Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1595: Wife is worse than concubine

Song Qingshu's face turned black: "Is this image in my sister-in-law's heart?"

Azhu replied indifferently: "Naturally not before, but now, haha..." She didn't say it clearly, but the meaning was already obvious.

However, Ah Zi looked cold: "If the master is so cruel and cruel, how can it be so troublesome to kill Xiao Feng and his son directly and drag you to the harem-palace to teach-teach, do you have the slightest resistance? "

Song Qingshu glanced at A Zi unexpectedly, this girl became more and more pleasing to him.

Ah Zhu was trembling with anger, and pointed at her angrily: "Whose sister are you, do you say that?"

"What sister, I only know that I am the master's little Azi." Azi made a grimace, jumped directly to Song Qingshu's side, and looked at her like a demonstration with his arm around him.

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel," Song Qingshu interrupted the quarrel between the sisters. "Although Azi's words are a bit awkward, but the meaning is not wrong, if I hadn't been thinking about the old love, it was so troublesome, you should know best. ."

Ah Zhu opened his mouth, but found that he could not refute his words, and had to be silent.

"Okay, then you pack your things and live with me in the palace." Song Qingshu ordered that he will sit in the palace for some time. It is really inconvenient to run back and forth inside and outside the palace. Go to the palace, anyway, now Xiao Yuanshan is hiding in the deep mountains to recuperate, Xiao Feng is locked in a prison again, and I don't know where Azhu has gone.

"Okay, okay!" When she heard that she was going to the palace, Aziz became excited. She was already curious about novelty, let alone the palace, which is so attractive to girls in the world?

Contrary to Azi's elation, Azhu has a sad look: "Can't I stay here?" She feels at home in her heart, and being in the palace really makes her sleepless.

"What do you think?" Song Qingshu said lightly, "I brought you out before just to deal with Xiao Yuanshan. Do you really think you are free?"

Arju was at a loss for words, so he could only turn his head away aggrievedly.

"Okay, bring all your clothes and jewelry, uh, Zi, you don’t need to bring them. Then you will wear Ah Zhu’s clothes. At the same time, you spend this time with her day and night, imitating in every detail. It must be exactly the same." Song Qingshu ordered.

"Okay~" Azi smiled sweetly, thinking of the upcoming mission, her eyes faintly glowed with excitement.

"What the **** do you want Azi to pretend to be me?" Azhu finally couldn't help but questioned. Before she pretended to be Azi to investigate, she had a vague guess, but she was not very sure.

"What are you doing?" A wicked smile appeared on Song Qingshu's mouth. "Since I can't get you because of benevolence, righteousness and morality, then I will tune-teach you who are exactly the same to talk about masturbation, can't you?"

Azi's eyes lit up, not only did he not lose the slightest but fear that the world would not be chaotic: "Okay, okay, master, you finally accepted my original proposal."

Azhu flushed with shame, wishing to strangle this **** sister, but she didn't think about it, because she knew that Song Qingshu's main purpose should be to put an eyeliner next to Big Brother Xiao so as to monitor him at any time, not just for talking. So boring and dirty use.

A Zhu had planned to delay for a while, but he couldn't hold back Azi's energetic energy, and soon helped her pack all the daily necessities, clothes and jewelry, so that she could not find a reason to stay here.

Soon Song Qingshu took the sisters back to the palace. Although he had a gold medal for entering and leaving the palace at any time, Azhu had a special status. In order not to leave a flaw in the future, he decided to sneak into the palace with Shuangshu quietly.

With the light work of Azhu and Azi's three-legged cat, I am afraid that even the outermost courtyard wall of the palace can't be turned over, let alone escaped from the patrol of the Ouchi guards, so Song Qingshu can only hold them one by one and fly in.

Thanks to Song Qingshu's lightness and high enough skill, and the two girls are petite and exquisite, they are not too heavy. Otherwise, it would be difficult to hold two people in and out of the heavily guarded palace at will.

Being held by him, Azi is naturally 10,000 willing, Azhu is obviously 10,000 unwilling, but she has nothing to do, plus it’s not the first time I was hugged, and I was used to holding it. Up.

Song Qingshu hugged the two women and galloped in the palace, feeling the softness of the two women's bodies, and couldn't help but feel a little proud: "Left and right hugging, still a pair of sisters-flowers, tusk, the husband is like this!"

"Sister, sister, the host's evil smile must have not thought of anything good, maybe he is thinking about getting our sisters in bed together." Azi suddenly said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Song Qingshu almost didn't change it in one breath, fell from the sky and glared at her quickly: "Don't talk nonsense."

At this time, Ah Zhu was already flushed with shame, but the picture described by her younger sister could not help appearing in her mind. When she thought of the scene of Song Qingshu waiting for Song Qingshu on the bed with her younger sister, she felt ashamed and angry that she felt a little bit weak.

A Zi has a mouth that can't be idle, like a bird who keeps chatting: "Master, you are holding your sister and me at the same time. Who of us feels better?"

Ah Zhu finally couldn't stand her anymore and gave her a fierce look: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

"Hmph, you need to control~" Azi raised her chin, obviously not paying attention to her threat.

Naturally, Song Qingshu would not answer such boring questions, but in his mind it is inevitable to compare secretly: the two sisters are very similar in figure, but there are differences in detail. Azi's waist is full of elasticity and vitality, that is the youthful breath of a girl; And Azhu's waist should be slightly plump and soft, which should be unique to the Jiangnan water village.

"Master, don't you be so pretentious, your expression must be secretly comparing our sisters." Azi giggled.

Song Qingshu's old face was hot, and couldn't help snorting: "Believe it or not, I will sew your mouth?"

Azhu turned away, pretending that he had not heard the conversation between the two, but he was also a little curious: In his heart, who is better, Azi or I?

Although she knew that she shouldn't have such thoughts, she is a woman after all, and comparison is also a woman's nature, but it is obviously impossible to know the answer after reading Song Qingshu's secretive look.

Noting her look, Azi's eyes rolled roundly: "Sister, don't worry, you are definitely better than me in the master's heart."

"Why?" Azhu turned her head and asked subconsciously, but she was annoyed as soon as she said it. Doesn't this mean that she has been caring about this matter all the time.

Song Qingshu looked at her in surprise, and Azi smiled so that both eyes were bent like crescent moons: "Because this is the nature of a man. A wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than stealing. If you can't steal, you belong to sister. The kind that can't be stolen."

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