but she couldn't tell the truth, so she could only lower her head silently.

Song Qingshu smiled and replied: "Senior Xiao, don't worry, I will protect my sister-in-law during this time."

Hearing his promise, Xiao Yuanshan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but A Zhu and A Zi sipped in secret. It is rare for sisters with different personalities to reach an agreement on the same thing.

"Azi, take care of your sister for a while." Xiao Yuanshan was about to leave, and suddenly thought that Song Qingshu and Azhu are different between men and women after all. Some things are better for Azi to come forward.

He thought that Azi would promise, who knew she snorted: "I am leaving the capital soon, but I don't have the time to take care of her."

"Your sister-in-law is in danger, are you leaving at this time?" Xiao Yuanshan's eyebrows were erected in an instant, as if he would slap at any time.

"Since my brother-in-law was in jail, I have stayed here for long enough, and I am considered to be the most benevolent," Azi said nonchalantly, not worried about Xiao Yuanshan at all, after all, there is an omnipotent master next to her, so she won't see her. Being bullied, "I recently heard that an ice silkworm appeared in Jiangnan. If I missed such a rare fetish, I'm afraid I won't be able to find it for a lifetime."

"What are the poisonous attacks of your Astral Sect that are not on the stage? When the time comes, Feng'er and I will pass you one or two stunts a hundred times better than Astral Sect?" Xiao Yuanshan knew that A Zi had stolen Ding Chunqiu after being together for so long. The Shenmu Wangding of Shenmu was practicing poison attack, and the ice silkworm was the top furnace ding, so he didn't doubt the other party's words.

"If your martial arts are useful, you won't be labeled as such." A Zi curled his lips and said with a disdainful expression.

Xiao Yuanshan almost suffocated his breath, wondering if you know how many big insiders besieged me today? It’s a little bit close to changing to a martial arts. I’m afraid I’ve already been hacked to death with a knife. How can I save my life like me?

However, he couldn't hold back his face to argue with a little girl. An old face was flushed. Fortunately, Ah Zhu who was on the side relieved him: "Uncle don't have to force her, she has her own things to do. My side is now I don't need her to take care of it." In fact, she also faintly guessed that her sister's departure was just a cover, but it was a pity that she couldn't and didn't dare to tell Xiao Yuanshan.

"Humph!" Xiao Yuanshan snorted coldly, and left with an abundance of anger. Song Qingshu quietly followed behind him. Seeing him turning over the city wall by night and heading for the outskirts of the vast mountains, he knew that he was indeed looking for a place to heal his wounds.

"Because the injury he suffered has not been more than half a month, it will not be healed. This period of time is enough." Song Qingshu secretly nodded, confirming that he would not have bad things again, and then turned back to the Southern Courtyard Grand Prince's Mansion.

Seeing him back, Ah Zhu, who was anxious, hurried over and asked: "You won't be a victim of uncle when you go out?"

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